
Emotional Center

Heart and romantic emotion, when a two people of opposite gender comes together at the age of puberty due to high level of dopamine a neurotransmitter which is one of them leads the stimulation of sexual desire it obvious that it could be low or high it depends on environment where you live and what type of your friend circle are their because our second happiness is basically a friends when all together, apart from these there is other factors,

Is it in your mind "what you think and what you do"?

Psychologically when people are alone it imagine about past and if past is worst then thinking is worst in alone.

And other hormonal change takes place in the body for the development of secondary sexual character like growing hair on pubis region, on chest, arm, underarm, these all are the sign of development of sexual character.

Some metabolic changes takes place in both gender because of anabolic effects of testosterone, estrogen and progesterone on protein for the growth muscle and as according to the gender smoothness and hardness of muscles, colour tone dark in male and acne on the face due to excess release of sebum by the sebaceous gland in male...

Water, sodium and other electrolyte start retaining because it help in maintain blood pressure, glomerulus filtration rate (GFR), salt water balance etc. basically everything has advantage as well as disadvantage simultaneously, sometime unusual water retention can cause serious problem like heart failure, kidney failure, edema, premenstrual syndrome, liver damage, increase blood pressure cause headache, optical pressure increase.


· In case of animals pheromone is works as simulator and help in restriction of area, every animal has their own identity of pheromone…

· Animals use their signals as a fighting, dancing, sound effects, pheromone..

· Only human can feel the pleasure the of sex rest of animal are reproduce only for the next generation to maintain the offspring….

Changes take place during reproduction in male,

1) 50 percent of muscles growth takes place because of anabolic effects of testosterone on protein..

2) 10-15 percent of protein utilization will increase it required for the growth.

3) Boarding of shoulder and narrowing of pelvic, this is characteristics feature of male. Pelvic is very important bone because of it help in identification of unidentified dead body weather body is male or female. In female shoulder is narrow and pelvic is broader just opposite of male.

4) Acne on face due to increase in sebum secretion on skin leads oily skin that is favorable for the bacterial growth and glucose is easily available in body.

5) Skin becomes dark comparatively because of melatonin.

6) Increase in size of secondary sexual organ basically this is type of secondary growth

7) One most important thing is testis a site where the spermatogenesis takes place, but point is that, testis is not developed in scrotum but it can moves into scrotum during birth by inguinal canal. Inguinal is also act as a thread which hold the testis from upper side and from lower side another muscle is there which is gubernaculum both muscle help in holding testis in scrotum.

Changes take place during reproduction in female,

1) Muscle growth on private parts and also simultaneously muscle growth inside the body on uterus for the development of embryo because embryo embedded inside the uterus for the nutrition and nourishment.

2) Skin became smoother and softer but here notable thing is that level of melatonin is not as high as male.

3) Protein anabolism start for the growth and lots of hormonal change takes place.


Y-Chromosome has SRY gene which stimulate sertolic cells for release of mullerian regressive factor (Anti-mullerian hormone) which inhibits the mullerian duct (female) and development of Wolffian duct (male). In case of any abnormality in development of wolffian duct then on 8th week of intrauterine life (IUC) mullerian duct development and female genital.

-Here question is why heart associated with romantic emotions , as well we known about that during romantic condition or emotions our heart "beats increases" but question is that "why increases".

-Heart is epicenter center of blood pressure no doubt because of here "Sino atrial node"( SA node) which produces heart beat for the atrial contraction impulse transfer via "inter-nodal fiber" and continue with "atrioventricular node" (AV node) for ventricle contraction. Our heart beats is self- regulatory but up to some limits and it maintain by hypothalamus which indirectly guide gland for release of hormones for increase or decrease of heart beat where hormones acts on organ (heart) and then heart shows action against hormones weather hormones is acceleratory or suppressor, ones acceleratory impulse comes contraction of heart muscle leads increases heartbeat.

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