

A normal guy was randomly chosen to transmigrate to another world. He ended up in the world of Boku no Hero Academia with powers from the Warframe game for the amusement of powerful deities. -- Disclaimer: Everything from MHA, Warframe and other stuff I might use that are not mine belong to their respective owners.

Gearhawk · Cómic
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31 Chs

Chapter 13

Today is the second day of UA and I've been looking forward to it.

We had just finished a lesson with Present Mic and were changing to our supersuits.

As we were walking out, the only thing that was missing was a theme song.

"Everyone has really cool suits! Well, almost everyone."

I wasn't wearing a suit since I Was the suit, so I walked out while being Frost.

All Might: You look totally amazing boys and girls! Now you ARE Heroes! Let's get started then! You'll form teams of two and then, on each round, one team will be the villains and the other the heroes.

The first pair of teams were Izuku and Ochaco versus Katsuki and Tenya.

The second pair were Toru and Mashirao vs Shoto and Mezo.

And finally, the last match that I cared about was Kyoka and Denki versus Momo and Minoru.

All Might: It seems Aster-shounen ended up without an enemy. Or even a teammate for that matter. But! I foresaw that and called an upperclassman!

He said and pointed to the sky at the same time a figure came crushing down, raising some dust.

???: And here I am!

"This voice...you've got to be kidding me, right?"

When the dust settled, I saw that blasted sexy visage of hers. The boys were also staring at her and even the indifferent Shoto stole some glances.

Aster: Eona...

Toru: You know her?

Toru asked somewhat accusingly.

I wanted to answer but someone else was quicker.

Eona: Of course he knows me. But after that night he never returned...

Aster: Oi! Don't say it like that?

Toru: What?

She said with a barely audible voice.

"Is that a tone of disappointment? Is it?"

Aster: It's not like that! I've just met her once!

Kyoka: You've just met her once?

Aster: It was just in an abandon building!

Minoru: An abandon building?

"Why are YOU surprised?"

Everyone gathered around to listen. Even All Might came over.

Aster: I was just training, ok? Then she popped out of nowhere! Nothing happened!

Eona: But we talked, didn't we?

Fumikage: Why are we even listening to this?

Minoru: Shut up! Now it's getting interesting!

Aster: I even thought she was an enemy. Wait, now that I think about it, why didn't you just tell me that you were a student here? And how come a student knows about the applicants?

Eona: You looked so cute when you were trying to find out my identity so I didn't want to spoil the moment. Now for your other question, my dad works here and sometimes I help him with stuff. This time, I accidentally managed to catch a glimpse of the whole list of applications.

"How do you see a whole application list <accidentally>?"

I wondered, while everyone else focused on something else entirely.

Everyone: Dad?!?

They turned to look at All Might and he took a few steps back.

All Might: W-why are you looking at me like that? I'm not her father!

Minoru: Then tell us, who's your daddy?

I facepalmed.

"You had to say it like that..."

Tenya: Minoru-kun! That's a rude way of talking to a lady! You shou-

Before he could even finish his sentence, Eona sent Minoru flying with a fast kick.

Eona: Oops! I'm sorry, my leg slipped.

She said and chuckled.

"Wow, she really is beautiful... and strong..."

But then my thoughts were interupted as Kyoka slapped the back of my head.

Aster: What?

Kyoka: Nothing. I saw your brain leaving your head so I had to slapped it back inside.

I couldn't retort and also noticed that Toru had her hands clenched. I searched for a way out of this predicament and thankfully, All Might got the situation under control.

All Might: Boys and Girls! Without changing the pre existing pairs, we'll have Aster and Eona join one team each. That way there will be a 3v3 match. Usually I would pick the teams but since this is your first time and Eona here is your senpai, I'll let Aster-shounen have this one.

Aster: I'll join Toru!

I blurted out without even thinking.

Mine: Kya! Without even a second thought?!

Aster: A-and Mashirao of course. Since both of them are of the physical type, with my special attacks in the mix we'll be a balanced team. Same thing with Shoto, Mezo and Eona.

"Yes! Compelling argument!"

Tenya: Hmm...This is a very good point Aster-kun.

Eona: But Aster, how do you know if I'm a physical type?

I was momentarily stunned by her question but someone helped me get out of this predicament.

Izuku: Ah! Actually, this is easily deduced and with a fairly high accuracy too. Usually, you can get a rough idea of the type of quirk someone has by the physical traits they possess. That is if they have any.

Ochaco: Wow! You know a lot Deku-kun!

Izuku blushed and scratched the back of his neck.

Izuku: I-I have studied all the cool heroes as a h-hobby.

Ordis: If you think about it, that's kind of creepy.

"Can't disagree with you on this one"

All Might: Alright, lets go.

All Might led us to the monitor room, leaving Izuku, Ochaco, Tenya and Katsuki to their match.

I couldn't focus on the screens as I strained my ears to listen to the girls who swarmed around Toru.

The boys, who were making too much noise while watching Katsuki fight Izuku, didn't really help. Still, I managed to make a few things out like how Toru, Kyoka and I met, how we went to the dojo with her father and even how I protected them from some thugs while we were out.

"Wait, I don't remember it happening like that"

-Start Flashback-

Toru and Kyoka had invited me to join them to their shopping trip. We were having fun trying different accessories from a shop. Toru tried on a straw hat with a red cloth line around the top of it while Kyoka had a white mask with red claw-like markings on one side and kept it in place using her ear appendages.

All of a sudden, a group of 3 men started making fun of the two girls as they passed by, saying that they were creepy or that Kyoka was disgusting with her "tentacle ears" and even that Toru looks like a ghost and that she will die alone.

I got really angry while the girls' spirits dampened. We went to a cafe to drink something and I excused myself saying that I need to make some change. I left and looked around for the thugs. They weren't too far since they were loitering around a nearby alley.

I found them and proceeded to lightly "educate" them and then gave each of them a wedgie. For a good measure.

-End Flashback-

"I still haven't figured out how they knew about what I did."

As they continued talking and I kept trying to eavesdrop, the sound of All Might's voice got our attention.

It appeared that Izuku kept Katsuki busy using his knowledge about his habits while Ochaco went for the bomb.

All Might: Now boys and girls, time for the second round. Toru, Mashirao and Aster are the villains, while Shoto, Mezo and Eona are the heroes!

I literally scrapped the whole chapter thrice. Though some ideas were really cool, it was too early for them. So, I hope the chapter doesn't feel disjointed. Constructive criticism is welcome and as always, thanks for reading!

Gearhawkcreators' thoughts