Alexander Rosier is an ordinary eleven-year-old boy living in a Muggle orphanage, unaware of his magical heritage. His life changes dramatically when he receives an acceptance letter to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Arriving at the magical world's doorstep, he bears no knowledge of his family name, Rosier, and the infamous history it carries. Nor does he have any inkling of the dark cloud of war gathering over the wizarding world. At Hogwarts, Alexander is thrust into a world of spells and potions, forming friendships and discovering the wonder of magic. But as whispers of an impending conflict grow louder, he remains blissfully ignorant, absorbed in the mysteries of his newfound abilities. As the days turn into weeks, and the secrets of his family's past begin to unravel, Alexander must confront the chilling truth - his father was a Death Eater, and his mother is imprisoned for a heinous crime. With darkness on the horizon, he must navigate the treacherous waters of his own legacy and find a way to rise above it, for the fate of the wizarding world may rest in his untrained hands.