
Harry Potter: No More Simping

What will happen when harry stops simping? How will the age-old tale change as Harry unleashes his full potential, emerging as a genius. Will Dumbledore's manipulation still work on the new and improved Harry Potter? Will Harry sacrifice his life for the greater good or will he take his rightful place as the King? Stay tuned to find out...

Mystic_Verse · Derivados de obras
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84 Chs

The Power of Serpentine Magic

Harry had invited Sirius to the last Quidditch match of the season and Sirius had promised to come and if he wanted to bring Remus Lupin as well. After the extremely high scores from the first two matches, Ravenclaw had the cup as good as for sure, but Barkaim still kept his team on their toes. Though he didn't torture his team like Oliver Wood did his.

The Gryffindor Quidditch maniac had set five practices a week for the game, one of them the whole Saturday afternoon, drilling his team how to beat Ravenclaw. How he managed to get his OWL preparation done was anybody's guess.

Daniel didn't really mind. His team still got three flying practices in, one on Saturday morning where they practiced their moves in detail, but he had realized that thanks to all the indoor Quidditch training they had beaten Slytherin so soundly, so exchanging one practice for a game inside wasn't hard to decide.

It also gave Releena, who would play the game instead of Pomarel the chance to practice in a fast paced game. For one game a week, which lasted for about an hour normally, Pomarel even stopped his preparation for the NEWTs.

He said it was a good method to relax during all the studying he did. So Daniel put his main chasers as the attack force on one team and he, Cho and Denise were the chasers for the other team. Pomarel was on the team of the main chasers, as was Tod; Releena was on the other team with Steven.

The exams came about and the members of the Ravenclaw team reduced their practices to three overall during those two weeks. Two outside with the main unit on Saturday morning and one game practice inside.

It was difficult to get the pitch anyway with Wood going crazy and the other teams also having to practice for the last game. And with the way the points were, it would take a miracle for Gryffindor to win that game with enough points to beat them for the cup. But of course Ravenclaw intended to win the last game as well.


When Harry thought he needed a break from all the preparations for the exams, he decided to visit Hagrid again. He had gone down to his big friend regularly, but especially after he had made him relent to let Norbert go to a preserve. Which hadn't been easy, but it had taken two weeks after all to hatch the egg from the point where Hagrid had got the egg.

Thankfully Charlie Weasley seemed to know Hagrid pretty well and had sent him a letter with photos how well Norbert was doing at the preserve, which had cheered Hagrid up a bit. Harry knew Hagrid had always wanted a dragon and with how things could have gone, he was very glad Sirius had come up with the idea to make it look like Hagrid was some kind of hero for preventing the dragon to get into the wrong hands.

When Harry walked down to Hagrid's hut, he saw that Hagrid was preparing to go into the forest. The forest didn't really scare Harry. He had accompanied Hagrid one time when he had been looking after the Thestral herd. Harry had been fascinated by the horse-like creatures. While he couldn't see them, he had the impression he felt where they were. Hagrid had explained him a few things about Thestrals and what abilities they had. He even let Harry feed them. It was really weird to see meat just disappear into thin air.

"Hey, Hagrid, are you going to the Thestrals again?" Harry called.

"Hello, Harry. No, I'm looking for somethin' else. But you can come with me. It's still day, so there's nothin' in there to hurt yer as long as yer stay with me." Hagrid said.

"Sure, Hagrid. What are you looking for?" Harry asked curiously.

"Ah, there's been somethin' hurting the unicorns. Found two dead already. Now I fear a third one is hurt. Hope I can find it before it dies." Hagrid said seriously.

"What? But what could hurt a unicorn? They are way too fast for any creature to get them." Harry exclaimed.

"True. I don' know what it could be. Haven' seen those kinds of wounds b'fore. Make sure yer stay with me, Harry." Hagrid reminded him.

Harry nodded. He just hoped they could help the poor unicorn. Hagrid led him deep into the forest. Fang, Hagrid's boarhound following them at Hagrid's side. Hagrid pointed out a silver liquid on the ground.

"Tha's what yer have ter look out for. Unicorn blood. We have ter follow the trail to find the poor thing." Hagrid said.

Harry and Hagrid found some more drops of the silvery blood. After fifteen more minutes, Harry heard some sounds he couldn't identify.

"Hagrid, what's that?" He asked.

"I think we're close now. Be careful, unicorns don' like men too much. Prefer a woman's touch 'em." Hagrid informed Harry.

Then they found a unicorn that had problems staying on its legs. It was swaying heavily. It had a big cut on its neck from where the silvery blood was dripping down.

Hagrid sadly looked at it.

"Damn it, we are too late. It has lost too much blood." Hagrid said.

"NO, we have to be able to do something." Harry protested, deeply touched by the pain of the beautiful creature before him.

Hagrid shook his head. Harry spotted some other animals around the unicorn that had turned towards them when he had exclaimed his refusal to give up. There was an Ashwinder, a Knarl, from the fact that the unicorn was leaning to the side and not falling, a Thestral and over them sitting was a raven. The snake slithered over to them.

"What are you doing here? Are you going to hurt her more?" The ashwinder hissed.

"No, we want to help her, but Hagrid says we can't. Do you know anything that could help her?" Harry asked.

"You're a speaker? And you're pure. That is perfect. Help her, you have the power. The ancient magic of the serpent." The ashwinder hissed.

"What can I do? I don't know anything about my parseltongue abilities besides the fact that I can speak with snakes." Harry replied.

Hagrid was shocked hearing Harry talk to the ashwinder. But obviously the snake was not dangerous for him.

"Place your hand on her neck where she was hurt. Then concentrate your serpent magic on healing the wound. Then simply say what you want. That is what the ancient sacred serpent taught the ancient human that healed using the power of the serpent." The ashwinder informed Harry.

"Will she let me touch her?" Harry asked, not wanting to be pierced by the Unicorn's horn.

"Yes." The ashwinder answered.

"Hagrid, I'm going to try and heal her using parselmagic. The ashwinder says I have the ability and told me roughly how to do it. Please don't interfere. I don't want her to die. I have to try this." Harry said and walked slowly towards the unicorn.


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