
Chapter 21


?" she asked suspiciously not believing that Jo, his uncle has become a very nice gentleman, Jo pulled her into his car, and made her sit at the front seat.

He looked at Jeame "the many the merrier" he stated, Jeane peeped from the car "he is deaf and dumb" she informed Jo.

Jo's eyes widened wondering what his father has been taking lately to make someone with hearing and speaking deficiency secure his granddaughter.

Jeame walked to the car, and opened it and got in, this made Jo's mouth drop in surprise, he seemed to be deceived here, even Jeane was surprised too.

Jeame looked at the time, he knew he was running late "damn!" he exclaimed and got into the driver's seat, he reversed and drove into the City, Bill's mansion was situated outskirt of the City, close to an Island resort, owned by the rich billionaire Bill.

Bill came out of his home with his security aides trailing behind, he surveyed the area and saw a taxi car parked, and then Jeane, with Jeame are gone.

"that son of mine," he said, gritting his teeth, he had not stood for a minute when a police car stopped by.

The deputy came down accompanied by another policeman "Bill" he called his name and stared at the taxi car parked by the side.

Bill was already fed in with the development "I will pay for damages, Deputy, I am sorry" he apologized.

The police deputy nodded "that is cool, Bill, he has to watch his conduct, he won't be pardoned next time" he informed Bill before leaving, Bill nodded and watched him instruct the other policeman to get into the car, the both of them drove off using the cars.

one of his security aides stepped forward "Boss, should we track down, Jo?" he suggested, Bill thought about it for some time.

"There will be no need, recall Carl, there is something urgent he has to do for me" he instructed and went in.

Jeane pursed her lips tightly with folded arms hearing Jo sing, he has such a terrible voice.

"uncle Jo, do you ever sing to your girlfriends?" she asked, with raised eyebrows. "I am hurt, Jeane, that isn't how to appreciate an uncle that is trying to entertain you" he answered.

"that isn't entertainment, uncle, you suck at singing, why don't you stick to, maybe, going on with the fighting championship next year" she suggested, Jo squeezed his face.

"I ain't doing that shit, I almost got my beautiful face ruined by that dude, c'mon! Jeane, I will be working very hard next year, you know, starting a gambling firm by this year-end, there is a lot of money in it" he relayed his plans, Jeane clapped her hands sarcastically.

"Dad, won't even agree to it, he hates gambling, and you have a bad reputation already" he reminded him, Jo shrugged knowing that what she was saying is true, Jeame looked at them and remembered his