
Chapter 1: Beginning of Desire...

Melanie, a 16 year old girl that suffers from panic disorder, has no idea where to go, deep in her emotional soul. Her family makes her feel as though she's a mistake, her parents would leave for hours drinking with friends, attend "family" parties, and "occasionally" go to work. Melanie's life became a constant loop of emotional torture by thinking that one day her parents would abandon her. Melanie tried to do everything in her power to make them praise or notice her, but It'd never work. Melanie on some occasions stole money from her mother's credit card to shop online providing for herself and buying other "things" that she didn't have she'd watched her parents use online stores many times and thought it was super cool especially if it meant that she could have her own phone just like her mom.

Her parents didn't pay much attention since they'd get paid a lot despite living in what looks like a crappy yellow brick house with a small lawn and no backyard. Until one gloomy Monday Melanie believed she could get praised by her parents if she went to school. At first, Melanie was a little self conscious at the idea of going to a place filled with kids. Kids who have loving families, kids who have so much love from their parents, and kids who have everything that Melanie could only dream to have.

After a long time of watching movies of highschool dramas on her phone she believed that she could do it and just as she was about to look online for a school Melanie began to feel anxious again which caused a back and forward motion till she reminded herself that she's doing this because of her parents and just had to accept other people and if she didn't want to talk, then maybe she wouldn't have to worry about confrontation with other kids. Later that night as she heard her parents leave for the second time she ran to her parents' room and carried on with the idea. 

Four days passed before a notification appeared on her phone with a long email from a school that was a few miles from her house she almost wanted to jump with excitement till another thought entered her mind. "What if they contact Mom and Dad?…" She asked herself.  As a quick check she read the entirety of the email again she did use her number but used her mother's email. She book marked the email then decided to go on shopping websites looking for what she needed for school.

The first day went very fast she was surprised to see kids were a lot like her, but they didn't have the same "problems" as her. The second day was a lot slower especially science class her first class, when Melanie's teacher decided to do a "Get to know each other" activity. Melanie's face had turned completely white this wasn't in one of the movies she watched and it didn't help that there were more than 20 people in her class. It was only the second day and Melanie wanted to be in a large hole but instead this had to happen so as the teacher told everyone to begin she hid under her desk. 

"Hey." said a voice.

"Huh?" Melanie said in confusion. She looked up to see a boy. 

"I'm Jake..." Jake said nervously holding out his hand to Melanie. 

Melanie got out from under the desk looking at Jake who was still holding out his hand. 

"M-melanie" she said as she slowly turning her gaze downward looking down at her shoes. 

"You have really long hair" Jake said shocked and amazed.

"W-What?!" she said looking up at Jake her face turning red. 

Jake nervously chuckled. "I-Im sorry! It's just im new and I'm not really used to this" he said still nervous. 

Melanie slowly turned her head to look at Jake's hand then reached her hand out and shook it. 

"I'm 16" Jake said smiling. 

"Me too" Melanie said shyly.

After four weeks of Melanie and Jake first interaction they'd begin to talk very frequently during or at the beginning of class. Melanie couldn't remember smiling so big in her life. She felt so happy she had almost forgotten why she went to school. When it was time to leave school and go home, She looked forward to school the next day. After weeks become months then a whole year of being "best friends", they started trying to be slightly more "together", of course that's how Melanie saw everything. Jake started to deal with Melanie's "disorder" which was almost axieted to  his life. She'd randomly hug him, start crying over nothing, yell at him for talking to his little sister Mabel instead of paying "more attention" to her, and the worst thing was being accused of "cheating" on her with a teacher, student, and his sister. When Melanie said these things Jake would constantly reminded her that they aren't dating and she needed to stop acting like this.  

After a very very horrid year of having to deal with Melanie's "disorder",  Jake finally had enough of it and decided for the best to stop talking to Melanine and try to get her to realize that she needs to get herself together. 

Melanie smiled as she looked at her calendar smiling even wider as she prepared for the day so excited for another day with Jake. As she headed out of her house, she ran to the bus stop. The only thing that always kept her from Jake the most.

Bus delay issues which did have some sort of effect on her sleep since she was the last stop whenever she'd get ready she would have missed the bus and had to walk three miles to school, she'd see the kids that ride her bus looking at her. She'd see them grin or smile at her when she was out of breath from running just barely making it to school. Melanie paced herself. She tried to think that maybe that Jake's mom must have taken him to school even though Jake's mom would sometimes take Melanie also if she wanted a ride. Melanie sat the whole ride alone until she got to school she got off the bus and walked into school into the cafeteria waiting for the bell to ring. 

