
Harry Potter: Magic Re: CODED

After reincarnation in Potterverse, our MC begins his adventure in a new and exciting reality. Read for more if you are interested. Disclaimer: All the characters in this novel belong to JK Rowling, I only have right's to my OC. If you are owner of this picture and want me to take it down please contact me.

GrrodGroot2002 · Derivados de obras
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18 Chs

Chapter 13 - " Diamond in the rough"

POV 3 |Middle of the September|

It was normal day like any other that can be ,but in some sense it was somewhat special. In such day our MC come up with one of his crazy idea or brilliant in some sense if you ask yourself about it. He come up with idea of writing a book or to be more accurate children book base of movies or animations from future and earn royalty from his "creation". When he finally realise his mistake he started to bang his head and lamented that even if he have better thinking speed that others that doesn't mean that he has High IQ and EQ. Some may wonder how he come up with this idea. Well it was like this ... [FLASHBACK]

POV 3 | Morning|

On a couch one can see a boy of age four ,but body of 6 years old child and an elderly women siting together and watching 'Cinderella' animation from Disney on there TV. After it ended women ask her grandson.

" Did you like this story?"

" Yes I really like it Grandma ,will there be more to watch soon?"

" I don't think so ,but I can see if I have some on VHS and play it for you if you like it. Do you want ?"

" Yes Grandma Eveline I really want to."

" Okey sweety give me some time and I'm right back."

POV Allan |Shortly After|

Hee... Sometimes it's just hard to play a child for so long. At first I was able to cope with it ,but with time it become more of a nuisance or a chore to me. First thing when I get my hands on more books I will slowly start to act more mature ,because I cannot stand playing as a child any more. Even if people start too suspect something has change in me they will think that it's do to books and not some plan of there son to stop act like a child and act more mature. That's a good idea and it can be implemented immediately ,but I wish that there were better books or movies out there after all not only work one have to do one also have to loosen sometimes. I wish there were better movies out there ,but whom am i trying to fool ,maybe if there were something like those movies from 'PIXAR' or 'DISNEY' from my time ,but why am I dreaming about it they haven't been created even. Wait what was my last thought again. I think it was something like this : "They haven't be even created yet". Eureka! How stupid I can be. Look's like even if I have my 'Cheat' doesn't mean that I'm the smartest person here. After all answer to my problem was right in front of my eyes the whole time and I haven't realise it sooner. After all what do I have that I can use to my advantage the whole time ,but haven't done so. I have my future knowledge of course and my current body ,at first I thought of my body as a nuisance ,but it look's like it was a diamond in the rough and it was I who hasn't been able to see it's true value. If someone were to look at it they would think that I'm some stupid and that I went with hoe on the Sun when I have easiest metod right in front of me the whole time. Looks like it's another reminder that I'm not the smartest person here even if I'm reincarnated person that was reborn in the past and have 'Cheat' doesn't mean that I will always be right. Let it be a lesson of humility and wisdom to me now and not in the future. Better now when I can still control it to certain extend and not in the future when it can lead to my downfall or be use against me in the future when I would be too prideful to accept my own incompetence.

Now let's think what kind of book I can write that would be likeable and can be written by a child and that my parent can accept that it was I who written it. It has to be child friendly and interesting at some point to be able to later publish it as a children story and earn some money for me. But knowing my parent they want allow me to use this money that I earn like other money that I get as a present early on. So I have to think of a plan how to make it productive while it stay in my bank account for next 10 or so years. What was the saying again 'One must use money to earn even more money.' . Look's like it can only be use as an investments or as a bank deposit on some account with some percentage if it stay there for some time and earn for me passively. First thing first what kind of story I can write that hasn't been written yet ,but earn a lot of money and garner a lot of fame and attention to it's creator. First thing that I can think of is 'Toy's Story' or 'Monster Inc.' which are interesting stories and earn a lot of money ,but how in the hell I'm going to convince my parent's that I written it. Wait I think I have an idea that can work and I can earn some Browny point with my mother. Let's do it like this ... [END OF FLASHBACK]

POV 3 |Few minutes later|

After some time Grandma Eveline return with two VHS tapes and play them to him. Soon after watching both tapes come time for dinner and then there was already 5 AM. Soon after that come time to go to sleep and at exactly this time Allen decided to put his plan in motion. When he was in his bed and his grandma Eveline was about to live his room he started to act.

" Grandma are there any monsters under my bed?"

" Let me check. There are non , do you want me to sing you a lullaby to fall asleep faster?"

" Umm.. If you can pwety please. Other wise I wont be able to fall asleep."

" Okay sweety. So listen well ...."

And just like that our MC accomplish first part of his plan and created notion in his grandmother mind that later will become his alibi on how he come up with his story later on which help him tremendously.