
He Who Devours Existence

A guy reincarnated with a body that eats flesh for breakfast and the power of Nihility unsealed. In his long journey he shall come across multiple opponents who will want to control him or take his powers away with a snap of their fingers. He will be known as the Entity that devours blood and Flesh, an entity that seeks to devour worlds, a Wolf in sheep's clothing, and an unstoppable God who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. This is the story of a Man who changed the history of the Megaverse and the man who will bring punishment to those who dare hurt his loved ones.

Joaquin_Bonilla_2031 · Cómic
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1 Chs

Son of Khaos



(AN: Be warned for we delve deep, help would be welcomed as I might have the wrong information about them)


???: It is time for you to awaken my son...

who is talking to me...? Why is everything dark, I can't feel my arms or legs...

With an unknown feeling that I get I slowly start to see everywhere around myself with a 360 view and when I look forwards I see a massive creature with lights illuminating it's entire body with a mouth that holds razor sharp teeth and eyes all around it's body.

With strange yellow and red energy wrapping it's entire body, an unknown amount of eyes & long sinister mouths gave me an indescribable feeling of pure dread and fear but for some reason it quickly subsided and I looked at it's body then quickly looking all around I saw the entire place be covered by strange colored lights with vortexes, black holes bigger than a universe were raging around.

While looking around I saw multiple figures gathering around the massive glowing thing but we're all dwarfed in size and they either had tendrils, multiple limbs, horns, or energy radiating from their body.

Where exactly am I if this many beings gathered around the huge Being with mouths and eyes all staring at me.

???: It is nice to see you have awakened my son

???: What do you mean, who are you and why do you call me son?

Still being wary I asked questions and wanted to know why he called me son. What was this thing that seems to be ruling over the other beings around. Now that I look closer the massive being has something similar to that of a crown but with tendrils growing out of it.

???: Well, I am Khaos and ruler of all. But I guess I share this title with Astaroth the Blind Idiot and God. You are my first child that I have created and have inherited a lot of Concepts that your body is brimming with the amount within you....

???: Wha- First child, don't you have more children?

Khaos: Hmm? No, you are my first child that I have chosen to be my successor. But maybe I should have other kids that can rule over the other concepts. Maybe they can help me against the Outer Gods Azatoth made and the Acuthas God created to battle us three....

I was confused and wanted to know more but stopped as he told me he wanted me to make my own form with the boundless red energy that seems to be vast.

I was confused about how to even control this energy before I started concentrating and trying to sense the energy surroundings everything. I don't know how long it was but I felt something within me start to pull in the energy towards me.

I start to slowly move the energy into my soul as I refine the energy and then start to make a humanoid figure with my soul being in the middle and I stirred my soul a bit making it soon slowly. I then started making my body take in more energy and started growing bigger every second.

After my body grew bigger traces of red, orange, black, orange, and white energy started to flow inside my body before swirling around the insides of my still translucent body. My body started giving off a weird type of pressure that started to become heavier and heavier with each passing second.

Slowly eyes started to appear throughout my body that were closed but gave off immense power. Suddenly horrifying mouths began to appear from my body and razor sharp teeth started growing making me feel hunger.

Khaos: Haha, you have inherited my physical characteristics. Now show me the rest of your true self and take control of your powers to manifest them.

While thinking about his words I slowly started forming my eyes from the energy that started to gather more quickly. I thought about some interesting eyes that mine could be and soon I felt something gathering deep within my soul.

Khaos: Now form your powers that you want to have and manifest them.

I concentrated my mind before I slowly started moving that strange feeling and spreading them throughout my body and strange markings were slowly formed on my body that kept radiating powerful energy.

Taking similar designs from stuff I watched before I started to form my eyes that layed closed. Thinking about the type of powers they each had made me focus more with most of the energy gathering in my eyes.

After a couple of minutes I slowly opened both my eyes with both giving off terrifying power. On the right eye it had 4 layers within my Iris, the front layer was white with a golden cross with a moon below it. The second layer was red with had 10 dots around it constantly spinning. The third layer was black with Golden chains spinning around. The fourth layer was dyed red with the symbol of infinity and 2 crescent shaped shapes inside the infinity symbol.

On my left eye there was 5 layers within my Iris, the first layer was orange with a yellow slit in the middle giving off a dangerous energy. The second layer was that of the Ying and Yang symbol spinning that gave off a gloomy pressure.

The third was 9 Golden dragons spinning that gave off a feeling of true might. The fourth was a black pentagram that gave off a feeling of dread and death. The fifth layer was a clock with the long hand pointing at 12 and the short hand pointing at 3 with a tick every second.

