
Heaven's Multiversal Madness

On his journey to continue amplifying and increasing his strength, Heaven had appeared in Marvel. The instant he appeared in Marvel, nothing would be the same anymore. The future was uncertain, but Heaven was certain of one thing. No one could stand in his way to standing above everyone or anything else. *** This will be an AU just in case some readers wished to complain about changes in the plot or something not being cannon. Base will be MCU, followed by some additions from the Comics, specifically Earth-616. In the end, it's all still AU and won't follow the timeline exactly. ... Book cover is not mine, credits go to who made it. If you want it removed, contact me through discord. … As some of you may know from my Ascending To Supremacy book, I’m open to ideas, suggestions, and corrections. As long as those ideas or suggestions don’t change past chapters, since would change many things. Different thoughts cause different actions, and different actions cause varying effects. Also, if you haven’t read the tags, this book will contain Harem, some cultivation elements, and incest. Also, please remember this is a FAN + FICTION, it won’t completely follow realistic effects or actions.

Sinning_Sovereign · Cómic
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15 Chs

Changes and A Blinding Future

At this moment in a secluded room in Kamar-Taj, a bald woman frowned deeply.

Her eyes were closed and a green gem was floating and glowing right before her. Her hands moved rapidly and her head twitched as she looked into the future.

… or at least she tried.

Opening her eyes, the Ancient One drew back the Time Stone into the Eye of Agamotto, a necklace that holds and hides the presence of the Time Stone.

"The futures… they… no longer exist?"

Her voice was filled with uncertainty.

Uncertainty that she hadn't felt in centuries and was now beginning to make her fear for the worse.

Two hours ago, she had suddenly felt the presence of the future vanish from her grasp. It was like it had ceased to exist, but the truth was that the future was now unknown and was completely hidden away from any prying eyes.

The Ancient One's emotions gradually calmed down before she calmly looked at the Eye of Agamotto.

"The future is now uncertain… anything could happen," said the Ancient One as she rose to her feet.

"Now is the time to prepare for the unexpected."


Waking up the next day, Heaven felt like he shouldn't head to the kitchen.

His mother was there and the atmosphere was still rather awkward between them.

Santos on the other hand? Heaven could care less about him after what had happened at the alley next to the convenience store.

Nonetheless, Heaven's worries weren't just based on his mother, but what he needs to plan for the future.

In order to truly grow strong and adapt well to any situation or world he's in, Heaven always travels without any clue or idea of a world's history or important events. With no special abilities or technique already cultivated, Heaven uses only his knowledge and his surroundings.

Nothing like the Dao or cultivation follows him, it all stays behind in his main body that cultivates automatically while he sends his consciousness down to various avatars throughout the various realms.

No bloodlines… no Essence… no cultivation… just knowledge.

Not like it even matters either, as he makes his choices, the world will change along with him and he will use it to his advantage to grow stronger his own way.

Shaking his head, Heaven wore his clothes and stood at his window as he looked out of it and down to the street where various cars passed through the neighborhood.

With this world being unknown to him, Heaven knew that he had to raise his strength for any unforeseen situation. The war didn't worry him at all, and neither did the unknown.

He would deal with things as they come. Having strength is just having an extra option when dealing with the unknown or any dangers.

Luckily, he had all his knowledge of everything he had ever learnt.

Secret techniques, Immortal Arts/Techniques, Martial Arts/Techniques, Alchemy, Artifact Refining, Puppetry, Refining, Blacksmithing, Crafting, Dao Arts/Techniques, Magic, Cultivation Techniques, Enchantments, Inscriptions, Runes, Formations, Taming, Charming, Talismans, Exorcism, Spiritual Arts…

His options were extensive but what he could really use were limited to his current circumstances.

For instance, almost everything he knew was useless since it all required a certain type of energy which wasn't accessible to him. Whether it was mana, prana, Qi, Ki, or anything else, it was quite useless.

Some could be used, but they would come at a price of lifespan or his future.

He could quite literally do almost nothing with his extensive knowledge, but there was something he could do with the knowledge he had from Earth.

If he could advance and research Earth's knowledge and combine it with his own knowledge, Heaven could manage to fix his problem.

Luckily, his 'other' self had already learnt everything the current era could offer in knowledge. All that he needed to do now was develop and advance the knowledge beyond what this Earth could offer him.

He could deepen Earth's current Era's knowledge and advance it before combining it with his own knowledge.

If Earth had no robots, then he would create a robot with self-awareness and super computer intelligence.

If there wasn't any cure to cancer, then he would not only cure it, but prevent any from forming, EVER.

With his intelligence and powerful comprehension abilities, Heaven could even learn to create a miniature sun within a couple of days.

Though without any proper materials or resources, Heaven would need to slowly gather those materials himself.

Aside from that, Heaven was very confident in surviving even without that.

To him, as long as he had his skills and martial arts, he could take on the entire world. He didn't necessarily need technology or science to aid him, it was merely an option.

Martial arts, it's true potential lay beyond simply controlling the body better or pulling a fast one against someone of equal strength. To Heaven, it meant killing a mighty God with nothing but a weak mortal body.

To cut a steel plate with a wooden stick.

With extreme mastery and understanding, he could accomplish many things.

Dealing with the ongoing war was nothing to him.

Smiling, Heaven looked at his body and decided to strengthen it whilst also multitasking by splitting his mind and beginning his learning and studying process.


After sorting his plans and thoughts, Heaven finally went to the kitchen to look for a meal to start his day properly.

The instant he set foot in the kitchen, Heaven could feel the awkward atmosphere between his mother and him. He glanced at her and noticed how she tried not to look at him, worried of what one of them could do.

Walking to the fridge and grabbing some ingredients, Heaven acted like nothing had happened.

