
The Sorting Hat's Revelation

The first years looked rather amazed at the professor's speech about Hogwarts and the houses. Eric didn't feel anything different except at the end when the professor looked at him.

'I wonder how many times the professor said and practiced this speech'

Many first years were already loudly discussing where they wanted to be sorted.

The scene where Draco Malfoy who was also the same guy who almost peed from the sight of the giant approached Harry Potter and got denied also happened. Although Draco didn't take it so badly as in the original.

After a few minutes of waiting the professor opened the grand doors and led everyone inside the great hall.

The great hall was almost the same as in the original movies with 4 long tables and one additional where professors and principal sat. There were candles suspended above everyone in the sky which was also an illusioned ceiling. Or that was what Hermione was saying along the way.

All of this was pretty amazing to Eric who for the past few years didn't experience this kind of environment and surroundings. Everyone had happy smiles placed on their faces and was laughing and enjoying themselves by listening and retelling all the stories they got over the summer.

The first years were led before the table where professors sat.

There was a stool with a long dusty and old hat that sat on it.

As the great hall quieted down the professor McGonnagal was preparing to speak once again.

"Welcome once again, dear students," Professor McGonagall began. "Before we proceed with the Sorting Ceremony, there is a tradition we must uphold. It is a moment that reminds us of the unity and history of Hogwarts."

She paused for a moment, letting the anticipation build, before continuing. "I present to you the Sorting Hat!"

The students erupted in applause as everyone focused their attention on the old and tattered hat.

The hat suddenly started shaking as if responding to the call of Hogwarts to fulfill its duty. Great silence immediately enveloped the great hall as if everyone feared that they would miss something important.

The sorting hat then coughed a few times to clear its throat even though Eric was pretty sure hats don't have a throat.

"Welcome, young witches and wizards, gathered here, To the start of a new year, full of wonder and cheer, I am the Sorting Hat, wise and fair, Ready to sort you all with utmost care.

Listen closely, my dear students, heed my song, For I hold secrets that may just belong, To one among you, destined to rise, And change the world, to everyone's surprise.

In Hogwarts' halls, where the magic resides, Lies a student with potential, deep inside, A power unknown, yet ready to be unfurled, A destiny that could reshape the world.

So, pay attention, young ones, as you stand, For this year, a student may take a grandstand, Embrace your talents, and let your dreams unfurl, For within this school, lies a future world-changer.

The wand chooses the wizard, it's been said, But destiny's path lies within each thread, A student among you holds a unique might, To make a difference, to shine so brightly.

Courage, wisdom, loyalty, and ambition, These traits within you hold a special mission, Embrace them, dear students, for they will guide, As you embark on this transformative ride.

Together, we stand, a community strong, But remember, one among you may prove the throng, With their actions and choices, they'll unfurl, A destiny that could reshape the entire world.

So, let the sorting commence, with hope in the air, May this year be filled with greatness and flair, Listen to your heart, and let your true self shine, For this year holds a student, destined for the divine."

The students, as they listen to the Sorting Hat's song, experience a mix of emotions and reactions. Some of them are filled with curiosity and excitement, their eyes wide with anticipation, wondering who among them might hold the power to change the world. They feel a surge of motivation, and a sense of purpose, as they contemplate the possibilities that lie ahead.

Others are taken aback, their minds racing with questions and doubts. They exchange glances with their peers, searching for any signs of who this remarkable student might be. Whispers and murmurs ripple through the crowd as they try to decipher the Sorting Hat's cryptic words.

Some feel a flicker of self-doubt, questioning their potential and whether they could be the ones destined for greatness. Yet, at that moment, they also feel a spark of determination, a desire to rise to the challenge and uncover their hidden strengths.

All of these emotions could be felt in the air making everyone tremble in excitement and happiness. All freshmen felt honored that they will be able to attend a school like Hogwarts.

Amidst all these emotions and whispers all professors had their sight set on a certain individual. And no, it was not Eric.

Some smarter students also started looking at that one person with glasses and a scar on his forehead. That person didn't know that many people now take him as the world-changer in the Sorting hats words.

Eric was long immersed in the words spoken by the sorting hat to notice that some people take Harry Potter as this world changer that was mentioned course it is possible because, with Harry's talent and destiny, it was very possible.

Every word that the hat spoke made countless thoughts emerge inside his mind about his purpose, fate, and goal. All these thoughts made Eric to be unknowingly more indulged to learn to be able to do the same things as the mentioned world changer.

