

Nero traverses the meandering roads, guided by the map clutched tightly in his hand. The city finally comes into view, its bustling streets alive with activity and vibrant energy. As he navigates through the crowded thoroughfares, Nero's eyes dart from building to building, searching for any trace of a route to the village he seeks. However, the name and location of the village remain conspicuously absent from the map.

Frustration etches its way onto Nero's face as he realizes that his search for the elusive village might require additional investigation. His gaze falls upon a nearby dojo, its entrance adorned with intricate carvings and a weathered sign displaying its name. Curiosity piques his interest, and with a determined stride, he approaches the dojo.

Pushing open the ornate wooden doors, Nero steps inside, instantly enveloped by a serene ambiance. The scent of incense permeates the air, heightening his senses as he takes in the sight of students engaged in disciplined practice, their movements graceful and precise. His eyes scan the room until they settle on a wise and venerable figure observing the training session.

It is the master of the dojo with his long flowing beard and clearly blind eyes. Nero's footsteps falter momentarily, with a deep breath to steady his nerves, he offers a respectful bow, a sign of humility and reverence for the martial arts tradition. At least is how he think you respect someone in marcial arts.

The old man acknowledges Nero's gesture with a subtle nod, his expression revealing a mixture of curiosity and assessment. The old master's eyes seem to penetrate Nero's very being, as if assessing his character and purpose.

The stage is set for a momentous encounter as Nero enters the dojo, seeking guidance and perhaps a clue that could lead him to the elusive village.

"Young man, why do you come to my dojo?" The old Chinese man questions Nero, stroking his long beard in a self-assured manner.

"Sorry for the inconvenience, but I would like to ask you about some information." Nero scratches his head, trying to maintain a polite tone.

"If you enter my dojo, you must prove yourself strong. I don't need to answer any of your questions. Don't you know who I am?" The old man exudes arrogance, his voice laced with superiority.

"I'll be asking the questions, old man. Who are you?" Nero's initial politeness starts to wane, replaced by a growing irritation.

"You." The old man says with a haughty tilt of his head.

"Not me, you." Nero retorts, his frustration seeping into his words.

"Yes, I am You." The old man turns his head towards the dojo entrance, speaking with an air of self-importance.

"Just answer the damn question, who are you?" Nero's patience wears thin, his irritation palpable.

"I've already told you." The old Chinese man spreads his arms, shrugging nonchalantly.

"You are deaf?" Nero stares at the old man, his gaze intense.

"No, You is blind." The old man calmly delivers his response.

"I'm not blind, you blind." Nero points directly at the old man, his frustration reaching its peak.

"That's what I just said." The old man points to his own eyes, unperturbed.

"You just said what?" Nero's tone rises, perplexed by the old man's persistent and infuriating banter.

"I didn't say what, I said You." The old man speaks with an air of certainty.

"That's what I am asking you." Nero's voice resonates with exasperation.

"And You is answering." The old man replies, his tone unwavering.

"Shut up. You." Nero turns his attention towards the young man, his frustration redirected.

"Yes?" The old man responds.

"Not you, him." Nero shifts his gaze back to the old man, then points towards the young man.

"What's your name?" Nero directs his question towards the young man, his impatience lingering.

"Me." The young man responds, still perplexed by the unfolding situation.

"Yes, you." Nero reiterates, his tone tinged with annoyance.

"Me." The young man repeats, his confusion growing.

"He is Me, and I am You." The old man confidently confirms, as if stating the obvious.

"If you don't stop with this, I'm going to end your life, old man. I'm tired of these games." Nero's frustration boils over, his threat delivered with a sharp edge.

"Why so much aggression with You?" The young man interjects, his voice filled with genuine confusion.

"He, me, you, everyone is fed up." Nero points towards the young man, then himself, and finally at the old man. "I need to get out of here before I lose what remains of my sanity. But before that, where is the fucking hidden village?"

"Who knows." The old man responds with a smug smile, relishing in the absurdity of the situation.

"Yeah, who knows. But I need to know." Nero runs his hand through his hair in frustration, his patience reaching its limits.

"You already said, Who knows." The old man states matter-of-factly, as if stating an obvious fact.

"That's what I asked, oh I give up." Nero turns around in defeat, his frustration evident in his defeated posture.

Nero takes a deep breath, trying to regain his composure. He realizes that further engagement with the old man would only lead to more confusion and frustration. With a sense of resignation, he decides it's best to leave the dojo and seek information elsewhere.

