
Hero Story: You Are Special

Imagine a world where magic is real and some possess unique abilities that defy reason. But what happens when you lack both? In a world where being special is common and normal is strange. Asher Himmel is a young boy who lives only with his grandfather, in a seedy neighborhood along with other people that society has turned its back on him for having mediocre or non-existent skills. One day, while cleaning, Asher finds his grandfather's comic book collection and decides to read it out of boredom, not knowing that this would inspire him with the nobility and moral dilemmas of those subjects called 'heroes'. But that would not be the only thing that would change in the young man, as he would be visited by a being of indescribable appearance, which gives him a chance to become a 'hero'. This is the story of a young Argonaut whose ordinary dreams are transformed into something extraordinary, challenging the very notion of what it means to be a hero.

UtopicHero · Fantasía
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21 Chs

Chapter 13: Fresh Air

Asher Himmel

February 12, 2011

Eugenio Himmel's house

It's been a while since I've worn my disguise. I have spent as much time as possible at my grandfather's side, and in my free time, practicing with my skills. 

Thanks to my training, I learned how to mold the light from my [Aegis Wings] to create various tangible forms. I also learned that I can manipulate the colors and light intensity of my wings in quite interesting ways. As a result of both of these discoveries, I recreated my disguise using solid light, so as to better protect my body and my identity, as well as not having to waste time putting on a disguise. I called this application of my talent [Assault Mode].

It was 8 months before I could use my [Miracle Machine] again. Since I know its capabilities I will be very cautious with my wishes.

I was currently packing a bit of my things, I didn't have much so I would be done in 30 minutes. I decided to take some of my grandfather's collection to keep me entertained and enough clothes. When I finished, my grandfather handed me a bag with 500 silver coins.

-A gold coin is worth 100 silver coins and a silver coin is worth 1000 bronze coins. In the big city you need coins for the services it offers. Every month the government will give you 5 gold coins a month so be prudent with your expenses. 

-That's fine. I'll keep it pending.

-Take care of yourself Asher. Remember to call every weekend.

After saying goodbye to my grandfather, I took my bags and broke the consumable teleportation crystal with my hands. As I did so, all around me became particles of light until I finally appeared at the Capital Teleport center.

I went to the reception desk to inquire about the address of my residence but instead of getting an answer, I was insulted by the receptionist and told to buy a cell phone.

Far from being offended, I took the advice and bought an advanced cell phone using 200 silver coins. It was a big expense but it was necessary to get around the city. I downloaded the GPS application and inserted the address of my new home. Within minutes, I arrived at my new home.

Inside my new home, I only had a bed and a kitchen with the necessities. Electricity, water and gas are free just like at the border but here I have to buy food. I unpacked everything and organized it to take a quick bath. Then I changed to go out and see my surroundings. 

I noticed that there were cameras in front of my house so I had to be careful. I walked around the neighborhood. Although at first glance everything seemed safe, for some reason people were not happy. While people were passing by and I could see the occasional child playing, the lifestyle seemed quite individualistic, which I guessed was because of the unique magical abilities. It's impossible to trust a neighbor who has powers you don't know about.

Superhumans, especially those with unique abilities are often secretive about the details of their abilities for fear that they will be used against them.

I was now walking through a mini-market. It was full of stalls selling a variety of things. From jewelry to food. I stopped instantly at a stall selling handmade jewelry.

-Welcome, do you need something specific," said the owner of the stall kindly. 

-No thanks. I'm just looking at your merchandise.

While I was looking at the different jewelry, 4 armed guys burst into the mini market. They all wore balaclavas and long robes.

-Oh not again- Said worried the jewelry seller.

The men began to threaten each vendor. They demanded 20 gold coins stall by stall. The threat was obvious so I stealthily slipped away to a secluded alley.

[Aegis Wings: Assault Mode]

On top of my garment my hero costume was formed with solid light. It looked the same but being formed of solid light, instead of cloth, the difference lay in its toughness.

Without further thought, I ran to help the vendors. Having the assailants in my sights, I lunged until I hit one of them in the face with enough force to knock him out. 

His three companions, seeing such action, shot at me with their mana weapons. But it was in vain, since their bullets were like light insect bites in the face of my disguise.

When the assailants noticed that their efforts were in vain, they proceeded to conjure spells, a moment that I took advantage of to hit two of them in the neck.

There was only one left but things were strange because I felt as if I was lacking oxygen.

