
Chapter 3. Gluttony

"Come on, Gluttony, eat."

Before me was the familiar sight of tongue. Apparently, he couldn't swallow more than one book at a time, so he only turned around the top one. To be honest, it was a strange feeling to have a mimic living in your hand.

And just like that, Gluttony devoured the book in an instant, and over three hundred pages of magical theory, mathematical calculations, and physical research disappeared without a trace. Although, no, traces still remained. You could say that each of those pages found a home in my memory.

[You have consumed 'The Basics of Elemental Magic']

[Your understanding of the book is very high.]

[Your affinity with the four elements has increased.]

[Gluttony was still hungry.]

[To satiate her hunger, three books were required.]

[Remaining time: 5 minutes 11 seconds.]

As expected, "devouring" the book made me fully comprehend it. But this time, along with the knowledge came a slight headache.

The main message of the book was what human magic was in general. In this world, there were many races: demons, angels, fallen angels, yokai, gods, vampires, humans, and many other small races, and most of them used magic in their own way. "My" magic, human magic, had a more scientific approach, meaning that human mages used mathematical formulas for calculating and configuring magic, including geometry for creating magic circles and physics for understanding the final result.

But in the end, all magic was based on the elements. Fire, water, wind, and earth... Even though it sounded like fantasy, I would even say medieval, in reality, it was just a simplified name for the four fundamental forces or interactions - strong and weak nuclear forces, electromagnetism, and gravity.

So after becoming a second-circle mage, the flow of magic from each of these elements became much more intense and understandable, which made me incredibly happy and inspired.

However, there was no time to rejoice. The tongue once again flew ahead and grabbed the next book. Gluttony licked the cover slightly, savoring it, before swallowing it whole. The same fate awaited the remaining books. In that same second, a whole torrent of information hit me.

[You absorbed 'Circulation of Magical Power']

[Your understanding of the book is very high.]

[Your sensitivity to mana has slightly increased.]

[You absorbed 'Fundamental Principles of Creating Magic Circles']

[Your understanding of the book is very high.]

[You can now create 2nd tier magic circles.]

[Starting from the 3rd tier, the probability of successfully casting a spell sharply decreases.]

[You absorbed 'Application of Magical Protection']

[Your understanding of the book is very high.]

[You can now change the form of 2nd tier spell – 'Shield.]


After three books were absorbed one after the other, the consequences became truly palpable. The world spun before my eyes, and I had to lean on the nearest bookshelf. My head, which felt like a boiling kettle, seemed like it was about to burst from receiving so much knowledge. I felt dizzy, my body temperature rose, and an unpleasant buzz rang in my ears.

In that state, I couldn't tell how much time had passed, but soon my condition began to normalize, and I could think clearly.

"My head is splitting, but damn, it feels so cool to feel myself becoming stronger," I muttered, placing my hand on my still throbbing temple.

Aside from my past life, this was the first time I had ever felt such a terrible headache. If I were to compare it to something, it would be like a hangover after a night of heavy drinking - sleep-deprived, broken, and the alcohol turned out to be low-quality.

"I think I remember why I quit alcohol... although if every time I drank ended like this, then I clearly didn't know how to drink... I knew how to have fun, but not to drink."

However, a nostalgic warmth awakened me, starting in my heart and spreading through my veins, reaching every cell in my body.

"Magical power..."

This was something completely new for such a talentless mage like me. Before, I needed enormous energy and concentration just to feel its presence within me. As I had said before, the lack of sensitivity was a death sentence for a mage.

But now, standing in the middle of the library, I felt magical power, as a true mage should. Emotions overwhelmed me, the main ones being joy and relief.

However, I cannot be satisfied with just that. Right now, I have only mastered the Second Circle. To finish my studies, I had to master the Third. And to truly become a powerful mage, I cannot be limited to just the Third, Fourth, or even Fifth.

For the first time since I realized I lacked magical talent, after going through countless deprivations and failures, I finally saw a real quasar at the end of the tunnel. And I wasn't going to stop so easily.

"Oh, but shouldn't she have been satisfied?" I whispered, looking at my left hand. "I was hoping we could talk after you were full."

I remembered the strange voice that said Gluttony would be able to speak once she was satiated. And indeed, he did not disappoint my expectations.


His mouth opened, as it did when he ate books. It was a hole without a visible bottom. Straight from the center of this hole, a tongue emerged, swaying like a snake listening to a flute.

"I am the magic of absorption. Greedy Grimoire. Gluttony."