As he walks away, Nero mutters to himself, "I can't waste any more time dealing with these enigmatic characters. I need to find that village, with or without help."

The old man watches Nero's departure with a mischievous glimmer in his eyes, thoroughly amused by the young devil's perplexity. Meanwhile, the young man scratches his head, still trying to make sense of the absurd exchange that just took place.

Nero, filled with a mix of irritation and determination, sets off on his quest to uncover the truth behind the mysterious village. Though his encounter at the dojo may have left him more confused than ever, he remains steadfast in his resolve to complete his mission.

As Nero walks up the bustling street, his eyes scan the various establishments, searching for any signs of information or clues. Amidst the vibrant array of shops and restaurants, his attention is drawn to a peculiar bar with a distinct sign that reads "Pub of Who."

Curiosity piqued, Nero approaches the entrance and pushes open the door. The dimly lit interior is filled with the clinking of glasses and the murmurs of patrons engaged in conversations. He steps inside, his eyes scanning the room, seeking anyone who might provide him with the information he seeks.

Spotting the barman behind the counter, Nero makes his way towards him. He clears his throat and politely asks, "Excuse me, sir. I'm looking for some information. Could you tell me who the owner of this pub is?"

The barman, wearing a worn-out apron, looks up from cleaning a glass and meets Nero's gaze. With a smirk on his face, he simply responds, "Who."

Nero's eyebrows furrow in confusion, his patience wearing thin. He repeats, emphasizing his words, "No, I mean the owner of the pub. Who is the owner?"

A mischievous grin spreads across the barman's face as he replies, "Yes, I am Who. I am the owner of this pub."

Nero's shock is evident as he processes the barman's response. "Your name is Who?"

The barman nods proudly. "Indeed. My name may seem uncommon to foreigners, but it has been in my family for generations. My full name is Xiang Who. Interestingly enough, my father is the owner of the dojo down the street, and his name is Xiang You. And to make things even more amusing, my son also helps at the dojo, and his name is Xiang Me."

Nero's mind swirls with a mix of disbelief and amusement. The coincidence of names in this small corner of the world leaves him both astounded and intrigued. As he takes a seat at the bar, he wonders if this peculiar family holds any information about the village.

Nero leans in closer, his curiosity growing stronger. He looks directly at Xiang Who and asks, "Xiang Who, I've been searching for a village, a ghost town. The maps of the region do not talk about the location, which is making my work difficult. Do you happen to know anything about it?"

Xiang Who wipes the counter with a rag, his eyes shifting as if reminiscing about something. A serious expression replaces his usual playful demeanor. "Ah, the village you speak of." he begins. "It's quite an eerie place. You see, my brother, Xiang Him, is a buddhist priest. He recently visited that village to perform purification rituals, this was very unusual as that village has only recently started to show strange things. Strange events were reported, and the villagers were plagued by disturbing occurrences."

Nero's interest intensifies as he listens intently to Xiang Who's words. "What kind of events? Can you tell me more?"

Xiang Who leans in closer, his voice hushed. "There have been tales of ghostly apparitions wandering the streets at night, eerie whispers that echo through the empty houses, and a chilling sense of dread that engulfs anyone who dares to venture there. Some even claim to have seen shadowy figures lurking in the corners of their vision."

Nero's heart quickens with a mix of excitement and apprehension. He eagerly prompts Xiang Who, "And the location? Where can I find this village?"

Xiang Who pauses, his eyes scanning the room as if contemplating the consequences of revealing such information. Finally, he leans back and says, "It's situated deep within the ancient forest, nestled between the towering mountains. The village was built on the ruins of a town called Qualtzo, at least 200 years ago. Follow the winding path beyond the river's edge, where the whispers of nature guide your way. But be warned, my friend, the path is treacherous, and the secrets hidden within that village may be as dark as the night itself."

Nero nods, acknowledging the gravity of Xiang Who's warning. He reaches into his pocket and retrieves a small notebook, quickly jotting down the directions and details shared by Xiang Who. As he tucks the notebook back into his pocket, he meets Xiang Who's gaze with determination. "Thank you, Xiang Who."

Xiang Who offers a solemn nod, a mixture of concern and curiosity evident in his eyes. "Be cautious, young man. If you find my brother please bring Him back. May fortune favor your journey."

With a final nod of gratitude, Nero rises from his seat, his mind filled with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. He bids Xiang Who farewell and steps out of the Pub of Who, ready to embark on the perilous path that will lead him to the forsaken village and the answers he seeks.

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