Maybe it was another purpose of the founders of Hogwarts for the sorting hat. Although sorting students was very important, making all students eager to learn was something that was above important.

Everyone was trying to understand what happened and so everything was somewhat quiet except a few whispers here and there.

As everyone started focusing on what was in front of them they slowly put this song of hats somewhere back inside their minds but making sure that they would never forget it.

Professor McGonagall slowly opened her mouth and said "Okay let's continue with the sorting! Amelia Brown!".

A bright-eyed and curious girl slowly made her way toward the stool and sat on it. As the Sorting Hat touched her head, it whispered words that only she could hear. A moment later, the Hat shouted, "RAVENCLAW!" and the table adorned in blue and silver erupted in applause.

The sorting continued in a similar affair but when Harry Potter's name was called up everyone became quiet, interested to hear everything.

"GRYFFINDOR!" After 9 minutes of waiting and tension, the hat finally loudly announced.

Everyone yelled with enthusiasm at the thought of having a savior in Hogwarts, especially Gryffindor House which yelled the most.

Some people also started talking about something called "Hat's shame" and that was when Hat couldn't sort someone for more than 10 minutes. It was something so rare that only 25 people in all of Hogwart's history experienced themselves.

Most of these people, later on, became important and respected figures representing the strongest wizards. Some of these also became principals of Hogwarts. The current principal of Hogwarts was also an example of the last person who achieved "Hat's shame".

When only 3 freshmen remained the professor then called another name.

"Eric Walker."

'Here I go.' Eric thought nervously after all this was an important moment that would decide the course of the next 7 years in Hogwarts for him. He took a deep breath and started walking.

As Eric sat the Sorting hat was put on his head lightly. He could hear his heartbeat slowly speeding up from the adrenaline.

Suddenly a sudden silence and darkness enveloped everything around him. He felt as if his thoughts were being examined even though he should be able to protect himself against legilimency with occlumency that same protection didn't work on the sorting hat.

Eric started remembering all the times he stood up for himself, all the times he stood fearlessly and bravely in front of danger. When against all odds he managed to put up a fight and win demonstrating bravery. There was also a part when his sense of justice appeared to be on fire from the acts of the children in the orphanage.

All those times when he and Slyde stood next to each other depending on each other for life and death. The montage of times when he did something wrong and Slyde corrected him to make him better. All those happy moments of friendship with Slyde.

The nights when Eric didn't sleep because he wanted to learn, he wanted to improve. The nights when he couldn't sleep because of anticipation of what he could learn the very next day. Everything he learned flashed through his mind in these few moments showing his curiosity and strong talent for learning.

Then, rage slowly started enveloping everything in Eric's mind. He remembered everything that made him angry. The feeling of slicing through necks with his daggers slowly covered his fingers, making Eric crave to experience that again. Every time he killed someone or something the feeling of victory he experienced. The moments when he stood on top of a hill made from heads and severed body parts of various creatures and animals appeared in his mind. The image of him going crazy appeared in front of his eyes. The times when he strived him being the winner of everything. His ambitions and goals he discussed with Slyde were reappearing.

All these memories made their mark on Eric as he could remember them more clearly than ever before.

It took a long time to process everything. His heart was going crazy from all of this each heartbeat was like a drum. He felt sweatdrops going down his forehead and neck as he tried to understand everything he saw.

During all of this, there was still a feeling of something observing his every move and thought. Eric was trying to calm down but the silence and darkness didn't help him too much as he was still extremely panicked about everything.

"SLYTHERIN!" An incomparably loud noise woke Eric up from what felt like a dream.

He could feel his thoughts calming down as well as his heart.

The darkness and silence were slowly being replaced by the image of the great hall and the cheering of many students.

Amongst many of the sounds, there was some yelling of Hats shame although Eric couldn't understand what it meant it definitely meant something rare.

Eric slowly stood up still shaken up by what he experienced.

'Huh, so that was everything that happened to me so far. I didn't know I did all these things. Well, some of the memories shouldn't be remembered but apparently, it is not my choice now. I seemed to be sorted into Slytherin. It is not bad at all although they may hate them because of my blood I should be able to make them respect my strength at least.'

Eric thought as he sat at the Slytherin table ignoring all the people that were looking at him with amazement.

I think I did a good job right here.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

LukasNPCcreators' thoughts
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