
Him and Time are just right

Suzy White has always had a crush on Lexis, the popular boy in school but she knows it will always be just a silly crush. But fate has a way setting things, when her Father suddenly dies and she is left all alone then a really close friend of her dad comes and takes her in, she is shocked to find out he is no other than Lexis' father. As she spends time with Lexis, she realizes that there is more to him than the eyes meet. Will Suzy accept him even after finding out the secret he has been hiding from her relating to her father's death?

Shy_gal_Cizzy · Adolescente
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

I was standing in front of my locker when I was suddenly shoved into the locker, I groaned in pain as I turned around to Amber with her two sidekicks. 

"Hey, can't you watch where you are going?" She had this eerie look on her face. What the heck is she talking about, I was even walking so how would I have ...

She grabbed my hair "look at me and play attention when I am talking to you, freck"

"That hurts.."

"How have you been, I mean I haven't been seeing much of you lately?"

"I was much better before you came" I muttered softly. She gave me a big slap before grabbing my hair a lot more harder. 

"What did you say, bitch?" Amber sneered and my eyes blurred as tears rolled down my face. 

"...N-nothing...I didn't say anything.."

"Good, you should know your place" she smirked and slammed my face into the locker once again. 

"Hey, Amber you are being too mean" I heard someone's voice, it's getting really hard to focus because My head's spinning. 

Amber let go of me and I dropped to the floor, I wonder who it is, Amber would never let me go that easily. I looked up and locked eyes with Lexis and my heart went into my mouth, why did he have to come here?. 

"Who is she?" He asked still looking at me. 

"Oh she's nobody important, just a pet I keep for entertainment" Amber laughed like some kind of witch. 

Lexis bent over me and smiled "so who are you?" Then he leaned in and whispered "you didn't tell me your name last night"

My cheeks turned red then I pushed him away, "Nobody…..i am nobody"

With that I ran out of the hallway without looking back but I could feel his eyes on me. I went into the restroom and checked myself in the mirror and saw a big bruise on my forehead, I used my bangs to cover it before heading to class. 

As I walked into the class, Mrs. Fiona, our art teacher turned to me. 

"So good of you to finally join us, miss white" she smiled. 

"I..i am so sorry, Mrs. Fiona" I looked at her, it seemed like she wanted to say more but didn't. 

"Okay, go have your seat"

I walked to a seat beside Kent with my head down, Kent stared at me with a worried look. 

"Hey" he leaned in. "Are you okay"

"Yeah, yeah, I am good"

"But you have never been late for class before"

"I just happen to loss my way today" I chuckled awkwardly, I knew he didn't fall for my stupid lie, but he didn't ask any more question which I'm really greatful for. 

I knew Lexis was in class but I couldn't bring myself to look at him, not after that embarrassment. 

The ball rang and I packed my books, as I was about to walk out of the class Mrs. Fiona called me. 


"Yes ma'am"

"Can I have a word with you?"

"S-sure" I waved at my friends to go on without me, Kent nodding before telling me to meet them in the cafeteria. 

Mrs. Fiona stared at me for a while "is there something bothering you lately?"

Crap! She noticed, she maybe the only teacher who actually pays attention to me and seems to understand me. 

"Nothing is bothering me" I assured avoiding eye contact. 

"Are you sure?, you have never been late for class before"

"Mrs. Fiona, nothing is bothering me and if there was I would be sure to tell you" I stated as she studied my face, I hope she doesn't notice the bruise on my forehead. 

"Okay, you can go" I sighed, she didn't notice. 

"You should treat that bruise of yours, dear " just when I thought she didn't seem to notice it. 

I smiled at her as I left the class, I made my way towards the cafeteria. Someone thought it would funny to pull out his leg and I tripped, dropping to the floor with a loud bang and everyone laughed like it was the funniest thing they've ever seen. 

"Hey freck eyes, you should really learn how to walk properly" Amber chuckled, I stood up rubbing my knees. 

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Kent appeared by my side like a knight in shining armor. 

"Kent….i..was just-" 

"FUCK OFF!!" Kent sneered shoving Amber out of the way. 

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?!!" Nina and Renee asked at the same time as I got to our table. 

I nodded and they went back to their conversation, I blankly stared at my food, I have lost my appetite. 

Kent looked at me "why aren't you eating?"