"Have you eaten yet, mom?"

Heaven could see that his mom started acting nervous the instant he began talking to her. She looked down at her cup of coffee before looking up at Heaven, her stomach suddenly being filled with butterflies as she looked into his eyes.

"N-no. Not yet… I've only had this cup of coffee," Victoria responded, her grip tightening around her cup of coffee.

Shaking his head, Heaven reprimanded his mother, "That's not good. You need a proper meal to start the day."

"I could just have some eggs later…" Victoria said, trying to limit her interactions with Heaven.

Heaven smirked.

"Don't worry. You'll soon understand what I mean by 'proper' meal."

Without waiting for another word from his mother, Heaven began to make a simple breakfast.

An omelet with some tomatoes, onion, bacon pieces, and diced sausages.

Despite the simplicity of the ingredients and the process of making an omelet, Heaven is way beyond what a master chef could compare to. The timing, the mixing, the flame temperature…

Everything was under Heaven's control and using a tiny bit of spices for the extra flavor, Heaven soon completed three plates of food.

They were hot and smelled so delicious that a dog could go rabid for them!


Victoria couldn't help but sigh contentedly after smelling the omelet.

"Come on, dig in mom," Heaven said as he placed the omelet in front of her, a knowing look in his eyes as he noticed the desire in Victoria's eyes.

Victoria gulped and looked at Heaven for a second before grabbing a fork.

"This smells amazing, Heaven."

Simply smiling, Heaven began to eat his portion whilst his mother began closing her eyes as she enjoyed the taste. 

She's had omelets before, but they were never as amazing as the one Heaven has just made for her. They don't even come close to just the simple taste of the eggs themselves in this omelet before her.

Her mouth opened as she brought another piece of the omelet into her mouth and slowly closed it. Her cherry plump lips closed around the fork gently before she slowly slid the fork out of her mother.

'Eating can be so seductive,' thought Heaven as he ate his portion and kept his eyes on Victoria and her cherry lips.

As he and Victoria ate, he suddenly caught sight of Santos who looked at him with a pale and a nervous gaze.

Looking at Santos, Heaven didn't have much of a reaction to seeing him. He continued eating and simply looked at him.

"Santos, honey! You're finally up," Victoria said, still excited by the omelet she was eating. "Come! Eat the omelet that your brother prepared for you!"

Santos glanced over at Heaven before turning to look at the omelet on the table. A weird look on his face as he approached the table before sitting down on his chair.

Heaven could see how Santos was looking at the omelet before him with a cautious gaze and he couldn't help but smirk.

Throwing wood to the fire, Heaven commented, "Eat it Santos. It's not like I poisoned it or something, right? There's no~ reason to do so, right?"

Heaven's words were directed in such a way that Santos could only begin to doubt the omelet before him as he recalled what happened the day before.

Guilt welled up within him but he felt like he had something stuck in his throat, stopping him from apologizing to his brother. Feeling frustrated at his inability to speak up, Santos looked angrily at his plate.

"I don't feel hungry," Santos said as he pushed the omelet away from himself.

Victoria finished her omelet and looked at Santos in worry.

"Why not? Are you okay? Does your tummy hurt?"

"I'm alright."

"Well then, why don't you eat the omelet? It's very tasty," Victoria said as she praised the omelet with a sweet smile.

"I don't WANT to!"

Santos' frown deepened and he simply stood up and left.

"I'll come back later."

With that, Santos left the house.

"Ha~, he's so difficult sometimes," mumbled Victoria as she looked at the front door of the house.

Smiling, Heaven grabbed Santos' omelet before covering it with a plastic wrap and putting it away.

"He'll grow up someday, mom. Don't stress out, okay?"

Heaven smiled at his mom before he also left the house.

"I'll see you later, mom. I have some things to deal with," Heaven said as he waved to his mother.

Victoria sighed as she watched Heaven leave with a smile, "There goes another."


Outside of the house, Heaven stood outside the house as he waited for Adam to arrive.

Looking at his hand, Heaven put on a thoughtful face.

His body was very weak, and even if he had the skills and Martial ability to ignore that, his endurance and stamina was another matter. Not too mention the times when he would REALLY need some strength in serious situations and to end matters quickly.

Luckily, he had a special technique that could help with that, but it needed an extremely special mixture.

This special technique and mixture is something Heaven had come up with himself many lives ago.

However, this mixture is something very difficult to make and it was still unknown to Heaven whether the proper materials existed in this world.

The strengthening technique on the other hand, drew the potential of the human body to increase the strength and flexibility of the body. It optimizes the body in every way to its best capabilities and there was even something special about it once he gained enough mastery.

Sighing, Heaven quietly waited for Adam.


Once Adam picked him up and took him to the meeting place, Heaven had arrived at Brooklyn.

Exiting the vehicle, Adam led Heaven to the building before waiting outside.

"Everyone's inside sir," Adam said monotonously. "I will be here… waiting.

Heaven smiled and entered the decently sized building, not paying too much attention to what Adam said about waiting.

The inside of the building was an antique shop and only two people were in there.

An old woman and a man Heaven recognized in an instant.

"Howard," Heaven called out with a smile.

"Kid! You've made it," Howard said with a gentlemanly smile.

Heaven nodded and smiled, "I wouldn't miss this chance to learn something new."

Howard chuckled.

"Come, I will lead you in."

Howard beckoned his hand over to Heaven whilst walking towards the old lady.

The old lady smiled at Howard and watched as he and Heaven entered the back part of the shop.

"When you come here in the future, the old lady will ask you a question with a secret code. You will answer with the secret code. Depending on the weather conditions, the code will change. It will also change every day accordingly," Howard explained as he stopped before some bookcases with Heaven.

They both waited and soon they both watched as the bookshelves opened like if they were doors.