
Heavenly Feeling

Asura, a genius kid with a talent in anything he’d try, is filled with the endless boredom of his “reality”. The gods and powerful beings in his universe have chosen to spice things up, rather then existing in their life of solitude and boredom. Throughout the cosmos, beings of all kind are granted true blessings and some even chosen as champions. Asuras life of boredom was now changed. As he’s blessed with many chances and opportunities to have the thrill he’d searched for. I’m new to this whole writing scene, so I’m just writing what I feel like. I’d love to be better, if there’s anyone out there with some good criticism, please give it.

Aizo_sen · Cómic
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5 Chs

New Year-New Toys


Hello, Author speaking... just wanna say, I've never written a full story and this is my first attempt.

I'll be writing off the top of my head and add creative ideas that come to me. I hope some can get involved with the world I create.

I'd love to see comments that help me make the story more enjoyable for myself and others.


A new year means new students/teachers and for Asura, it means more annoyances. His new home room teacher, Flora Diestrei, a giddy young looking lady with short brown hair, wants to do introductions so everyone can get to know each other.

'Is this her first time teaching? She seems way to excited about teaching.'

Ms. Diestrei explains how they will introduce themselves before giving her own example. "Listen now, I am Flora Diestrei born here in the states, my favorite subject is science and I love to read in my free time!"

She then went on to call all the students from front to back to introduce themselves, in which Asura gave nearly half his attention to. Until a young girl with bright violet eyes, long blond hair and a resting bitch face stood up to give her intro. "My name is Eva Floss and I was born in Europe but grew up here in the US, I'm perfect in all subjects but I enjoy mathematics the most. As for any hobbies... I don't have any." Before sitting right back down. All but one were quite struck by her looks.

'Wow, purple eyes huh? The color of royalty. She sure does put on the mask of a bitch that doesn't want to be fucked with, not that I can judge, others probably see me in the same light. She seems pretty interesting.'

As the class finish following the wave, the last one to talk is Asura.



The man that crashed the scene was a tall dark skinned man with brown eyes and muscles that could easily be seen bulging through his plain looking t-shirt, he had such short hair it would seem like he was bald.

Asura smirked, 'this guy nearly has the physic of those muscular looking gods in shows and books. Strange, I can't tell if he's lying about helping his mom, but he can't fool me.'


'All the gangbangers I run into these days have the smell, not that anyone else can tell but it's pretty noticeable to me that this dude is probably involved in criminal activities. Not that I know what the hell this new drug does, but it sure as hell wasn't in this city a year ago. So I can't imagine it being safe.'

Ms. Diestrei gives calms him down and brushes off his being tarty, proceeding to have his intro.

"Koran Goodshrew. Born and bred right here in Texas. Favorite subject? Uhh... I'm not sure, but I like hitting the gym and playing sports!" Koran looked around the room and stopped at Eva. He was mesmerized by her beauty. "And I hope we can all get along!" He spouted with a weird smile on his face. Before he found a free seat and settled.

The teacher looked at Asura. "Well last but not least!" She exclaimed, closing her eyes and putting her hands together excitedly.

'Sigh' He let out a soft sigh getting up and scratching the back of his head.

"My name is Asura Sakhr, I don't really know where I was born, but I've lived in Texas for as long as I can remember. I don't really care for subjects or school for that matter, but I like reading manga and watching anime." Then took his seat.

He got a some funny and weird looks but two that looked at him with surprise, it was Eva and Koran. It wasn't weird to like anime, but many people just keep it to themselves because of the probable bullying or harassment.

Ms. Diestrei with a sudden frown spoke up, "Asura, you don't have any interest in school? You can learn a lot and-" before she could continue, the bell rang and Asura left with a wave of his hand.

'Nuisance avoided. Don't talk like I'm the same as the rest of the students in this school. I can graduate when I want, the only reason I've stuck around is because I still don't know what to do with my life.'

Evening came around and school let out as Asura watches everyone leave from the school roof top.


Asura hears someone coming up the ladder to the roof. He turns to see who the intruder is, breaking the school rules and was shook.

'Eva?! How should she even know this spot, I've never seen her before, so this school has to be new to her and why is she coming up here anyways?'

"Hmm... hey Eva"

Eva was nearing the top when she heard her name and saw Asura with his hand out to her. She took it and before she had the chance to use his help to climb the rest. She was pulled straight up to the top.

Completely taken aback, Eva didn't know what to say or do in that moment, she just stood there and looked at the man who pulled her up one handed with seemingly no effort.

She wasn't heavy but that didn't mean she was that light. Slim with buxom curves and a well defined body. She'd worked hard to build her body the way she likes.

"You know-" Eva snapped back to reality when she heard Asuras slightly deep and soothing voice. "Your long golden braided hair reminds me of a beautiful saint from a show I've seen." Asura spoke as he admired her image.

"You mean Jeanne right?" She asked slightly flushed as she too took in his image and his dark blue eyes that seemed to have an strange depth to them.

With a small grin Asura closed his eyes, "I see, so your a degenerate as well, that's interesting." Eva grew a flush pout, "What do you mean degenerate!? I'm always looking through nhent-" she caught her words and covered her mouth with one hand.

Asura chuckled before patting her head, leaning into her ear and whispering. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that, your as cute and pure as Jeanne d'Arc." She grew dazed by his sweet words, gentle pat and warm hand.

"Ah!" She'd just realized that she was still holding his hand, ever since she was pulled up! His hand was so comforting that she completely forgot.

Quickly letting go of his hand with an even deeper blush, left her feeling a bit empty. "I'm so sorry, thanks for helping me up, I completely forgot to let go!" She spilled.

"It's fine, if you want to keep holding me, I don't mind. We are three stories high, I don't want you falling off and hurting yourself." Asura put his hand out for her as she pouted once again.

'What a cute girl, quite different from how she portrayed herself in class. She acts like you'll get your head bit off if you mess with her, here I am teasing the hell out of her and she's enjoying it, isn't she?'

Asura has never really taken any interest in the women he's seen, he's had many girls in anime and manga he likes but few things in the real world caught his interest. His uncle/guardian, who gave his last name to Asura taught him many things about pleasures of women. Asura enjoyed uncle Dorrahns teachings, sometimes Dorrahn would bring a girl that piqued Asuras interest. It always seemed like a Dorrahn was testing Asuras charm with the women he brought, and they always ended up loving Asuras company. Strangely, they never stuck around.

"Well, let's at least sit down and talk while enjoying the setting sun and watch the rest of the sacks of flesh leave." Directing her to the ledge he always waits at, till the crowd leave before leaving himself.

They sat on the edge and started talking about anime, manga and even some games.

Currently there were still a bunch of people sitting/standing around chatting while others left with groups or just solo, parents driving in to pick up their kids.


The sound of yet another hooligan breaking the rules and coming to the roof. It was quite strange that so many people were coming up here, this spot is usually avoided because they know Asura likes to hang up here. Only some teachers come up here, to have a drink or smoke a cigarette to let off some stress. The teachers never really care for Asura being on the roof, they know he'll pass their class with flying colors. Plus the fact that the principal is backing his stay here, another reason no one messes with him.


'Ah, I see... he must have been following her in order to get a chance to talk with her or something. Sadly for you, you're just gonna help me kill two birds with one stone.'

Both Asura and Eva looked at the ladders as a big dark skinned man came up.

It was Koran