
Shattered Dreams

She nodded and walked back to the restroom.

Coming back to the room, dressed in the cloth he had given to her, she stood by the door of the restroom and quietly observed him.

He was standing by the window with a glass of wine in his hand.

He hadn't notice her at all , so she moved closer to him but stopped few inches before him.

He seemed to have noticed her, he turned around and said to her.

"You can go sleep now, I will be up for a while more, because I still have a lot of things to do."

She stood still, shocked, she doesn't seem to understand this man at all, but she was grateful, grateful to him.

She nodded and said " Goodnight."

He replied her"Goodnight."

She turned around from him and went straight to the king size bed, she lifted the quilt and slid in.

But she couldn't sleep, she tossed and turned continually.

Tang Xiao observed her for a while, how restless she was , tossing and turning.

" Having trouble sleeping?" He asked

"I haven't slept well for a long time, they barely give us enough time to sleep and now my system is finding it hard to relax."

As she was speaking, she sat up observed him and said.

"You don't seem the type that likes to mingle,(not shifting her gaze from him, she continued)

"Because you were all quiet in the club, drinking all alone and shoving everyone that wants to start a conversation with you away."

He didn't reply her immediately, just when she thought he wouldn't respond to her he said.

"I like been alone, it just happened that when I went into the business world that I often had to say a few words to some people."

He walked towards a chair and sat down then he said "Besides, of everyone there no one wants to really accompany Tang Xiao , they just want to talk to Tang Xiao, CEO Tang international."

Smiling she Said "Tang Xiao of Tang international."

She totally understands.

A man like him might not have anyone who truly wants to be his friend, everyone who wants to get closer to him, always have an ulterior motive they do it for their own benefits including her.

But she had no choice, she wouldn't have approached him if she did.

Then she said " That might be true."

He threw a glance at her and said.

"Try to get some rest "


He looked away from her, picked up his laptop and started working.

Shi Qingxia saw he already started working, then lay down with her back looking up, she lifted the quilt and covered herself, closed her eyes and before long she was taken off to the dream land.

A man climbed the bed she was lying down, she couldn't see his face because it was dark, the man cupped her breast.

She tried to stop him, but he gripped her hands,his grip was strong, she tried to scream but she realized that she couldn't scream.

She struggled but the more she struggled the more his move became fierce and she became very scared.

Tears rolled down the corner of her eyes and she couldn't help but tried harder, begging and crying

"Please don't."

"Please let me go."

"Please, please I'm begging you don't hurt me."

She kept on crying and begging until she hurriedly rised up from her bed breathing heavily, she accessed herself, and there was no change from the time she had started sleeping.

" Thank God that was just a dream."

She didn't know how long she has been sleeping for, but one thing she know is that she doesn't want to sleep anymore.

Afraid that her dream might suddenly become a reality.

She looked around the suite but she didn't see him, her instincts told her something, so she immediately jumped off the bed and ran to the rest room to confirm but she still didn't see him.

When she came out of the restroom she was so moody, she went straight to the bed and sat on the ground resting her back by the bed side, she curled herself up resting her hand on her knees.

Not moving, not saying anything.

'I Thought we had an agreement.' she thought.

As she thought about it she burst into tears**sobs**sobs**

She thought she had gotten her ticket out of this life but it seems she would never leave.

She is a whore,who will live her life sleeping with men **sobs**

The fact that she is a whore didn't hurt her as much as the fact that he deceived her.

She would prefer he hadn't given her a false hope but he did, he made her believe she could get out of here.

He made her believe that God truly existed and he was helping her.

He made her smile for the first time in a long time.

He gave her hope and shattered it without blinking.

She held her chest squeezing the amount of clothe she could grab and said.

"It's hurts, it really hurts" crying.

"Why." she whispered

" Why."


Author's side note:

Pls just follow me in this book.

It might seem slow but the book is heading somewhere.

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