Simultaneously the dormant eyes throughout my body opened slowly and with 2 layers. The first layer was black and orange with 3 slits laying horizontally. The second layer had red triangles with red dots inside spinning slowly in a timely manner

After I finished with my eyes I focused on my body and everything below me turned into darkness. The darkness then climbed up my leg and slowly turn itself into a snake that kept climbing until it got into my right arm before coiling itself around then turning into a tattoo.

On my left shoulder I imagined a spinning wheel that gave off a dreadful yet harmonious feeling. 2 crossing red blood flowers formed on the wheel and made everyone looking silent.

After awhile I stabilized myself and took my first breath and I felt like I was truly reborn. I closed my eyes and made the numerous eyes & mouth on my body retract themselves into my skin completely disappearing as if they were never there.

Soon after I heard Chaos speak with a surprised face and I could see it's main mouth grinning showing it's long and sharp teeth.

Khaos: What a wonderful time it is for me to see my first born already have so many unique concepts! Especially for where you placed most of them in, even I myself find it surprising that you could use the concepts this way....hmm...

Khaos: Now the only thing you are missing is the Mark of Chaos and the Origin Mark. So where would you like for me to place it in...?

I thought about it before telling him to give me the mark of chaos on my back and Origin Mark on the middle of my chest.

I felt most of the Chaotic energy in the surroundings come together and fuse into a shining shape that kept moving and then move slowly towards me.

As it appeared above me I felt like I could shape it so I thought about how it would look and chose it to be that of a an all devouring dragon with it's mouth open and a sphere in the middle which took up most of the space on my back.

Tendrils started to spread from the dragon and wrap themselves around my body before sinking into my skin. After that I saw blood red droplet flow towards my chest and soon it landed on my chest as I blanked out.

i closed my eyes and went into my mind where I saw a figure standing in front of me with it's incorporeal body. I heard a voice in my mind telling if I was worthy and could inherit the throne of creation confusing me.

???: I don't care about any throne, you can keep it for all I care. I'm not power hungry so it won't even matter, I just will live in in the far depths. I am sure the fight will be just for entertainment as you can't perish even if existence itself disappears.

???: Interesting....But you are right about me, you yourself also seem to have the same thoughts as me. Especially your future so I will impart you with both The Origin and The End and they shall teach you how to fully make use of their power if you become worthy enough.

???: Take care of yourself, Even if you don't join you will bring changes towards existence itself.

Two bright lights appeared withing the palms of his hands before he joined both palms together then sending a sphere of Yellow & Purple towards my body as the front of my body changed.

The energy within my body became Chaotic with the arrival of this sphere and after a bit of time it was stabilized staying in my soul.

???: Now go and let me enjoy the amusing fights go on...

I came back to my senses before shaking my head and wanted to know where that place was but could not.

Khaos: Hmm, it seems he decided to give you both the powers of his first born.... surprisingly...

He then laughed before sending all the figures around us away with a wave of red energy.

Chaos: Since you seem to have everything under control you may leave and decide if you want to start creating new beings or a place where you reside.

I nodded absentmindedly before looking around the vast chaos before flying off on a different area that isn't claimed by the vast creatures or gods.

After flying for who knows how long I stopped and looked around before sending out an energy pulse around and there was nothing in the 20,000 light-years or so nearby.

I started collecting chaos energy from the surroundings before making a sphere of energy before growing in size and it increased to a massive black and red sphere the size of Jupiter.

While thinking of how to make this sphere appear more like earth and where humans can one day live in. Using the Nature Concept and Illusion concept I slowly formed the planet I made and greenery started to show and using the energy in the air to create an atmosphere.

As it was the first time I was creating something so it took me a while to get everything well as it kept dying until I managed to make more changes to the atmosphere and make oxygen with the plants or trees that grew up quickly.

I thought about making it just like the original earth which made me change the scenery more and amp up the oxygen. After doing so I changed the trees to look more older and made geographic changes by making grass plains, mountains, rivers, valleys, deserts, continents and a special place in the future North Atlantic ocean.

I had to use space and time as the main pillars to hold up the place I would call my home until the Earth is created and starting to find more ways to use my powers.

It is surprising that the chaotic energy father gave is able to make some of the best powers I had remembered but others I need them to form naturally or....create them after learning some concepts that do with True Death, Reality, River of Time, Invincibility, Souls, Life, Emotions, Creation, Nihility, Annihilation, Will, Laws, Order, Light, Dark, Nature Elements, etc...

Hmm, realizing the concepts it will take me an infinite amount of time is what I would have said if I didn't create my eyes with concepts unknown to the current timeline.