"I am not hungry" I pushed the food aside and drank water instead. 


I got home and found my dad pacing up and down looking extremely worried. 

"Dad what's wrong?"

He looked like he was about to break down in tears. "Suzy, I am really sorry, I don't know what to do anymore"

"What's going on?"

He took a deep breath trying to calm down. "I am in a lot of dealt"


"I was only going to do it just once or twice but when I thought of you and how the restaurant isn't doing well, I just couldn't stop and ended up using all the money and even borrowed, i–"

"You were Grambling?"

Dad looked away nodding, I am almost fainted instantly, No! No! No! This can't be happening!. 

"So you used up all our money and are in depth?"

"The man whom I borrowed the money from has been asking for the money back but I don't have it. He's a really dangerous man, I don't know what he'll do"

I closed my eyes "how are you owing him?"

Dad didn't say anything, he just kept on avoiding eye contact. 

"Dad?!!" I paused. "Please, I need you to answer me"

".....One million"

"ONE MILLION DOLLARS?!!!!!!!!!" Okay, that's it, we are screwed. "Seriously, Dad"

"His man came here today, they took all the money in the cashier. They would be back again and I know if won't be just the money in the cashier they would be taking next time"

"Why didn't you tell me?, seriously I could have done something"

He sighed "what would you do?"

"I don't know, I could have gotten a part time job maybe" I ran my hand through my hair, I can't believe this. 

"No, you have to study"

"You think I will be able to study after knowing about this?"

"I got us into this, so I will fix this" he decided, he went around me and pick up his coat. Watch over the house, I will be back soon"

I looked at my dad's face, he's lost a lot of weight lately. "I love you Dad"

"I love you too, sweetheart. Lock the doors, okay?"

I nodded as he left. After a while I decided to prepare dinner, I mean dad would be hungry when he gets home. 

After making dinner I waited and waited but dad wasn't home yet, it was getting really dark. I began to worry when the restaurant's front door opened. 

"Dad, is that you?" But it wasn't dad but four huge men standing in front of me. 

"Who are you?, didn't you see the sign, it says we are closed for today" I tried to stop myself from shaking. 

One of them took a step forward with a grin on his face. "I didn't know that old man has such a pretty daughter"

"See how pretty she is"

"No wonder that Asshole keeps saying we shouldn't come to his house"

"He's trying to keep the boss from finding out about his little pretty girl"

"What do you want?" I can't understand what they are saying. 

"we just want you to come with us"


"Bitch, don't you want to see your dad again?" They grabbed me and tied me up. 

"Let me go, please let me go" I screamed and struggled as they carried me to a van packed at a dark corner, I kept on struggling. 

"Princess, if you will just be quiet and be more Co-operative, you won't get hurt"

"Hey, that's no way to treat a kid" someone said from behind us. I saw a guy wearing a black hoodie which covered his face. Who the heck is he calling a kid?, do I look like a kid in your eyes?. Unbelievable! Seriously, this guy needs to get his eyes checked! 

"Fuck off dude, you don't want to mess with us" the man holding me barked. 

"But that's the fun part" hoodie lunatic chuckled. The men rudely dropped me in the boot of the car and charged toward hoodie lunatic. I closed my eyes as I heard punches and groans then everywhere became quiet and I opened my eyes. 

I stared at the figure of hoodie lunatic as he approached me and I took a step backwards. 

"Easy there, I'm not gonna hurt you love" he gained as he came into view and my heart skipped a beat. 


"So you do know my name" I almost rolled my eyes "but I don't know yours"

I got down from the car and began to walk away, I don't have time for Lexis right now. After a few steps I stopped. 

I turned to lexis. "Why are you following me?"

"I am not following you, love"

 I made a face. "Don't call me that"

"I am gonna keep calling you that until you tell me your name"

I rolled my eyes. "If you think I am one of those girls you call sweet names and they instantly open their legs for you, then you are mistaken" 

He stared at me for a few minutes. "And if I make you one of them?"


"I mean you can never tell, maybe someday you will be the one to come to me."

"In your dreams!" I turned around and walked away. Gosh, he is so annoying, but what do I expect he's a popular playboy who's had 90 percent of the girls in school and outside of school.

When I got home, dad wasn't yet back. I was really starting to get worried, I considered calling the cops but decided to wait a little more, so I waited until I dozed off.