3 Texting

Aaron heard his mom come home and pretended to be asleep. She came into his room and looked at him. The larger she-wolf sighed and quietly left the room. Aaron immediately opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling. He reached a paw over to his nightstand and grabbed his phone.

'Aaron?' Blake texted. Aaron smiled and sighed with relief. Blake was ok.

'Blake! I'm so glad your ok!' The tiny brown wolf texted back, smiling.

'Why did you need to me leave??' The orange wolf asked, and while Aaron couldn't see or hear him, he knew he was angry.

'I wanted distracted them and ran to the river. It was going really fast. I climbed over a log and they followed me, but as they were climbing it broke and they washed away.' Aaron replied guiltily.

'Thats.... holy shit I don't even know what to say about that' he responded

'I think they drowned. I didn't want it to happen' Aaron said, trying to justify what he did to himself. But he couldn't do that. Maybe it was alright by society's standards, maybe it wasn't, but it was tearing him up inside.

'It's probably for the best. If you didn't do that they would've killed you. But that still doesn't explain why I needed to leave'

'so they didn't go after you. I was distracting them so they wouldnt get to anyone else'

'Dude I'm sorry... you can come over if you wanna talk. Or we can do it over the phone'

'Thanks Blake. You're a lifesaver'

'Ha, I think that's you'

'I think I'll try to sleep, unless you wanna keep talking'

'Didn't you only wake up like an hour ago?'

'No harm in trying'

'True dat. Feel free to come over any time.'

Thanks dude. Means a lot'

'No problem. Sweet dreams Aaron'

'You're the best. Good day Blake' Aaron responded before placing his phone on his nightstand and trying to fall asleep, though he didn't think sleep would come for a while.

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