-Stupid. My Talent allows me to exchange oxygen for nitrogen. You have been breathing only nitrogen all this time, soon you will die of asphyxiation," said the guy while laughing.

I felt as if I was going to lose my senses at any moment. I fell to my knees on the floor as I struggled to regain my senses. 

Lactura Noir

February 12, 2011

Mini market

Capital, Eternity

Every day I used to run around the city to keep my body in optimal physical condition. Today I decided to run around the mini market for a change but I had the misfortune of a robbery. Four armed guys took possession of the market, forcing the vendors to pay a ridiculously high fee.

Luckily, the masked man from the news showed up to help but currently he seems to have a problem. I looked around to see if anyone was willing to help him, but everyone was looking elsewhere. I personally didn't feel good about standing out so I remained passive but my heart couldn't take it anymore. 

If I kept living hidden trying not to stand out, I would always live under my father's palm. I have to break the cycle.

- Excuse me sir, can you sell me this jewelry? I took an Obsidian necklace. 

-Of course- 

I grabbed the necklace and stealthily hid inside a store.

xxxxx Creation: Obsidian Armor xxxxx

I used my lineage magic. It allowed me to transform inorganic materials into various objects. In this case, I transformed the piece of obsidian in the necklace into a full body armor over my clothes.

I then took stones from the ground.

xxxxx Creation: Rock Knives xxxxx

I transformed the stones into dull knives which I threw at the guy's back to break his concentration.

All the knives hit the assailant's back, causing him to deactivate his unique ability. That instant was used by the masked man to hit him in the face. He then rounded up all the assailants, and asked the merchants to call the police.

When he finished, the merchants thanked him but the masked man ignored them and approached me. He asked me to accompany him and I agreed. At that instant, he summoned wings of light on his back and then carefully lifted me up and carried me to a desolate place on the outskirts of the Capital. When we arrived, he carefully lowered me down.

-First of all, thank you very much. I didn't expect that guy to be able to remove the oxygen from the air. It was a horrible sensation," said the masked man as he showed me his face.

He looked quite young. At least I estimate that he was about the same age as me. He was a young man with blond hair and blue eyes. My first impulse was to be suspicious because he was so powerful for his age. Perhaps he was an agent of my cursed father.

-Why are you showing me your face? I saw you on TV. You're quite famous for helping out on the Eternity Frontier. Aren't you afraid I'm an enemy looking for your trust? 

-You saved my life recently even though you could have let it go like the merchants and other people in the mini market did. You jumped into danger for me without hesitation. In my eyes that makes you an amazing person," said the young man smiling.

In the end I gave in to the moment and deactivated my Obsidian armor. The young man likewise undid the rest of his suit into particles of light as well as his wings.

-My name is Asher Himmel. I am 15 years old and I wish to be a hero who helps others with a smile on my face. 

-My name is Lactura Noir. My only wish is to be L...- I stopped before completing the sentence.

I was afraid to say my thoughts out loud. I was terrified of what my father might do if he found out what I was thinking.

-You know, relatively recently I was living with fear and insecurities. I was very afraid of change, and more than that, I was terrified of taking new steps into unfamiliar territory, but then a very wise man gave me some advice that helped me reflect," Asher said as he put his hand on my shoulder.

-What was the advice? 

- Live life the way your heart feels happy. Being afraid is normal and makes us human but don't let that fear take control of you. You are stronger than you think. 

Those words had a very hard impact on me. I let the fear of my father take control of me, making me move in his palm just as he wished. I felt as if a bunch of chains inside my heart were broken. I could feel true peace for the first time.

-My name is Lactura Tyrannis, although due to certain situations right now my last name is Noir. I am 15 years old and my wish is to break the cycle I am in to find peace in my heart," I exclaimed at the top of my lungs.

-Oh you have a lot of energy. You know I really came here to ask you two things," said Asher.

-Tell me-

-Would you mind being my friend? You see I've never had a friend my age and I think you're really cool," said Asher embarrassed. 

-It would be my pleasure- I said while trying to force a smile.

Asher, seeing that I didn't know how to smile, couldn't hold back his laughter.


-Excuse me haha. The second question is... Would you like to be a hero?

I sincerely thought about saying no to his question but my heart desired to walk in a field that my father had never been in. Helping people with a smile is a dream that I am willing to help.

-Is there no female for the word hero?

-Oh yes. Heroine-

-Good. I like the sound of it. I will become a heroine who can help you to your goal.

With a handshake, we sealed that promise. I can't wait to see what the future holds.

One Chapter in spanish to day

Chapter in english for next day

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