
Hate OR Love Mr King

He treated you like a piece of contract paper that can strengthen his kingdom and completely ruined your life Now you reincarnated to the year before your marriage with the chances to get back.....

Ozoemena_Perpetua · Fantasía
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1 Chs

The present

"Good morning your royal highness",the enuch greeted.

Where is my queen, the king asked walking to the Queen's chamber

"the queen is taking a stroll in the garden",the Enoch answered walking fast to catch up with the king

"bring me fresh Jasmine tea leaves,a pot of water with tea set

"should I brew the tea your highness"

I will do that by myself

"but your highness, you can't brew tea ,it is a dent on your image and status,I advice that you reconsider", the Enoch said respectfully

"Who are you to tell me what to do,I want to personally brew my wife's tea what is wrong with that", the king bellowed and the Enoch shrank back in fear

"I will get the things ready your highness"

"Bring them to the garden I will be there", the king said rushing off to the garden

"Be careful your highness", the Enoch shouted after him


Queen Sita was walking around the garden and attending to the flowers with her maidens when the king came in

"excuse us", he ordered

and all the servants gave them a distance

My queen, how are you doing this morning

"I slept like a queen should, how can I be of help to you your royal highness",Sita said spitefully putting emphasis on the titles

"Sita dear,I thought I told you to drop the honorifics when we are alone, won't you ask your husband how his night was since you insisted on sleeping in your Chambers"

My apologies your highness, how was the royal king's sleep.

"There you go again with the titles"

Am sorry your highness am just used to addressing you by your title I can't do other wise expect it is by a royal command

it's okay, the king sighed, come with me to the shade, Williams said stretching out his hand and Sita ignored his hands and walked to the shade on her own.

On the table was a tea set with fresh Jasmine leaves,

"your highness who would brew this tea since you chased my servants away"

I will brew the tea personally for you

Who would believe that King Williams Rama of Kingdom Q,has been demoted to the mere ranks of a servant that brews tea, Sita sneered

What is wrong with me brewing a cup of tea for my wife

Ooh, your highness, there is certainly nothing wrong with brewing a cup of tea for your wife, just that am not your wife,am just the queen of Kingdom Q

you are not just their queen, you are my wife!!!, Williams bellowed in anger

Easy, slow down, don't swallow me,am just your wife In the papers, this contract marriage was just to strengthen your kingdom,my duty ends in being the kingdoms queen and giving them a heir, so don't expect me to be all lovey dovey with you.

Am sorry for raising my voice on you,I lost my temper

if you would excuse me I have a meeting with the ladies of the court,am quite a busy queen unlike some so called kings,Sita said walking out


*In the Queen's Chambers*

why is he behaving this way now, when I begged for his attention he ignored me like a piece of trash, but that's not changing anything,I won't fall for this lowlife again,Sita thought to herself. Since she transmigrated Ten years earlier to the time she just got married to King Williams after her untimely death his attitude towards her did a complete u-turn,if he was like this in her first life she would have died a happy death or better still she won't have died at all,but no matter what she won't be as stupid as she was earlier doing everything to make an arranged marriage work out, but that's in the past, the new her won't make such mistakes.

Your highness it's time for the meeting with the Court ladies, Lucia her hand maid announced,

Lucia was the only person that came with her from Eleanor's Dukedom her father's place after she got married, she has been more like a friend than a maid to her, she has followed her since they were kids.

am almost ready, just help me style my hair

you look Soo beautiful your highness no wonder the king can't take his eyes off you,I think he was mesmerized by this charming face of yours, Lucia chirped happily

well, can't deny my beauty of course but he should withhold his admiration as they are not accepted

but I thought you decided to make the marriage work your highness

well not anymore,and please call me miss Sita when we are alone please drop the honorifics

Yes your high.., sorry miss Sita, why did you change your mind Soo soon ?

well people change and grow up and most of all realize that fantasies remain what they are"FANTASIES",and my dear I just understood and experienced all.

But how miss Sita,he hasn't done anything bad yet?

Really??, what if I tell you he has done lots of bad things already,

you are scaring me miss Sita, when did he do anything bad

*giggles*, you look so cute when you are scared, come let's go and stop asking things that will scare you more

yes miss, the meeting starts in ten minutes let's go

alright lead the way

It's time to set things straight and gain my respect from the court ladies and not mess up like l did the last time,Sita thought to herself

we are here your highness..