
Chapter 9

Evening ,5:49:Razor's safe house

Above the warehouse sun is slowly relinquishing itself in the embrace of darkness. Only thing can be seen inside of the almost empty warehouse is a young 4 year old boy wearing tattered thin cloths in this cold weather muttering to himself. From outside if anyone saw this will shake their head at world's injustice and say what a beautiful boy it is a pity that he is a mad beggar.

After selecting eromancy as primary job Razor is waiting for something to happen to his body. Tens of minutes passed by except for a warm wind tingling down to his spine there is no change."So is this it?" he asked in uncertain voice.

"Duh, what else do you expect? Some kind of light came out of your boy and you start to glow like a tube light then starting to levitate like those in movies. " System brings out a very legitimate point. Light works like in movies do not happen in real life. But eromancy's effect have already started. First of the basic effects is beauty, which will naturally grow with more uses of this magic. Although it sounds useless in combat but it helps in seducing women.

"No ,no I mean some kind of pain or something like that will say I got something new". Razor knows this sounds ridiculous but till this day no matter how many time he used magic he always either felt pain or some kind of strain. Today this new magic feels comfortable like he have been doing it all of his life. It is easy same as moving ones hand.

"That is because those times your soul was not compatible with those magics. Eromancy is the most neutral form of magic. Do you know it's requirement?" seeing Razor lost like a little boy in a fair after a small pause it finally brought out the answer "Nothing."

Razor can't believe his own ears. Is that even possible? That is the first question came to his mind. 'I mean even healing magic requires someone with talent towards medicine.' Like every sane being try to rationalize when their believes are broken down with delusion.' ye-yeah, that must be it ,I must have heard wrong.'

Seeing Razor's jaw hanging in disbelief at this piece of information system repeated "No, you did not heard anything wrong. Nothing .It has no requirement. Anybody can practice it. Even someone like you who do not posses any form of talent in magical arts. And even more amazing fact is it can raise you to a level of a demigod even if you do not practice it diligently."

Now Razor is even more confused."System, if it is this good then why people don't use it more?"

System mysteriously smiled "why do you think?"

"Umm, I don't know, M-may be to not have many powerful rivals". Razor truly have no idea. But he thinks may be this is governments way to monopolizing power.

"That is a minor reason .The real reason for the ban on this art is every master of this craft is an alpha regardless of the gender .And regardless of the species every being wants best of the traits, genetics passed down to their next generation similar to like animals. Females most likely to mate with alpha rather than the beta. It will bring a huge amount of power on the master's side and it will stay with him and his women that will break the society apart. And if every woman mate with the alpha others genes won't passed down and the other half of the society will die out."

"I mean isn't that a good thing."Razor in a second is on alpha's side. After all he has a chance to become an alpha. How can he say bad about his future prospect? And besides isn't that the goal of nature to erase the weak.

" Yes, it is good for first few generations but some time later when everyone will have same gene. It will turn into incest. And you know very well how bad incest's result's are? Sooner or later it's result will show first infertility, then stupidity and loss of power after that if the somehow able to reproduce handicapped children will born and slowly they will get wiped out. That's why when you become an alpha only choose the best of the females as your children's mothers."

"Oh ho, So you are telling me to fuck as many girls as I want but only impregnate the best of the girls."Razor's perverted mind instantly thought of a backdoor.

System just chuckles at Razor progression.


Razor went to his primary job and opened Eromancy's description.


One of the oldest and strongest form of magic. There is an ancient saying "beauty is in the eye of a beholder". Same is this magic, it can become holiest of the magic that can even revive the dead or become so vile and destructive that will ran shiver down to the most hardiest of warriors. It is all about how you approach it. It normally utilize form of magic dealing with lust. User can induce high level of lust for any number of things ,from sexual lust to blood lust or anything else they have extreme desire towards it. After all eromancy's core is desire.


1.remember user magic always have price. Equivalent price must be paid for every exchange users will make.

2. like every magic at low level this magic is also weak against anti-magic.

3.Only after user's first intercourse user will able to unlock true sex magic.

This job has a shop. It has 3 sections.1.Abilty



In these sections you can exchange for either of the 3 things for system point. For new user there is a good news for first time shopping you can buy your first 3 items at a discounted price. After that all of them will return at their natural price.

"Well then, what we are waiting for? Let's go in" With glowing eyes and an uncontrollable grin etched across his youthful face he opened systems shop.

First stop is Ability. Ability is something people either born with it or later grew, which is very difficult and it needs time, patience, hard work and most of all talent. That's what makes it very hard to come by and by the way if your parents have some ability you have over 80% chance you will also get it. What's make it so dangerous is that no one knows what is mixed in your gene most of the time with new abilities comes out new weaknesses. But that is not the case with Eromancy .With it's ability there will be no drawback unless your ancestor put some kind of curse in his or her bloodline that works against eromancy. Razor has no such problem after all his origin is of a devil who betrayed god and become such by embracing the darkness. Inside of each abilities there are minimum 3 to maximum 24 different abilities that will need different conditions to be activated.


