
Harry Potter: Magic Re: CODED

After reincarnation in Potterverse, our MC begins his adventure in a new and exciting reality. Read for more if you are interested. Disclaimer: All the characters in this novel belong to JK Rowling, I only have right's to my OC. If you are owner of this picture and want me to take it down please contact me.

GrrodGroot2002 · Derivados de obras
Sin suficientes valoraciones
18 Chs

Prologe Pt. 1 (Redone v.02)

Last think i remember was walking dawn the street after work. I was reminiscing ,about my life and thinks that happened to my. I'm not sure how it come to this ,but I was fired from my work ,because some pompous prick with superiority complex thought I'm taking "his" rightful place. We started working for the company at the same time ,but it was me that climb higher and higher on company hierarchy and he slowly did so as well. At that time I didn't know he was using his father influence and not his hard work like I did. And what was even more infuriating he was what he was skauting he was saying that it was me who was using such underhanded metod and that he was a saint. After 5 years of work I finally was promoted to directorial position to be precisely Project Director. With me at helm of the Company we started to advance from 3 rate software company to 2 rate and lately we climb up to the lower rack of 1 rate companies. Now thinking about it naw it was probably last straw that break camel back, Because shortly after everyone start to find even the smallest reason to make trouble with me. Using some unused favour I learn that he has father that is Executive Director in our company and that he is close to retirement and want his son to take his place ,but here I show up bloking his spotlight and make him 'Work Hard' for his promotion. I know it wasn't the case ,because he has been using his farther influence, treats here and there, some favours and few grease hands to climb the corporate ladder. After learning about it I couldn't imagine losing my job to that pompous prick I thought they are going to choose me if it come to it ,but to my outer disappointments in the Company that I spend 7 years of my life and in which I put all my sweat and blood. They choose him over me. I think that his father used some heavy favours and some blackmail so that Company Management don't have as say in. After being fired and receive my overdo pension I left Company Building. With all my staff in a box I left the premise off company and headed towards crosswalk and than parking lot. After arriving to the crosswalk I waited for light's to change after it did so I started to cross the road. Than I saw speeding car, a lot of pain then screech of car wheels and then darkness.

|Unknown amount time later|

Now I'm sitting in a white room sipping one some very good quality tea staring at what I presume is 'GOD' with face of Morgan Freeman (for my comfort I presume). We look at each other for some time when a hear his voice it was calm, collective and reassuringly as a father that say to little child that there aren't any monsters here or kind old grandpa with millenniums of wisdom ready to by shear with people that kind of voice.

" Have you finally collected yourself from you're retrospection my child? "

" Yes. Thank you. What can I call you sir?"

" You can call me R.O.B and not 'GOD' as you have previously thought."

( O great he can hear my thoughts!) - " Yes. Yes I can Child."

" So? I'm dead. So what's now? Do I go to Heave, Hell, Purgatory or maybe Void?"

" No child ,I'm afread that's not gonna happened."

Started MC wait with battered breath for next world's of R.O.B. And as if not wanting to prolog his suffering R.O.B. Said.

" First I have to tell what happened to you. You are currently in room that I created ,but this room is in 'The VOID' outside of yours Universe I find you not long ago drifting through it for 'GOD' knows how long. That's for starters. Which make it impossible for you to return to you're Universe and in particular you're Planet life cycle and even if there was a way you couldn't return to Heaven ,Hell or Purgatory as you're are now. Because you spend unknown amount of time in 'The VOID' basking it's energy that you're soul mutated, absorbed some of it's energy making impossible for you to return to you're Universe and if you some how achieve it would just desipere ,because you're soul emanating enough energy to destroy you're Universe. Even if it's one of strongest up there. So if you still want to return to you're Home World you'll have to first Reincarnated into a different World with only you're 'Primordial Soul' ,because it didn't contain any Void Energy. Using this metod not only will cleans you're soul ,but also heal it completely. But to fully be cleans you would have to live there for at list 20 years after that you will have to live for another 30 or so years to fully recuperated then after dying in that world you'll be able to return to your old Planet life cycle or you can stay in that world life cycle."

After hiring all that R.O.B. has to say our MC slowly started processing all that information ,but even after a long time he have started to have more questions then answers. As if seeing confusion on his face with a kind smile he said.

" You can ask all you want we have a lot of time here."

" My first and most daunting question is how the hell did I survive here when even universes are destroy and not only that ,but also mutated."

" That's a question I don't have an answer for. But my assumption is that someone must have protected you from it." -" It's emplane it some how. So what going to happened with my? Are you going to reincarnated my to some random Universe ,give my 3 wishes. After that what?"

" Normally I would do just that ,but you case needs different approach. First I have to separate your 'Mortal Soul' with require me to sever all your previous connections to your previous life. Which entitle me to destroy almost all of your memories from your past life just living you with enough memories so you will think you're Reincarnated person. But to achieve it first I have to severe your 'Karmic Connection' ,but to do that I have to give you something of equale or higher value. Do you understand?"

" More or less I understand. So you are going to erase my memories then severe almost all my connections to my past life then give my some boons."

