
Hell-Verse: Randal's Rebellion"

Randal's Rebellion follows the journey of Randal Shrifeman, a young man mysteriously transported to Hell. He discovers that he is the son of a mortal woman and the demonic ruler, Lucifer. Randal, along with his new friends Dante Firenot and Elizabeth Eve, navigates the complex social, political, and economic landscape of Hell,... And has one hell of a time

IAMAFRAUD · Fantasía
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10 Chs

Dante's Knowledge

The sun rose over the Hell-Verse, casting its eerie light on the landscape. Randal woke up with a sense of determination, eager to begin his training. Dante, who had already been up for hours, greeted Randal with a smile.

"Morning, Randal. Are you ready to start learning the basics of runes?" Dante asked, his eyes filled with enthusiasm.

Randal nodded and followed Dante outside. The air was cool and refreshing, and Randal could feel the strange energy that permeated the Hell-Verse. Dante led him to a clearing, where they could practice without drawing too much attention.

"Alright," Dante began, "I'll start by teaching you some of the basic runes that I know. But first, I want you to clear your mind and focus on the energy around you. This is the foundation for all rune magic."

Randal closed his eyes, trying to feel the energy Dante had mentioned. After a few moments, he began to sense it – a subtle, pulsating force that seemed to flow through everything around him.

"Good," Dante said, watching Randal intently. "Now, let's start with the fire rune you managed to conjure during our encounter with the Grothak. It's a simple one, but a powerful one if used correctly."

As Dante began to teach Randal the various runes, Randal couldn't help but notice that Dante himself never used any runes on his own body. Curious, he asked, "Dante, why don't you use runes yourself?"

Dante smiled wryly. "Ah, well, you see, my strength lies in imbuing objects with magical power, not myself. It's a different skill set, one that I've spent years honing. Artificers like me can create powerful artifacts by infusing them with runes, making them far more potent than if we tried to use the runes on ourselves."

Randal nodded, beginning to understand the distinction. He marveled at the diversity of magical abilities in the Hell-Verse, and he was grateful to have Dante as a mentor. With renewed focus, Randal threw himself into his training, eager to unlock the secrets of rune magic and grow stronger in this strange, new world.

Randal's training continued as Dante patiently guided him through the process of conjuring runes. The sensation of forming a rune was unlike anything Randal had ever experienced; it felt as if he were tapping into an otherworldly reservoir of power and channeling it through his own body.

Dante taught Randal two additional runes: one for earth and another for wind. Each rune had its own unique characteristics and required a different approach to properly harness its energy.

"For the earth rune," Dante explained, "you must focus on the solidity and stability of the ground beneath you. Visualize the rune as an extension of the earth's power, granting you control over its forces."

Randal closed his eyes and followed Dante's instructions, concentrating on the sensation of the earth beneath his feet. Slowly, he began to feel the energy of the earth coursing through him, and with a sudden burst of effort, he managed to form the earth rune. The ground around him trembled slightly, and Randal felt a surge of satisfaction.

"Now, for the wind rune," Dante continued, "you need to attune yourself to the ebb and flow of the air around you. Think of the rune as a conduit for the wind's ever-changing nature, allowing you to manipulate it as you wish."

Randal focused on the air, feeling its gentle caress on his skin and listening to the rustling of leaves in the distance. He imagined the wind's energy swirling around him, and with a deep breath, he conjured the wind rune. A gust of air swirled around him, rustling his hair and causing leaves to dance in the air.

With each successful rune conjuration, Randal felt a growing sense of mastery over the magical forces of the Hell-Verse. Though his control was still rudimentary, he knew that with time and practice, he could become a formidable wielder of rune magic.

Dante, pleased with Randal's progress, encouraged him to keep practicing the three runes he had learned. As Randal continued to train, he couldn't help but wonder what other secrets lay hidden within the ancient art of rune magic – and what challenges and adventures awaited him in the mysterious world of the Hell-Verse.

Randal's curiosity about the village and its inhabitants only grew as he continued to learn more about the Hell-Verse. He approached Dante with his desire to explore the village, hoping to gain a better understanding of the world he had found himself in.

Dante raised an eyebrow, considering Randal's request. "You could try to hide yourself or use a disguise, but I have to wonder why you're so eager to visit the village," he said, his tone laced with caution.

Randal explained that after learning a few runes, he felt more confident in his ability to protect himself. With the knowledge that low-level demons couldn't harm him, he wanted to venture out and see more of the Hell-Verse.

Dante, however, quickly tempered Randal's enthusiasm. "While it's true that your mysterious power would normally protect you from harm, things are different within the territory of a demon clan," he explained. "The village you want to visit is under the jurisdiction of a powerful clan, and their influence nullifies your protective ability."

Dante went on to clarify that his hut, being on the outskirts of the village, was outside the reach of the clan's influence, allowing Randal's unique power to remain active. But venturing into the village would place Randal in potential danger.

"If you insist on going, you must be extremely cautious," Dante warned, his eyes narrowing with concern. "Demons can be unpredictable, and without your protective ability, you'll be vulnerable to their whims."

Randal understood the risks, but his curiosity remained undeterred. As he prepared to venture into the village, Dante's words of caution echoed in his mind, a sobering reminder of the unpredictable world he had entered.

Randal and Dante made their way to the village, walking cautiously along the outskirts. As they entered, Dante pointed out the various buildings, providing Randal with a better understanding of the village's layout and daily life.

"There's the Inn," Dante said, gesturing toward a large building with a rowdy crowd spilling out of its doors. "It's a popular place for demons to gather and share stories or enjoy a meal."

Dante then directed Randal's attention to another building, one with an air of importance and a constant flow of demons coming and going. "That's the Demonic Gatherers Guild," he explained. "It's a place where demons can take on commissions or hunts in exchange for money. They also trade materials and resources gathered during their hunts."

As they approached the Demonic Gatherers Guild, Dante decided to make use of their visit by selling the excess materials from the Grothak they had slain earlier. Randal watched with interest as Dante expertly negotiated with the guild representative, exchanging the valuable materials for a tidy sum.

With the transaction complete, Dante pocketed the money and turned back to Randal. "The Demonic Gatherers Guild is a crucial part of life in the Hell-Verse. If you ever find yourself in need of money or resources, it's a good place to start."

Randal took in the sights and sounds of the village, his curiosity satisfied for the moment. As they left the village, he couldn't help but wonder what other surprises the Hell-Verse had in store for him.