
Hell hound reincarnation

I was just your average teen Well... Average as in I don't talk to anybody Some will call me a loner But that doesn't matter To put it short I died. How I died is just average. Some fat kid jumped on top of me while swimming. I was knocked out by him landing on my head. Some parents should teach their kids better. I died cause some fat ass jumped on me Now here I am. Not quite human. Not am I a beast. My best word to describe what I am is a human-like monster. Let's hope nobody kills me... Right?

ShoninRonin · Otras
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24 Chs

Isn't it to early for this?!

Waking up in the unfamiliar room, I looked around the room I was in.

There was a cabinet in the corner of the room, and a desk near it, along the wall. On the other side was the door.

Then memories of the fight yesterday came back. I was toyed with. The demon was strong.

I smile crept up on my face." But it was fun though." I say.

Hearing the door open, I look to see who entered without knocking. When I was about to tell them about the law of knocking first, they said.

" Good, you're awake. The other hero is already awake. Get dressed and come down for breakfast." She said.

Getting a good look at her, she had green hair and blue eyes. I could also see that her ears were slightly pointed.

Then she walked out of the room. After getting dressed, I came down to eat. The breakfast was some scrambled eggs and bread.

Shiva started poking me and said, " When we're done, we have to go back to the others. The demons are getting closer."

" Yea, and if they're strong too. Do you know what rank that one was?" I said.

" Rank?" She said.

" How strong it is compared to others," I said.

" Oh! It would be considered a lesser demon then." Shiva said.

" Wait! That thing is only a les-" Before I could finish my sentence, there was an explosion outside, followed by people screaming.

We both rushed out of the house. What greeted us, was hell on earth. People were screaming, there was fire everywhere we looked. And what stood out the most, was the 7ft tall horned demon, with a halberd resting on his shoulder, while goblins and kobolds were causing chaos.

" Hahaha! Yes! Kill everyone, my minions! Don't leave a single one alive!" The giant demon yelled out.

The woman that we were eating with came out of the house, just finishing chanting a spell.

Giant vines came out from below and tangled around most of the monsters. The ones that didn't get tangled were being smacked around, by said vines.

" Quick! Deal with the demon! I can protect the people!" The magician yelled out.

I and Shiva were running up to the demon.

" Be careful, Okami! This is a general!" Shiva said.

Nodding, I ignite my fist and feet and jump above the demon. Flipping, I spin and extend my foot out.

The general, blocked with the pole of his halberd, barely gave way to my blow.

Following up on the attack, Shiva slashed at him, with her sword. The demon, swung his weapon, pushing me away, and blocking Shiva's strike.

Taking advantage, I jump at him from behind and put him in a full nelson.

(Pretty much putting your arms under his armpits and holding them up. I'll try to find a reference pic of what it is but if I can't find it then use your imagination.)

With the demon, unable to defend itself, Shiva swung her blade again. The demon jumped away from the slash. Before he could get too far away, I planted my feet on the ground. Shifting my arms to his waist, I pull off, a perfect German suplex.

Backing away, I jump up and blast him with fire. When the flames died out, there was nothing there.

Suddenly my instincts were yelling at me, ducking down, I felt the wind above me. Jumping away to a roll. I look at where I was previously. The demon there. If I didn't move, my head would've been removed from my shoulders.

The general only had small burn marks, across his chest. Other than that, he was perfectly fine.

"Hahaha! This is pretty fun! Come one, let's go again!" The demon yelled out.

Shiva jumped behind him and slashed him from behind. The demon staggered forward before falling to the ground.

Then suddenly, he lifted himself by his hands and kicked Shiva in the chin.

Shiva crashed into a building and fell over on her side.

" Isn't it too early for this?!" I yell out.

" That's what other demons said, but our king said, that it would just make y'all stronger." The general said.

In a battle-ready stance, and the demon in his, we jump at each other.

With the flames dancing around us, and the cries of the people, as our music, we began the dance for our lives.


Cliff kun?! Nice to see you again!

That's the end of the chapter. Hope y'all enjoyed it.

Oh yea, one of my friends started writing a book it's called 'deadlocks trials' it's pretty good and I recommend checking it out. It doesn't have many chapters yet but it's different from most books.

Anyways hope y'all have a good day