

Kane's eyes snapped open, and a violent cough blew up a large patch of dry dust.

it was pitch black in front of him and he couldn't see the sky, but he didn't think he was blind, because he could vaguely see the outline of blood and dirt hanging on his eyelashes mixed into a crumbly outline.

"Didn't I die in the earthquake? Where is this Place?"

He stammered his dry, cracked lips as the cries of children and adults echoed in his ears in panic. Struggling to get up from the ground, but involved a sharp pain twisting and reverberating in his chest.

"Hiss, it hurts, my head is bleeding, and my lungs are ..."

The dizziness came with a bang, like a bomb detonated in his ears, his eardrums bulging and buzzing.

The memories left behind in this body merged, like a spoonful of white sugar sprinkled into boiling water, thrown and rolled down by the boiling water, and finally squeezed and melted by a powerful external force because of the incompatibility, making an alien soul.

A world that is both strange and familiar, the Runeterra.

The most dangerous corner of the Empire of Shurima, Icathia.


The ignorant village people, who have lived in this cruel desert for generations, are not aware of the danger that has crept beneath their feet.

The underground is dense with countless void creatures, which carry an insatiable hunger, ready to bring dissipation to all things.

The dark streams deep underground have been surging for ages, and the scattered villages seem to survive on top of the hourglass, when the gravel is empty to reveal the huge mouth of the abyss that swallows everything below, no one can escape.

The moment of the end should not have come so soon, the child's mindless pranks, but to invite destruction.

Kane, the original owner of this body, was only ten summers old when he was at the most playful age of his life.

Had he been older, it would have been easier for him to notice that something unusual was happening in the village - wandering strangers were demanding tribute from the villagers every day, sacrificing to the dark forces of the earth.

The desert days were so hot that Kane and the village children had to take advantage of the shade at night to go out and play.

That night, they came across a fence of goats bought from the nomadic tribes for sacrifice.

Driven by an inexplicable childishness, Kai'Sa, a fellow girl, cut the rope and let the animal go, showing off to her friends the exquisite dagger that was the only one of its kind.

Kane did not stop his full attention on the dagger.

It was a birthday present from Kai'Sa's father when she was eight years old, and in this barren village where there was nothing, every time she took it out, it aroused the envy of her friends.

But no one would have thought it would be the beginning of their nightmare.

When the new moon fell, the cult saw that the sacrifice was not ready, and in its rage awakened the void, replacing the necessary sacrifice with a foolish life.

The earth trembled, a searing flash of light pierced the sky, and the children fled. The bedrock of the earth split into a deep valley, swallowing the entire village with all its people. Only twisted pillars of stone, as dark as night, were left behind, piercing the yellow sands of the desert.

In the land of subsidence, Kane fell to the ground and died, the foreign soul that died in the earthquake taking over the still intact body.

"Now, I'm called Kane. But ..."

The most unacceptable thing about Kane is not that he came to another world or became a ten-year-old child, but that he was caught up in this ten-death affair and was not even qualified to continue living.

He played in this incident as just a passerby, even without a name, except for Kai'Sa, the entire village everyone did not survive in the end.

The survivors were buried by the rubble, trapped underground, and their lives perished one after another in three days.

He was angry. Why give him hope and then make him despair!

The successive shocks of the light and the strange made his brain confused. Fear made him immobile, but the only remaining trace of reason made him seize a glimpse of opportunity in the underworld, and thus quickly calmed down.

"Wait! Kai'Sa ... Kai'Sa should also be trapped underground."

"Is it possible to survive as long as I follow her?"

The saving straw seemed to be placed in front of his eyes, but when Kane reached out to grab it, he hesitated.

"No, I can't do that! We've only just fallen a short time ago now, and Kai'Sa hasn't yet been symbiotically born with the Void. My presence may cause a butterfly effect, and if she doesn't complete the symbiosis, she won't live long, and then I'll ..."

Kane temporarily gave up the struggle, lying limp on the ruins to recover his strength.

He knew that the first three days of falling into the ground were at least safe, those void monsters would not find this place so quickly.

The cries that he couldn't understand just now began to gradually become clear.

"It hurts, help! Help ..."

"Mom, where are you, I'm so scared ..."


Kane listened to these cries for help and suddenly remembered his birth mother and father of this body, but he immediately forced himself not to think about this, not to torture his already fragile and nearly broken spirit.

If you know how cruel and desperate the underground world is, you will not go to say what mutual help together to live the bullshit.

There is no food here, only monsters, no special ability of ordinary people in this down here can not last long.

Ending up either starving to death or become the monster's rations.

He can not be bound by moral benevolence, and bloodline feelings must make the most sensible decision.

Do not act!

Change nothing!

The one in ten thousand chance of survival was already in front of him, making any move might miss it!

Only quiet rest, recovery wounds to preserve strength, to have the strength to catch that glimpse of life in three days!

Although the thoughts in his heart bordered on desperation, humanity still drove him to move. Only after nearly fainting from the stabbing pain in his chest when he got up, he could finally give up on the idea with a little relief.

"I'm sorry, I wanted to save, but my health wouldn't allow it ...," even breathing with pain, and closes his eyes again.

Survivors' cries for help still echoed in the darkness as Kane lay in the rubble waiting for himself to get used to the pain, not saying a word as if he were dead.

He took this moment of powerlessness deep in his heart, originally with the world's soul for the first time had such a strong desire to become stronger. He was powerless to change his fate at this moment, and only by becoming stronger could he dictate his destiny.

Under the cruel laws of the void, the weak can only survive by becoming cold, and mercy is a charity that can only be given by the strong.

"Is there someone? Answer me, will you?"

As Kane was reassuring himself, the girl's sobbing voice drifted into his ears, and she mumbled several names, one of which was Kane.

With a sense of familiarity in his memory, Kane was sure the girl was Kai'Sa.

Gravel scraped against the soles of his feet. The girl's footsteps came closer and closer, and Kane closed his eyes, unwilling to open them.

"Kane? Kane! Are you still alive?"

Kai'Sa seemed to recognize her playmate as she knelt and reached out her dirty hand to press Kane's face, shaking his head back and forth with gentle thrusts.

But Kane held his breath and did not even dare to breathe out. His "death" made Kai'Sa once again into despair and fear.

He could not let her find himself alive, at least not now.

Kai'Sa has to face everything alone, to complete the symbiosis, to have the capital to live in this underground. She had to be tenacious in her desperate situation, but any hint of weakness would not complete the metamorphosis.

"Oooh, you guys say something, I'm so scared to be alone!"

"What should I do ..."

The girl tore her heart out and cried, warm tears dripping down Kane's face, causing him to grip his heart.


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