

The week passed by really quick and now it was time for me to visit Alex. I got to talk to him few days ago. He said that he was busy preparing for his final exams. That explains why he read my messages but did not reply. The plane is about to land now.

I am now back at the place I grew up in. This place holds many memories of mine. Most of which are the ones I would like to forget, but also some really happy memories with Alex. As luck seems to be with me now a days, I hope I will make some more good memories within the two weeks I'm about to spend here.

After getting out of the airport, I hailed a cab and asked the driver to take me to my destination which was Alex's house. While sitting in the cab, my thoughts drifted off back to Seoul, mostly the fact that how life took a one eighty turn for me there.

I finally got to follow my dreams and also found seven men who helped me out of the dark hole I was stuck in during my hard times. Not wanting to remember those dark days, I started thinking about SMR. After working in the same company for like six months, we only met a week ago.

And just within the week, we became friends. Ally, Ari and I now hang out with them during college hours. We are all really busy so the only time we can talk a bit is during lunch break. Nonetheless, it felt great to know them behind the idol barrier and as a normal person.

I must have been thinking for quite a while since I already reached my destination. Seeing Alex's house and my old neighborhood filled me with a sense of nostalgia and all my thoughts about SMR flew out of the window. I paid the driver and got out of the cab.

I had informed Alex's mom about my arrival and she had asked me to just go inside the house and rest since, 'no one would be home at the time I would arrive here'. And I did exactly that.

I took out the spare key from under the flower pot and made my way inside. I did not know I would regret my simple actions so much till then. 'Cause the first thing I saw after opening the door was Alex making out with some girl I didn't know. He must have heard me coming in so he parted from the girl and turned to see me standing there, shocked and hurt.

"M-Maya?" he stuttered. The girl must not have noticed me for she said, with a sour tone, "Maya? The rich girl who you used for money? What about her?" Then she followed Alex's line of sight and saw me.

"The rich girl you used for money, eh? Was that all I was, boyfriend?" I asked barely controlling my urge to break his nose, emphasizing the boyfriend. He remained quiet giving me all the answers I needed. I was boiling in anger at that point. I made my way up to him and slapped him hard.

"And to think you were my soul mate." I scoffed. "If it has not gotten into your dense brain yet, we're over. And I hope you know about the consequences you will be facing incase she's not your soul mate. " I spat at him and left the house.

I went to a nearby hotel to stay the night and booked a room. It was early evening so I decided to freshen up first then order room service for dinner and sleep. After dinner which I didn't even eat, I laid down on the bed and got consumed by my thoughts which were jumbled since my encounter with Alex.

I would return home tomorrow. There's no point staying here anymore. I still can't believe he cheated on me. Did I not mean anything to him? Did he really just use me for money? I should've known. I was so dense not to realize that. How could I be blinded by his fake sympathy towards my bullied self? At least this proves that he is not my soul mate.

If he had cheated on me with his soul mate, I wouldn't have been so hurt. But, he doesn't even know who his soul mate is yet. Even I wasn't sure if I was his soul mate or not so I didn't agree to kiss him and only held hands with him. Not that we had time to. It's a good thing I moved to Korea then.

Cheating on one's soul mate, knowingly or unknowingly, causes one to have severe health issues because their soul rejects sexual connections with anyone except its mate. I didn't want to risk it. I did think I was his soul mate because soul mates also feel some sort of connection between them even before finding out if they are soul mates. And since we were together for sixteen years, it seemed as if we were meant to be.

At least, that's what others said when they saw us and I was gullible enough to believe them. With these thoughts, I finally allowed myself to cry. Even though Alex and I were in a long distance relationship, it still hurt being cheated on. I also lost my 'best friend' and found out that he was using me. Will I never find friends who like me for me and are genuine?

On that thought, I remembered Ally and Ari. They must be asleep as it's early morning there so I texted them saying, 'I'm coming back tomorrow. Alex cheated on me.' With this, they will at least know what happened. I will talk to them properly tomorrow. It seems luck really isn't with me while I'm in US.

With that thought, I fell asleep with a still heavy heart.