After agonizing minutes of waiting the bell rang and all the students including Melanie who began to feel worried that Jake was sick or with another person. She walked into her science class, a class she knew Jake had and saw with wide open eyes Jake talking to girl she didn't know. Melanie stared in shock, the only thing she could do was stare wide eyed at the girl sitting next to Jake. She couldn't make out what they were saying, but they talked and talked. Melanie's face changed to a dark red when she saw the girl's arm wrap over Jake's shoulder and laughing. When the class bell rang again Melanie took her still staring at jake and the girl. Melanie then stared at the girl with amense hatred then at Jake. Melanie decided to have a "chat" with Jake at lunch. When the teacher finished the lecture the students started to get ready to leave, so did Melanie, Jake, and the girl. Then the school bell rang which meant the students were dismissed to their next period Melaine still stared at Jake and the girl as they left and walked together to their next class. After hours of waiting for the bell to dismiss the students to lunch Melanie could only think about all the nice things that the girl and Jake talked about. "They we talking about me" she thought. "All this time together how could Jake hang with some rag doll two faced no good homewrecker" she also thought and finally the bell dismiss the students to lunch  everyone headed for the cafeteria including Jake and Melanie and the girl. 

"WHY WERE YOU TALKING TO HER!?" Melanie shouted. 

"She's my friend and we're working on this science project, I told you this twice now" Jake responded with a calm tone. 

"LIAR! HER HANDS WERE ALL OVER YOU AND YOU BOTH WERE MAKING FUN OF ME!" Melanie continued to shout still oblivious. 

"For the last time Stephanie and I are friends we're working on a science project" Jake said.

Melanie continued yelling at Jake catching the attention of some students and teachers until Jake yelled so loud that anyone inside the school could hear.


Melanie started at Jake shocked again, she felt as if her heart was breaking. In disbelief, Jake walked away from where he stood and walked out from the crowd to another class. As he did, she felt the gazes from her fellow students and teachers all day until  school ended.

    Melanie cried and cried on her pillow feeling so many emotions The guilt, neglect, anger and embarrassment was too much for her to handle not to mention she had to go to school the next day, After hours and hours of weeping she couldn't help but feel extremely exhausted she wiped her eyes. She then lifted her blankets over her head then closed her eyes falling asleep. 

When Melanie awoke she turned over pulling the covers off of her head looking at her clock to see it was almost 1:00am she sighed and turned around again facing the wall as she did she felt tears slowly form in her eyes as she began to remember what Jake said she wiped her eyes taking a deep breath then sat up. She reached to her left side under her nightstand and pulled out her phone deciding to play some app games on her phone to calm her down she didn't want to fall asleep. Melaine began to think about dropping out of school or just call the school to tell them that she was sick and couldn't go to school but a hopeful thought did make Melanie smile a little today was friday so maybe she could go and the weekend would be more merciful. 

After playing pac-man on her phone, she then thought about how maybe she was over think she really should get an education to get a better life and maybe other things it all came to a stop when she got a text notification, it was a text from Jake. Melanie looked in surprise and tossed her phone it landing on the edge of the bed she stared at it and watched as the screen went blank. After thinking about Jake and the conversations they'd have together. She reminded herself about what happened at school yesterday, then felt tears in her eyes again. But she'd quickly she wiped her eyes like before trying to stop herself from crying then took a deep breath to calm herself again. 

She stared deeply at her phone for a few minutes. She just couldn't bring herself to read Jake's message after what happened so she sat staring at the phone. Melanie just wanted to have someone to at least notice her someone to talk to and this kid had the audacity to make her feel this upset? She shook her head trying to make these awful thoughts leave and then stopped to think for a second. 

"What would Jake want to talk about so early in the morning?" she thought to herself.  

She reached for her phone slowly picked it up and turned the screen towards herself. Melanie sighed and turned on her phone again to see the text message and swiped right she didn't do it on accident Melanie though that if it was really something worth it he'd tell her at school and decided to continue to play more pac-man. After a half an hour, she decided to get a new app game but in the side corner where really weird apps where people did ritualistic things and sacrifices. It didn't help that some of the pictures that were within the app showed miserable people turn into completely popular and have happy families. 

After looking at some of the apps, Melanie got an idea. She then searched for something that would help her have a better life. She didn't care what was required or what she had to do, Melanie just wanted something good for once. After another and another pointless app Melanie began to feel hopeless again until she found a very specific ritual app that caught her attention. Melanie looked at what she needed to get, she took a piece of paper out of her notebook and a pencil out of her book bag, then written the objects down on a piece of paper.

