
Chapter 1

" The Viet Kong could be hiding, waiting for us in the cover of darkness, or they could be in the bushes or trees." Though mark. It was a frightening thought to have, but Mark didn't worry. He knew that his platoon has his back. "We're the best of the best." Mark thought even if they hide In the trees or craw threw tunnels, we can handle it. We have better guns and training. And even then mark still felt uneasy.. he felt like the Viet Kong could jump out the bushes, or pounce on them like a tiger from the shadows- "what's life like at home?" Lucas's conversation with Joshua interrupted marks thought. "Well my sister got married and my brother just completed college." but do you have a girlfriend?" Asked Lucas "yeah, I do. I wish I were there with her". "What about you Lucas?" Mark inquired "I have a wife and a little girl. She just turned 5. I wish I were there." Silence filled the air and for a whole minute, nobody spoke a word until mark broke the science. "Lucas why would you go to war if you have a wife and kids?" "I joined the army because it's what a person does to protect the ones They love and care about. It's what a person does to protect their country or others from things like communism. He fights to the last breath, he lays down his life to protect what is right and to protect the innocent."

More silence followed, it was so quiet mark could even hear animals that habit this jungle.


The sounds of the AK-47 rang threw out the jungle, followed by the aggressive sound of the m16.  A grenade flew from the air and landed in the grass near a group of soldiers. An explosion sent shrapnel airborne, wounding a soldier and killing another. Bloodstained the ground red, and soldiers had to drag the wounded to safety. Joshua had blood coming from his arm; so glue quickly wrapped it in cloth to stop the bleeding Lucas was using a tree as cover and mark and Joshua were hiding in the tall grass. "I'm pinned down By two Viet Kong." Mark thought. "I hope Lucas and Joshua are ok."