Desire augmentation- Ability to control others desire. Through them user gains power to become immortal even a deity but highly addictive. Ones you start using it hurt others and grow strong from it you can never stop. It will be constantly active.

No matter what user does it can not be controlled or sealed away ones it awakens. It does not need mana to stay activated. Can be used up to someone no more that 10 levels above the user.price-900sp

Shape shifting-User can shape shift themselves to anything they want. Of course there is a limit.But it can be broken if user gets stronger and unlock its inside abilities. This power Can be controlled easily with practice.price-600sp

True love visage-User can make their victims believe that he/she is their true love. If victim loves someone then they will see their loved one in the place of user. It can be used up to someone no more that 5 levels above the user. It Can be controlled with practice.price-500sp

Mesmerizing presence-User has a hypnotic presence that bends whoever is gazing upon him/her. At the end their mind gets dominated by the user and they get so much enamored by the user that they ended up being user's slave. Can be used up to someone no more that 10 levels above the user. Be careful if some ones mind is firm and resolute it can be stopped. It cannot be controlled. Price-400sp

Enhanced Allure- User has the ability to enhanced themselves to obtain powers of persuasion and seduction. At peak the can others obey their commands. Ones under spell, targets are his/her command and willing to do whatever it is they want, even suicide. . Be careful if some ones mind is firm and resolute it can be stopped. It Can be controlled. It grows stronger as user ages. price-1000sp

Emotion Manipulation - User can identify victims love, hatred, sadness, rage etc and manipulate them to grow. Needs to reach divinity if users want to able to control all of them properly. Always passive, can not be controlled. Price-700sp

Tantric metabolization- User can sustain him/her selves powers by feeding on sexuality and sexual energy from sex. It can be any form of sex, be it mere expression, wet dream or sexual act. It will be stored in their body for their powers or conditions. Always under users control but unlike others users body does not directly create lust energy. It need to either steal or stimulate the energy until user reached a certain level. But it unlike others lets user have physical growth with magical growth Price-500sp

"Man, all of them are looking so awesome that I can't decide what to peak" Razor is looking everywhere like a kid in a candy store. After some time later when finally the craze came down he started to finally think logically.

"First of all I don't want any power that cannot be controlled by me." As if feeling systems teasing look he went on to explain "It is not that I fear them or anything it is just the fact that if I posses such power, may be first few time it will easy for me to reach my goal but after some time later people will start to catch on and anything happens they will blame it on me. In the end before I can reach my goal I will buried. On top of that there are plenty of beings who are tons of time stronger than me. I won't able to control them. "With a ridiculed look he asked "Then? Then what? Not even my corpse will left intact."

Wisdom +1

"So desire augmentation, Mesmerizing presence, Emotion Manipulation are out of question ."

Looking at emotion manipulation with a frowning expression Razor just sighed 'pity if it was not for being uncontrollable I would have chosen this without a second's hesitation .'

"So that left with 4 more. Among them True love visage and shape shifting is out because I don't care too much about some ones love visage. Frankly because I fund it disgusting, I mean can you imagine try to understand a gay man's love visage. It is not that I have anything against them or anything, it's just that I am straight. As for shape shifting it can useful in sneaking and assassinating but that is nothing spells can't take care of ."

"So it is between enhanced allure and tantric metabolization. Allure can help me get girls easily and play a good part in my manipulation game but tantric matabolization will let me grow through sex both magically and physically ." Razor kept thinking for some time but at the end decided go with Tantric metabolization and bought it.

+Tantric metabolization ability added to ability list.

Second is talent. Talent depends mostly on luck. Luck decides who will have what talent. Well this is not truth for eromancers though .

After that Razor went to Talent shop .There thousands of talents, most of them are greyed signifying that they are not yet buyable. Among those buyable most of them he did not even knew that they exist. So that he does not miss any of the he continued to look at all of them one by one. Some he liked, some he just decided waste of time and finally decided 2 as his consideration and among them he will choose one of them.

