
Chapter 307

use to visit us, he is not a high staff"

"I feel pity for Xiao, she wants to marry a failure"

"The young man with Maya is so cute, gentle, and calm

People started whispering amongst themselves, their words falling into Xiao's ears, fueled her heart, she became angrier.

" my boyfriend is better than yours..." She leaned on her boyfriend, and tried to coax him into a challenge "show them that you are an excellent man, with your driver skills" she suggested.

The young man's eyes lit up, he was relieved that he can surely topple him easily, "I challenge you, let's do car racing" he proposed.

Jasper stood and the girls in the hall shrieked with excitement, his height and his straight legs were pretty cool.


Maya stood, she was worried about Jasper getting into trouble, she tried to hold him back, but Jasper glanced at her, and beamed a knowing smile, she retreated her hand.

Everybody came out to witness them drive "two people we enter the cars, so that, there won't be bribing" the class rep. In their days suggested.

Jasper didn't say anything, he simply got into his car,  and waited for the passengers, girls crowded around his car, some asking the coordinator to increase the number, just to have a little talk with Jasper.

"He will be back soon" he countered them.

Jasper settled in his car, and thrust in the key, he glanced at his opponent in the other car, the man who came with Xiao was smiling smugly, he knew his car, will be faster than his opponent's own.

They pulled into the street, and they sped towards a building at the end of the street, Xiao's boyfriend was happy that he was gapping Jasper's car.

When he for the elevator and sped past him, his car was left in the dust.

The people in the car with him were awestruck by the speed of the distanced car, Xiao's boyfriend gritted his teeth and floored the accelerator.

He didn't realize when he smashed into an expensive car, the driver was startled, they quickly came out to helo these that they hit.

Before he could resolve the matter, Jasper has already returned, everyone came out to watch, they were not expecting a win from him.

Xiao was displeased, she stormed towards the car that pulled over, she shot the young man who came out of the car.

Everyone gathered around Jasper, praising him for winning, some were tearing a piece of paper and sneaking it inside his pocket with their numbers.

Xiao's face became gloomier, she tore into the circle "will you take the challenge of a fight? My boyfriend is a blackbelt taekwondo" she revealed his achievements.

He was please, that Xiao's effort of praising him, is helping him look worthy before everyone.

Jasper looked at them pitifully, "what is that?" He asked with a smiling face.

Xiao became fierce "I know you are scared of being beaten, you can't even hire a guard,