
Chapter 3

The Starry Night

The cold breeze of September was softly touching my face as I mesmerizing the beautiful starry night and despite of this scenery my mind was filled of him.

I never expected him to see in business suit that perfectly fitted to his masculine body that visible on what he wearing and it made him looked hot and gorgeous.

'He really looked perfect'

Harrish facial features of maturity and resilience was indicating the passing of time but it never change him that much except his eye's.

As they say 'The eyes are the windows to your soul.'but why it's empty?what happen to those eyes that captured my heart before?

Eight years had passed but I still could feel the tears,the heartache, and the pain of him leaving me without saying anything.

"Can't sleep?" My brother deep voice pulls me back to my senses and I almost jump out in surprise to his sudden appearance.

He was standing beside me,wearing his royal blue sleep wear with my favorite teacup on his right hand.

'Why I never don't felt his presence?'

I turned at him and he is smiling brightly at me.

"Your green tea,my lady!" He sweetly offered and gently handed it to me.

"Oh!thank you my lord!" I smiled and sweetly responded as I play along to his joke.

He smirked at me as I take my teacup from him his hand.

"You seem so preoccupied." Cielo commented and turning his eye's at the sky.

"Hmm" My reply and take a sip from favorite green tea and looked back at the starry night. The tiny stars in the sky brings beauty through its brightness and surely only God did the good work on making them.

Staring on it made me feel at ease and relaxed. We both love star gazing and this place is one of our favorite part of the house. Where we mostly spent our time here to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

The huge terrace was design by us and it is adjacent to our separate rooms.The black and white two story concrete house was build by our father and it is was one hour away drive to the city where our company located.

I really enjoy watching stars at night with my brother with my side and I know he feel the same too..

"He want to marry you."Cielo said with a calm voice and his word's was so unexpected and sudden that almost made me split out the tea from my mouth.

I begin coughing hardly when I feel the hot tea run inside my throat when I swallow it forcefully.

"Damn!" I yelled between my coughing and Cielo quickly turned at me and gently patted my back to ease my chocking throat.

"You okey?" He worriedly asked,looking at me and my face was so red through from coughing.

Glaring at him, I shouted at Cielos face now that he was standing infront of me."You're killing me bro!"

"Im sorry ok,I didn't mean to surprise you" He sincerely apologize as he gently coaxing my back to comforted me.

"W-well... yeah!" I stutter "It did surprises me and you better be good or I'll punch your face!" I madly added when I noticed him biting his lower lip to surpassed himself on laughing at my face that turned into deep red.

"I'm serious,I didn't mean it!" Cielo apologized and sighed ."Mr.Talledo and Harrish asked me your hand in marriage." He added and I stunned to his words and silence engulfed us. .

My mind was filled with questions to Harrish sudden appearance and now he want us to get married?for what reason he doing all of this?

Besides I'm not the only woman who live on earth and they are all beautiful than me,so why me?Is he toying me?

"A-and what did you say?" I asked After a pause of silence,hoping that he is disputed this marriage thing.

He sighed "I don't know what to say." Cielo honestly said while staring at me."I don't what to see you hurt." His eye's looked concerned and sincere.

Cielo's word made my heart softened and it was enough for me to know how he really deeply cared for me.

For all those years of living together,we never had a chance to talk each other like this and it's feels so unreal and yet so wonderful to know that I have my brother's heart that always cared for me.

Ever since Dad past away, I became busy in school and managing the company and we never had a chance to communicate to each other.

I even forget that he is no longer my baby younger brother anymore,Cielo was fully grown up into fine gentleman and he even can defend himself and me if we needed to.

I envelope him into warm embrace that shock him at first and gently hug me back.

"Thank you!" All I could say and my tears starts to fall down on my cheeks not expecting to hear those words from him. He maybe a grown man to others but Cielo will always be my baby younger brother!

"What will I do?" I softly asked when we broke our hug and Cielo cupped my face and through his thumb he wiped out my tears and sweetly smile at me.

"It is up to you but either way,I'm always here to support you." He warmly said and hug me back.

That night was so wonderful to me. We talked more about our daily lives and Cielo's life on college and it made me giggle. We both laughing remembering our childhood memories that hard to forget and most of it is our childish bickering.

Little by little we became closer to each other and it even made me reliazed that we have each other's back to lean on.

That night,I slept peacefully with a smile on my lips.Cielo's voice was like a sweet music on my ears that brings joy and warmed my heart.

I will never forget this wonderful night! Ever,I promised to myself.

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