" It's more complicated then this. Best way to emplane how 'Soul' is build is that 'Soul' is compose of 'Mortal' and 'Primordial' Soul and both are connected by 'Karmic Connection'. Best parallel would be that 'Soul' is build like a peach. Fruit part is 'Mortal Soul' , seed part is 'Primordial Soul' and 'Karmic Connections' are those little hair like think that connect two of them together. So going by the same thought I have to separate fruit part that is infested with Void Energy to protect you. Then I have to make this pip ready to be planted by cleaning it leaving enough memories and 'Karmic Connections' so that 'You' is still 'you', then I have to plant it at exactly right moment when your soon to by parents are going to make you. And that need to be made really fast ,because I don't want to make even bigger 'Butterfly Effect' then it already going to be."

" And how this have anything to do with my?"

" To do that I have to tell what normally happened when a person dies. So it's goes like this ,I'll be using the same analogy as before for simplicity sake and simplicity sake and for you to have better understanding of it. When a person dies his 'Primordial Soul' enter next cycle of life depending in what they believe ,but before that 'Karmic Point' are counted to determined what going to happened next. You can imagine what's going to happened next. Is that clear enough."

After taking a quick glanc at our MC R.O.B. return to his talk of thought.

" But you are probably wondering what's with fruit part. That's a really good question and answer is relatively simple. Planet eat it to make it stronger more aware what is happening to it and also use some to controle fate and destiny of some pivotal individual that going to become linchpin's of this world. Are we still clear?"

After another quick glanc and receiving a little nod from our MC R.O.B. return to his thought.

" Good ,So main problem lies in this that you are going to take someone else place. You can think of it as you taking someone else place in cinema ,because next to your place is sitting a fat/obese man ,so you take sit a bit farther from him ,but this sit is already taken. But!! With my help here he choose to change his place. But as you can already guess it's here where it's start to get little wonky ,because 'Planet's/Realm's' are like strict mathematic teacher that even if you come up with good answer ,but you didn't do it like it's in textbook he/she isn't going to give you full marks. And later dawn the road you will go to even bigger war path with him/her out of spite/pride to make a better life for yourself and this is what you mortals call 'Butterfly Effect' ,but we call it a 'War of Pride/Ego's'. If you are lost I'm referring to you doing more and more changing in the World ,which make more and more changes in this World Plan's a.k. Destiny. Which derailing it farther from it's intended course/plan ,which infuriate 'World Will' even more and do to this it start's to change it's Plan or her intended Destiny for herself a.k. 'Timeline' to eliminate YOU a.k. 'Error' in his/her System. You are probably wonder how he/she can do it? Well it's by eliminated your advantage over her a.k. YOUR 'Future Knowledge' ,which destroy her carefully created Plan ,which in itself create chain reaction down the line and destroy it even more and YOU a.k. Reincarnated/Transmigrated person wanting to get even more benefit before you lose your edge a.k. 'Future Knowledge' and just like it create vicious cycle and it's all over again. Are we on the same page?"

" Almost. How are you so sure that I'm going to derail this World Plan when I go there even before I go there myself."

" That's easy ,after all everyone that was given such chance did so before you. So yes ,I have proof. Here's an example. If you were given a chance to return to the past and change think in your favour. Would you do this?"

" 100 percent."

" See. Now I have to ask you this question ,before we can procide any farther. Are you willing to undergone an Reincarnation?"

After processing all those information our MC took deep breath and said with certainly.

" Yes. I don't have any think better to do anyways."

" Good. Now before we procide any farther we'll have to decide to which world are you going to reincarnated in to then I have to give you what you can/could call 'Perks' in exchange for your 'Karmic Points' and finally send you into your next great adventure."

"Is that everything?"

After short deliberation R.O.B. nodded ,then look at MC and after some time he saw nod of confirmation from our MC he proceeded to do his 'Magic' ,then *puff* something looking like Wheel of Fortune show up. Looking closely at it one could see galaxies being born ,died and be reborn in a never ending cycle it is so eye caching that one can forget himself in it and never return. After a bit of shock R.O.B. for our MC awoke and thank him for his help and now with a more serious approach he look once more at it . Soon he was once more glued to it ,but this time to names of those Galaxies or maybe Universes/Multiverses is better way to put it. Our MC walk closer to it ,took a better look at it and start to read name wroten on it ,but after some time of reading more and more names started to disappear and then reappear ,which frighten our MC ,he make a quick glance at R.O.B. as if asking {"What's is going on?"} ,as if expecting such situation from him he said.

" You don't have to be so scared some of them just died down from natural causes ,some from supernatural or some 'OUTER GOD' just eat/destroy it out of boredom. And for your convenience sake I also shorten it so that action take place on 'Earth' or 'Earth like Planet' ,which doesn't include Apocalypse version of it. Which is almost half of all of yours 'Multiverse Earth' ,just how can almost half of your 'Multiverse' be in this state that baffle me to no end ,but well maybe it's your Planet destiny or it is that you humans that make that way. That's not my problem. Anyways ,what was I talking about? Aaa Yes! To make it easier for you to adapt and for you to return faster to your previous World 'Life Cycle'. So let's begin ,you don't have to be so afraid. You just have to spin this wheel as fast as you can and that's it."

After taking a deep breath to compose himself our MC place his hand on a wheel and with determined look pull it with all his might. With his move wheel started to spin faster and faster so fast that one cannot clearly see what is wroten on it ,but after some time it started to slowdown and with last of it momentum it stop at Potterverse.