It was a terrible and unnatural voice, more like a bubbling bog. And the way these words were produced added even more gloom to the prevailing atmosphere. And even though Gluttony had no eyes, I could clearly feel her gaze on me.

"Ryan. Romano. What... do you want... to know?"

The sounds Gluttony made and how she said my name seemed to come from a deep abyss. Even my blood froze in my veins because of it.

And, as befits a mage specializing in reading magical books, I could not even move due to stress and fear of this creature. Receiving gifts in the form of becoming a mage of the Second Circle was nice, but facing the presence of this creature was not something I wanted to do. Fortunately, a voice in my head spoke up, apparently intending to clarify some nuances.

[Greedy Grimoire, Gluttony, satisfied his hunger. His intellect awakened temporarily, and he is ready to repay his master who provided him with food.]

[Gluttony's current condition is incomplete.]

[Please provide him with the proper amount of nourishment to fully restore his functionality.]

[Except for mealtime, Gluttony is in a deep sleep. Nevertheless, the Grimoire is ready to answer one question as soon as he feels satisfied.]

[Remember, the wisdom of the ancient Grimoire, Gluttony, is truly great.]

[Please ask one question before Gluttony falls asleep again.]

The explanation was extensive, but the conclusion was simple: one question, one answer... In other words, everything came down to a simple parasitic partnership: I could ask one question, for which I would receive one answer, and Gluttony, having eaten magical books, would restore some of his power.

"I can't even imagine what this will lead to in the end... But they say you shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth, something like that."

So, what should I ask? No, this is the wrong logic. Rather, what answers should I look for? I am too weak for any great knowledge or secrets, so first of all, I need to become stronger, which means I need to ask about something that will help me right now.

"And if I have such a wonder potion in my hand, the question suggests itself."

"I am ready to ask a question."

"What interests you?" Gluttony asked briefly.

"Gluttony, I want to ask you to provide information. Give me an understanding of what kind of Grimoire you are."

There was a moment of silence.

"Okay," her voice was still thick. "However, to understand me, your perceptiveness... narrow, poor. The language cannot convey it."

In response to this, I concentrated. Could Grimoire not convey this with words? Then I could have said with the same contempt that to Gluttony, I was like an ape… But why bother, when in this world the majority of other races consider humans to be nothing.

However, Gluttony did not stop talking there.

"I systematize and simplify, and then visualize the information. The owner will like it," said Grimuar.

"You will visualize it?"

"It will help you imagine and understand," Grimoire replied.

As soon as the dialogue ended, strange images and symbols began to flow directly into my head. They were numbers, letters, and some terms. I felt a light, incomparable dizziness, and in the next moment, I realized what was now living in my hand.


It was not a book, but a magical spell. It was a fragment of a being that mocked this world. The best modern magicians could not reproduce even something remotely reminiscent of Gluttony. Even I, who had absorbed information about Gluttony, could hardly explain its essence.

And I also saw a blurry summary of the Grimoire.

[Grimoire "Gluttony"]

Rank: F


Proximity to the elements increases by 1.

Magical sensitivity increases by 10.

You can calibrate and create magic circles.

You have learned "Lightning Strike".

You have been trained in a more advanced version of the "Shield" spell.

*Grimoire is in an incomplete state. Most of its functions are sealed.

*It will wake up once a day to quell its hunger.

*Once satiated, it will answer one of your questions.

*The abilities it absorbs will be transferred to its owner.

*Grimoire extracts essence from eaten books or objects. The owner's understanding of the book or object will increase its effectiveness.

As I was sorting through the information in my head, Gluttony yawned.

"Um... so I answered then..." her eerie voice echoed, then disappeared along with her tongue and the hole in her hand.

Looking at my left hand with a blank expression, I still couldn't fully comprehend the reality of what had just happened. The only thing that proved the reality of everything that had happened was the knowledge that remained in my head and the magical power that had grown.


I couldn't contain the smile on my face. Joyful laughter gradually turned into hysterical laughter and spread throughout the library. In the same place where I had fled from a ruthless and unfair reality. And what a terrible sense of humor fate had to give me hope in exactly this place?

But at that moment, I was laughing at this joke, laughing at myself, at the world, and even at fate, which was such a bitch.


At the same time, in an unknown place. Absolute all-consuming darkness embodied the bottom of what was called the Abyss. And amidst this Lovecraftian grotesque, a mouth opened.


Grimoire that devours books.

Greedy Grimoire named Gluttony...

It was his first encounter with a man named Ryan Romano.

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