I do wonder if I can create things similar to what the marvel universe uses, but it will be different on how they can be created. Nevertheless it is possible, but since I claimed this universe I might as well make it similar to my Solar System.

Looking at how dark it was all around me it truly needs a Sun, albeit the stars do shine some light but it isn't enough. Can I even replicate magic itself? If I can I might do something to stimulate my body to make magic circuits or new veins..?

While thinking about this I turned around and saw a black hole, light years away. With a single step I appeared near it and felt the space around me warp and distort. I enlarged my body to be 5x bigger than the Black hole which looking at it, It bigger than expected.

I grabbed it with my left hand and seeing something slithering within I was left shaped before I curiously placed my finger close to it and a large black mandible stepped out and what seems to be black wriggling tendrils followed after its mandibles.

As it stepped out and looked up slowly it screeched before moving up my arm curiously rubbing it's tendrils over my arms.

It then suddenly rubbed it's black head against my white energized arm and looking around I plucked a couple of stars before bringing it close to the black ball of tendrils and mandibles.

With it's tendrils it pulled it towards it's biggest mandible and it opened it's maws before devouring the Insanely hot stars with ease and it started to squirm a bit as it kept eating the stars.

And not long after the strange creature became slimmer and its body shifted from a round ball into that of a centipede and it's black color faded away slowly as its carapace became a mix of white and purple resembling the starry night with white stars over its body.


It soon wrapped itself around my left arm before it's head reached up to my head and nuzzled my neck and made a clicking noise.

???: Aren't you a weird fellow...? But as I am the only one here I will take all the company I can have. Maybe you can protect my small version of earth while I am not here at the moment.

I chuckled as it looked at me puzzled but it crawled towards my neck and wrapped around it. Leaving room for me to move my neck I didn't stop it resting on my body.

Thinking on what to do with the black hole I gained, I used my born Concept being Nihility and wrapped it around the black hole.

I felt the Centipede hiss and tremble and I rubbed it's head with my right hand calming it down somewhat. Slowly closing my eyes I closed my attention from the physical world and focused in my mental space where I felt something within my mind was forming.


When I opened my eyes I was in a blank space with nothing in the distance except the black hole that was now fundamentally different than before.

The mass itself was gone and what lay inside was a rotating vortex that never stopped and if I focused some more there was a small piece of white flesh sticking in the middle.

???: What is that...?

The more I focused on it the more I felt my head ache and I felt my inner self want to break down in itself. I kept looking at the piece of flesh before I had to sit down on this imagery blank space and slowly focusing on it with Nihility I lessened the effect it had on me but I kept feeling it poke around my head before I used more Nihility and looked through my memories of what the white flesh could be along with the vortex that kept revolving eating matter itself.

Think you damn brain of mine! What revolves in a circle but devours space and matter!!! Hmm, the only thing that comes to mind is The Ouroborus Dragon but it is always infinite and regenerates itself by eating it's own tail.

But why would a piece of it's flesh be in a black hole let alone a chunk of it's flesh. Who would have thought that It would have been the end of my life if it wasn't for my own eyes to lessen the overwhelming influence by just staring at it's flesh. Not even Ancient gods could have stopped it's influence before turning them inside out.

I focused once again on the white flesh before I started to study it alongside the black holes rotationary force.

While I was meditating there were more black holes appearing before the outskirts of my universe and they had the same critters inside them as the one around my neck.


It had stopped many from moving forwards and all of the critters stepped out the black holes and looked at the catastrophically massive centipede that started to release white flames around its carapace and a white luster was now around it's entire body shining brightly.

All the balls of darkness slowly floated towards the large centipede before they looked down with their front mandibles and started clicking all together which would be creepy for others.

The centipede had hissed before it started to click and all the black holes neared themselves and circled around my body continuing to revolve around me.

As I kept focused on the white flesh, Nihility shaked a bit before I felt someone appear from behind me making me become surprised yet scared.

???: I advice you Son of Khaos, if you continue to look into the Serpents Own concept you may lose yourself. I don't wish for you to die yet, especially a daring being that wants to learn other concepts of Higher Dimension Entities.

Without losing focus and feeling something twitch within my eyes I felt my Infinity Symbol start to turn and twist before I felt something new form around the Infinity Symbol.

???: So you have learned something from him? Interesting....your eyes seem fit to accommodate the others essence and Born Concept....

Hearing her speak made me confused somewhat but I used my newly formed Infinity pupil to focus on the white flesh and I felt my head clear and was able to decipher more of the white flesh that kept spinning in a circle.

