
Chapter 6


"Come on Nicole tell me I hope it's not a bad idea" I said with a worried expression

"calm down Lydi, it's very simple and easy " she held my hands and we sat on the couch

"OK tell me" I furrowed my brows

"make Zion fall for you!"

"what!?" I gasped

"you must be joking Nicole " rolling my eyes.

"come on just make him fall for him and dump him that's it, and that's the only way to get your revenge for humiliating you"

"but...." before I could utter a word she cut me off.

"don't worry I will tell you what to do, you just have to do according to plan, and lastly don't fall for him! "  Anger started boiling up in me

"don't worry That's never going to happen I won't fall for that jerk!"

"am just telling you to be careful" and then she left, I sat there like a statue thinking of what Nicole said I hissed

It's Monday I felt bored because I hate Monday's as usual we went to our class I sat on my usual sit thinking come on Lydia why are you thinking about Nicole's words I felt someone sat beside me calling my name that cutted me off from my thinking

"Hi lydia" to my surprise it was James

"hi James what are you doing here"

"what do you mean,  am here for class " he smiled at me showing his brown teeth

"what? "


"Lydi!  Lydi!  He's here" as I know who she's talking about I turned to see king jerk frowning his face with his hair messy,i can tell he fought with someone Cus I can see little blood in the corner of his mouth, he glanced through my direction and our eyes met. I muttered shit  under my breath

" hey something bordering you " James said I can see he cares for me, the teacher came inside the class and we started our class it was  boring Cus it's a general class.  After some time the class is finally over I sighed with relief

We went to the cafeteria me, Nicole and James, we ate our snacks quietly and gisting. As we are leaving I heard a familiar voice calling my name is fuck zion what the hell

"hey Lydia" I was surprised Cus this the first time he calls me by my name, I stepped to leave but he cut me off

"hey I need to talk to you, in private " by that time am feeling angry Nicole nod at me . We went to a quite just sound of birds we stood for some time but he's not saying anything.

"hey say whatever you want to say I have an important work to do" I hissed he turned to me and utter two unexpected words

"I'm..... Sorry " the words just turned in my head I'm sorry I'm sorry  what game is he trying to pull this time

"sorry for what?" I pretend not to know what he's talking about

"for everything that I've done to you, I know you won't forgive me that easily but am sincerely sorry from the bottom of my heart " I can't read his expression whether he's sorry or just pretending

"I'll Think about your apology " with that I left without waiting for what he's gonna say.


after she left I smirked thinking my plan is going to work I thought of the idea Ben gave to me yesterday "pretend you're sorry that you have realised your mistake do what it takes to win her trust after that...man you lead her to bed and dump her"   I laughed thinking of his perfect plan I won't let anything get in my way. I heard someone hugging Me from the back it was Maggie she's hot she started kissing me and I respond to her kiss, I pushed her remembering my plan I can't let Maggie ruin my plan

"maybe later am not in the mood now " she started touching my face OMG!  She's so hot but am pushing back thinking of my plan

" what Zion it won't take long "

"no!"  I yelled at her making her to leave the place.  Hmm...lydia can't wait to taste you.  We went to the bar to get some fresh air, I saw Lydia friend Nicole talking with some weird guy I thought  this is the right time to make my move  I moved to her place

"hey"  I could see her eyes went wide seeing me She gesture to the boy and he left

" what do you want"

" calm down I will not eat you" I could see her fears "I want Lydia number " her eyes went wide

"what are you going to do with her number " I smirked as usual and pretend

" I want to apologize to her about what  I did to her"

"can't you meet her in person "

" I met her and apologize but it seems I need to apologize again" I can see that she is hesitating but am Zion Blake I get whatever I want .....

Hello lovelies hope you're all doing well,  please vote/comment  I need your comments to know if the book is entertaining you or not.

Love y'all ❤

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