So they are

1.Black arts:-One the most destructive and misunderstood branch of magic. This is the result of eras of research, hard work and sacrifice. But very few can actually understand this art keep their mind sane. After all Truth hurts , and billions of billions of era after era's truth is more than enough to destroy the world. So fools quiver at the presence of a practitioner and try to destroy both the practitioner and knowledge when practitioner is distracted. It is the fool's way of life, living in ignorance. After all ignorance is bliss. Ultimately the choice is yours. Live stands straight, head raised high to face the truth or cower like coward and try to hide like an ostrich while preying to impotent gods and hope that some miracle happens. Black arts are separated in many branches some of them are Blood magic, Conjurations of all kind, Cursing, Death magic, Destruction magic, Rune, Elemental magic, Ritual magic, Alchemy, Shape shifting, Shadow magic, Illusion, Necromancy, space, time etc. Damages caused by dark arts may some time become permanent so be very cautious when dealing with this. Talent rank-sss+ (highest rank below god level), Drawback-white magic will 50 times harder to cast. price- 400sp

2.psychic power- It is not a magical power. It may unlocked while doing very high level of magic. That is due to breaking through ones brain's limiter. I our mind even the smartest and wisest can only use 12% of the brain, rest is locked away by limiters .When we start to unlock that limiter, we start to get access to our psychic powers. The more limiters we break more new powers we start gain but that is not without a price. That is finally our bodies other parts stops working to give brain the energy it needs to operate. That's why most of the powerful psychics especially males lowers half stops working. To give energy many psychic user starts to use sex magic as a quick way to gain energies and grow healthy and strong. Psychic's mind is always protected by psionic energies making it practically impossible to for anyone other than themselves to enter their mind. Drawback-hard to control but control is the most important thing for a psychic if they wished to live past age 15. A psychic has many kinds of power such as telepathy, telekinesis, hypnosis, astral projection etc. price-300sp.

"Hmm, Psychic talent looked like the best option at first but….Black arts talent is much better when it comes to my overall growth and I can unlock psychic powers. But Black arts ones I lost this chance I may not ever get this chance again. This talent it will open path to so many types of magic."

After some thinking he said" Yeah, white magic will be pain in the ass if I ever try to learn it but its fine. Humph, What white magic can do that black magic can't. So for this one Black arts talent."

+Black arts talent added to talent list.

"Host , Higher level Talent detected. Will you discard lower level talent space magic(e),fire magic(c) and wind magic(d)?"

"Hmm, what's this?"After seeing this Razor started thinking what to do. I mean these talent he got from killing his brother which itself was an almost impossible task for someone like him and as for space magic, that is something that none of siblings or even his parents had. So to discard this…. . Then it hit him like a truck. "Isn't Some time ago I saw space magic talent with elemental magic in my Black arts talent category".

After all when you already have the best why would you even waste your time on such trash . Like a true hypocrite razor instantly forgot his brother's hard earned talent in a second at the face of his much greater talent. "Sure, go ahead".

Lower level talent space magic(e),fire magic(c) and wind magic(d) removed from hosts talent category.

Now it is time shop for our last item Skill.

Skill is something anybody can develop as long they had practiced enough.

So Razor started to go through skills but none of them actually had what he is searching for, until he reached this wide eyed he kept reading the description and finally whispered in shaky voice "Th-This is it" and without a shred of hesitation clicked select."

And that is "Mystic lock"

It does not sound cool or anything like that. It does not even have levels and always active Then why control freak like Razor choose this one. It has 2 abilities that makes it so precious to Razor.

1. Separate entity-This magic separates Razor from all kinds of bind such bloodline shackle, Element shackle or even divinity shackle. He is on his own entity , he does not need anyone but can use others to grow himself. Except for fate nothing can control him now.Normally elements,divinity,magic all are controlled by their respective deities.But nobody but the posseser can control this skill posseser's powers.

2. It gives him immunity from Anti magic , or magic destruction or negation. It is very important to Razor after all most of his powers comes from magic.

+skill Mystic lock added to skill.

Razor Akuma

Race- homo superior(mid)(magical variants of human)


Primary class-Eromancy

Secondary class-

Rank- 0(mortal)(low)



Hp(con x5)-1.5[0.75 regen per minute(con x2.5)]

Mp(int x10)-15 [25 regen per minute(wisx5)]

Str(strength)-0.1(strength measures a person's muscle strength, endurance and stamina)

Dex(dexterity)-0.2(dexterity measures a person's ability, reflexes, speed and balance)

con(constitution)-0.3(3)(constitution measures a person's fitness, health, injuries and diseases)●heavily injured●

Int(intelligence)-1.5 (intelligence measures a person's memory reasoning and learning abilities)

Wis(wisdom)-5 (wisdom measures a person's enlightenment, judgment and common sense)

Cha(charisma)-3( Charisma measures a person's persuasiveness, personal magnetism and ability to lead)

Luck- 40(this determines a person's destiny, fortune and misfortune)

Trait-Calm, never give up, greedy

Title-Fate's bitch, crooked bastard

Talent- photographic memory(ss)(natural talent),Black arts(sss+)

ability- Tantric metabolization

Skill-language mastery(max),Envy of the weak

Poison Resistance-lvl 1

light Resistance-lvl 1

Mystic lock(max)

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Tentacle_mancreators' thoughts
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