"Mirror, knife, rope, salt, and tape." she reminded herself. 

But what she didn't know was what is it going to do, she taught for another moment, then shook her head. Looking back at the clock, she was surprised to see it was 4:26am. She then started to feel the anxiety of having to go to school to face Jake again to see all the students and the teachers that were staring at her. Melanie tried to block these thoughts, but she could still feel the anxiety of going back to school today and having to face all those people and Jake. Without a moment of hesitation, Melanie left her room in a hurried fashion to find the objects.

    It took a while, but Melanie found what she needed, then looked at the instructions very carefully on her phone. She didn't mess up, feeling slightly grateful that her parents didn't pay attention to her, so she would be able to do this. Had they found out what she was doing? If they really cared they could've stopped it, but currently they didn't and would just continue to chat with their friends. 

"Well... I guess I should start" Melanie said in a very nervous tone. 

Viewing the instructions one last time, she began to do what was instructed. Melanie twisted the knob on the sink and cold water began pouring from the faucet. After waiting a while, the mirror slowly started to fog up just like the instructions said. Melanie then spread the salt where she stood in a spherical shape, trying to make sure she doubled the salt to make the shape more visible. She then placed the salt on the counter next to the rope. 

"Is this good?" She asked herself still nervous. Then she shook her head again. "No, I wanted to do this... No going back" Melanie said in slight confidence. 

Then she grabbed the tape and started to tape her ankles together thankfully she it wasn't too specific how tight they had to be. She didn't know what kind of tape was required for the ritual so she grabbed any type without disturbance from her parents who are currently "working" in the kitchen talking on their phones. When Melanie was finished, she took the knife from the counter and started to cut the tape until it finally gave out she placed the tape and the knife  on the floor just barely out of the circle knowing she would need them again for the finale part. 

Melanie then grabbed one end of the rope while doing so she tried to keep her balance  and then to stand straight, She began to tie her wrists together with the rope until the rope had a giant knot and Melanie's wrists looked inseparable. To finish it off, she had to tape her eyes and stab herself, then chant the demon's name in her mind. Melanie slowly crouched down to grab the two object outside she carefully reached down to grab them, trying not to ruin the tape around her ankles. Melanie got them, she stretched the tape equal to the length of her eyes, then cut the tape with the knife. When she finally got the pieces of tape, she tossed the tape  out side of the circle, Melanie then put the tape over her eyes, then aimed the knife with her dominant hand. She began to chant the demon's name in her mind, then stabbed herself. At first it felt painful very very painful, then suddenly everything went black.

All Melanie could feel was nothing, the pain was suddenly gone. She tried to look around her, but all she could see was black, until she heard a voice.

"Well then this is a surprise" said a voice. Melanie then felt fear and became very panicked. "SHUT UP!" the voice said in an aggressive tone. 

She stopped moving, looked up, and saw a disfigured creature floating over her. Melanie was paralyzed in fear seeing this creature, its body is of that of a genderless human thing. The skin was very fur like, but veiny and black. Its legs were bent backwards. Its arms were longer than an average human could ever have imagined. They also had veins that go from its wrists to the neck. The demon's eyes were like a albino cat's staring at her. Melanie could see horn like things sticking out of its head.  

"Finally, I thought you were never going to shut up" 

Melanie was still not moving as the demon keeps talking to her. 

"Yesh you're weak spirited... What's your name?"

Somehow, Melanie found her voice. 

"M-Melanie. Who are you? What are you?" 

"Oh I don't know. Oh wait I'M A DEMON!"

"I'M SORRY I'M SORRY!" Melanie said in fear. 

"HAHAHAHA! You should have seen your face!" It laughed.

"W-what?.." Melanie said confused. 

"Kid, I'm a demon that grants wishes, don't you think I don't get summoned everyday?" 

"Sorry" Melanie was still very confused and very afraid at the same time. "Sooooo, What do you want?" It asked. 

"I-I want a better life" She said. 

"That's it?!" Melanie flinched hearing it raising its voice again. 

"Y-Yea... I-I don't want to much j-just a second chance." She said not making eye contact with it. 

"Listen if you want me to take you seriously stop acting so afraid it's too... 'NORMAL'" it said. 

Melanie was silent, she didn't know what to wish for and yet she didn't want something that she didn't want. 

"Since you can't decide I'll do this" The demon 

suddenly teleport face height to Melanie. "I'll grant you your wishes, but get one wrong... AND YOU'RE DEAD!~" then everything went white.