
Pay Back Time

After the assistant had given the instructions to the chief of police,  he and his men immediately moved into action.

Knowing fully well that the person they came for was a very dangerous man, the police quietly entered the house, and been very careful not to alert the men.

Opening a door,  one of the police men that came for the raiding saw some girls in the room,  and immediately signalled them to be quiet then he slowly closed the door and headed towards another direction.


Meanwhile Tang xiao was still in his office with his assistant and he was restless, he can't wait to hear that Emilo has been captured.

'I will make sure you lose everything you have worked hard for Emilo, 

I will make sure you realise you messed with the wrong guy' Tangxiao thought to himself.

"Boss let me take you to the hospital for checkup"  his assistant said to him with concern written all over his face.

"No,  I will be fine" he replied.

His assistant knew that Tangxiao is a very stubborn man and once his mind is made up nothing can easily change it, and that's why he didn't try to persuade him more to be taken to the hospital.

"Besides, where is the guy I asked to be sent to me?"  he asked.

"I will send him in "  his assistant replied then turned his back and headed towards the door.


While the police men were trying to get to Emilo without alerting him, one of them mistakenly bumped into one of his men, although they've been trying to avoid them but this encounter was inevitable.

The instant the guy saw the police man,  the guy tried to attack, but the police man tried not to fire at him,  he wanted to knock him out quietly and not alert the rest but their fighting became intensed.

While they were struggling the guy succeeded in snatching the gun from the police man and aimed at him.

The police man closed his eyes to breath his last and the gun was fired.

The police opened his eyes immediately, looked at himself but didn't see any blood nor did he feel any pain.

Then he raised his eyes  and looked at the man standing in front of him with the gun in his hand still pointed at him, but there was something different, his eyes were protruding and they lacked emotions.

Slowly the man fell on his knees and flat on the floor.

And that's when the police man saw another police guy with a gun in his hand and he realizes that he was the one who fired the shot.

They immediately nodded at each other to acknowledge one another.

Emilo was in his office when he heard the sound of the gun and he immediately became alert.

He turned to the man standing in front of him and said,

"Go check what is going on"

"Yes sir" he replied before walking out of the office.

On stepping out he saw the police and he ran back.

"Boss, we are surrounded "  the guy told Emilo.

"The police is here"  he continued.

Emilo was shocked and he immediately jumped on his feet,  for years he has been in this business and he's never been raided by the police.

Because he has a lot of police friends.

Besides this place was out of bound, this is his ware house of which is located in an out sketch , the police wouldn't have been able to find this place.

He was always on low key with his business 'How come?' he thought to himself.

His thoughts immediately drifted to Tangxiao he knew the guy was powerful, but he was been held by his men.

He immediately took his phone and dailed one of his men that was holding Tang xiao hostage, but the number was not connecting.

"Fuck"  he said feeling frustrated.

And immediately he armed himself

Stepping out of his office he and his man started taking cover by firing at the direction where the police man was hiding.

Been that the police man was alone, Emilo was able to escape with a bullet on his left leg but his man received some bullet and died on the spot.

When the other police heard the shots they ran towards it but, they were too late, because by the time they arrived Emilo has already escaped.

But they knew since he was shot on his left leg, he won't be able to get far.

So some men were sent to search for him.

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