

Magical Realism
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Lee la novela HIRE A HACKER TO RECOVER YOUR STOLEN BITCOIN___FAYED HACKER escrita por el autor Commey_Tommy publicada en WebNovel. A few facts about Fayed Ethical HackFayed Hacker Services is a secure and user-friendly freelancing platform that connects clients with skilled hackers, ensuring their interests and identities are saf...


A few facts about Fayed Ethical Hack Fayed Hacker Services is a secure and user-friendly freelancing platform that connects clients with skilled hackers, ensuring their interests and identities are safeguarded. Our platform has facilitated successful connections between over 190,322 clients and hackers from 100 countries, regions, and territories worldwide. We provide a user friendly environment that protects the interests and identities of both the clients and hackers.

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Bayiku bersama orang tua prianya

Nasib buruk dimulai hari ini, dimana aku bertemu dgnnya.. kupikir dia mencintaiku.. ooh ternyata tidak.. dia hanya ingin menikmatiku saja dibalik pernikahan kontrak. Rasanya ingin ku campakkan.. tp kebutuhan hidupku sudah ditanggungnya. Jgnkan untuk sesuap nasi, bahkan perhiasan, mobil, apartemen mewah dan segala isinya sudah ku dapatkan. lalu aku masih jg tak bisa meredam amarah dan cemburuku bila dy pergi dgn kekasih prianya. Oh God.. apa yg sudah ku lakukan. dy tidak mencintaiku, dy mencintai teman prianya. ------------------------- Suatu sore, dy datang kpdku memberiku sebuah pertanyaan yg membuatku bergetar utk menjawab.. "Apakah pernikahan ini akan menghasilkan anak ??" Oh..no! Tentu saja tidak.. kau tak akan mgkn memberiku keturunan.. kau tak akan mgkn melakukannya.. ---------------------------- buuuuggggh......tubuhku didorongnya, perlahan bajuku pun dicampaknya.. dia sudah di atasku.. terlihat jelas otot dan harum tubuhnya di atasku.. cobaan apa lg ini.. ------------------------------ Oh God.. dia tidak memakai kontrasepsinya.. apa yg dia inginkan ?!?!? Akupun bertanya-tanya dlm hati.. ------------------------------ Setiap malam dia menyetubuhiku, membuat aku terlena dengan perlakuannya.. dia sangat manis dan menawan.. lalu, kenapa dia lebih memilih teman prianya.. aku seksi cantik dan menarik.. tubuhku selalu harum dan bergelora.. pertanyaan itu terus menghantuiku.. --------------------------- Ahhhh aku hamil! Aku mengandung anakmu! Kau harus tanggung jawab!! Hei apa yg sedang kau katakan, aku ini suamimu.. yes.. tp bagaimana jika pernikahan kontrak ini selesai?? Aku menangis... aku tidak habis pikir apa yg sudah kuperbuat... _____________________ 1 minggu lg pernikahan ini selesai, ku harap kau mau terus membesarkan anak kita.. Untuk apa? Bukankah kau tak menginginkannya? Dengan anak ini kita tidak akan berpisah.. kau akan selalu membutuhkan dan mencariku setiap waktu.. lalu, mengapa kau tak melanjutkan pernikahan ini saja?? tidak enny... itu tidak mungkin.. teman priaku tak akan mengijinkannya.. dia hanya ingin anak ini.. Maksudmu apa ? Ya.. anak ini milikku dan akan tinggal bersamaku dan dia.. tidak mungkin!!! tenang enny, kau tak akan kehilangannya.. kau akan bertemu dengannya kapanpun kau mau.. dia hanya ingin memiliki keturunan dariku.. tolong enny.. kau bisa ambil semua uang yang km mau.. ________________________ Kebodohan apa yg sudah kuperbuat.. keputusan apa yg sudah aku setujui.. akupun pergi meninggalkan apartemen ini dan juga meninggalkan bayiku untuk diasuh dengan orang tua prianya..

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His Veiled Mural

[Mature Content. No rape] After Rivienne, the daughter of the Grand Duke Carmillion of the Vassilios Empire, got into a deathly accident at such a young age, everyone thought that she was living in the countryside, getting better in her fragile health. Nevertheless, she became a gorgeous lady and the future monarch of the empire. Yet she wanted nothing but to close her eyes forever and get rid of her existence. Despite her name, her dreams, her hateful family, and her arrogant fiancé, Rivienne wore a mask of innocence, tangling with an assignment, only to protect the imperium from the enemies. But her fated love and the cursed prince who craved her misery and feasted upon it would never have the will to let go of her. Would she be able to break her chains and sore in the sky? Or would she be devil-bound and live as she hated the most? [EXCERPTS] She was burning. She felt her heart thundering. Her ragged breath could melt iron. She fell on her knees when the water was right before her. The fire within her screamed for her to spread their wings, yet she did not want to. The world was not worthy enough for her to destroy.  Sweating buckets, she gasped for the air, facing the ceiling lying on the floor. She wanted to rip off the sticky petticoat along with her skin. Under the dim light of candles, she thought, 'So this is how I die,' She scoffed, gulping. 'This was how Rivienne died without dying,' Perfect! "Oh! Dear," His mocking voice did not even let her finish her life. She eyed him with utter hatred as the angelic man, stained with blood, stopped biting his inner cheek and tossed away the bloody dagger, pushing himself up from the door he was leaning on, watching leisurely. And then he approached his dear painter. "Would you look at this?" He wiped the blood on his unreadable face with the back of his palm and sighed, looking at her. "Get lost!"  She was able to tell him the most important thing. Disappear from my life. Everything was confusing after this man. And he never listened. Still keeping his dull expression, he scooped her with one swift movement as she began to kick him, wiggling, wasting her last drop of energy. It was useless. He shoved her into the bathtub abruptly, imprisoning her beneath him in the icy water.  She kept rebelling against his force, pushing him away and cursing. When the opening occurred, she cupped his neck.  Kill him! Burn him! Her ears echoed.  "... You little!" He gritted his teeth, and his jaw twitched, enduring the monstrous pain she brought. Her lips curved up victoriously and stubbornly when he was defeated. Yet it did not last long. He dipped her in the water in a blink, taking the hand that almost killed him as he clashed his lips with hers, becoming the blizzard for her flaming hell.  *Vote and check out the images of some scenes in paragraph comments. **Cover is mine. Do not use images without permission.

_Hellion · Fantasía
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