I opened eyes on the back of my tattooed back and saw the figure who was very tall and an older woman. Her skin and dress are dark in shade seeming to contain the night sky, with long pitch-black hair, contrasting her purple eyes.

???: Nice to make your acquaintance miss?

???: I go by many names, but you may call me "The Darkness" I am a friend of your father Khaos. As the only one who cares for him, it is the first time I have watched him behave differently than before. He is usually distant, cold, unresponsive, or never speaks without emotions.

???: Nice to meet you miss darkness, My name is hmm.... although I can't remember what It was, I guess you may call me Yerser...

Darkness: An interesting name, if you ever need help make sure to call my name or if you can comprehend my concept we shall always meet.

Yerser: Then goodbye Darkness, it is nice to meet a being such as yourself.

Darkness: Although I can't bring my true body here otherwise it will destroy the dimension we are currently in. And I am the sister of God & Khaos so I'm your aunt, so don't hide away because many wish to beat the children of The Big three and battle against them.

Yerser: Yes, but how do I gain your concept?

Darkness: Here, this should be enough to let you somewhat comprehend the concept but not fully.

She then made a pitch-black orb and with both hands placed the orb within my body or where my chest is and a black shadow forms beneath her as she falls down slowly with a cheeky smile on her face.

Darkness: Say hello to your father for me please!

Yerser: Yes aunt?

And soon she disappears into the shadows and I returned back into the physical plane of reality where I found myself close to thousands of black holes that were revolving around my planet.

Guess I made it's Core strong enough to push back the revolving force of Black holes. Feeling the centipede still on my neck I was relieved before I felt something crawl on my back making me stop.

Yerser: What in-?

Looking down it seems the centipede that was around my neck grew much larger than before as it is wrapped around my chest.

Thinking about it while looking at the Black hole, I got the centipede to unwrap itself from my chest before placing the Black hole within my chest near the pitch-black orb Darkness gave me.

Seeing as both things didn't attack one another I let the centipede wrap itself once again around my chest and thinking about it, the centipede needs a name.

Yerser: Hey, would you like it if I give you a name? I can give a shared name for all your friends if they want to be name-

Before I could finish what I wanted to say I heard Thousands of clicks within the various sizeable Black Holes where Black balls of darkness, tendrils, and few centipedes way smaller than the one on me.

The one on me snuggled it's head and clicked softly before I chuckled an decided to create a Household Name for me and my small army of creatures who seem to evolve after eating matter. It is a good time as never to test my eyes power and see if I can share my power.

Yerser: Ahem, As the First Son of Khaos and an Entity with the power of Nihility, I grant you the name of Vsetra and your race shall now be named Gretoras...

Yerser: With your race and yourself being named I invite you all to join my Family and Vsetra you will inherit my household name Zetelth....

When I spoke the first words, I used my eye that held the 9 Golden serpent-like dragons and used 4 of the 9 dragons that held the concepts of Law, Order, Will, and Truth.

All the thousands of small black critters kept clicking as they started to have cracks forming on their pitch-black round body and the clocking lessened as time went past.

A red light shined between the cracks and their bodies starting to stretch into that of a centipede and unlike Vsetra who is purple & white, the newer centipedes were Red & Black with an image of a Chinese dragon on their carapace with one sun on their head.

Then they shined once again before a new symbol was engraved upon their back which I decided will be our Sigil. Vsetra unwrapped itself from my body and cracks started to show on it's purple carapace.


It jumped from my waist onto the empty space floating before it clicked at me and bowed it's head. Not long after it started gathering the energy around itself along with thousands of Black Holes that started to shake shape and stick together to form a black and red cocoon that enveloped Vsetra entirely.

The cocoon kept pulling in the energy from around itself along with the black holes nearing the cocoon before it gets consumed. As I didn't know how long it would take Vsetra to grow out the cocoon I pulled all the Gretoras with me and decreased everyone's sizes so that they would fit within the small earth I created.

Once we arrived on earth I looked at an open area before I decided to just meditate and let the small Gretoras rest or sleep around the earth. Now all I had to do was wait for Vsetra to wake up or break the cocoon with a new look like before he ate 100 stars.

Yerser: Wake up soon Vsetra....we have a long journey to go through....in this wonderful life of ours....along with the others....

I looked at the Gretoras who were all excitedly crawling around exploring their new surroundings. I called the larger Gretoras which were only 300 of them and told them to guard Vsetra or wake me up in case something happens.

After hearing them clicking and crawling towards the red Cocoon I went within my mental plane where I saw the Black hole and the White flesh that has somewhat slowed down a bit but I felt like I could gain something from it if I continued to research it's concepts.












To be continued