
Harry Potter: Drakor

Abused by the Dursleys, ten-year-old Harry Potter's desperate plea for help awakens Drakor, a powerful symbiote. Drawn to Harry's magic, Drakor bonds with him, granting strength, resilience, and dragon-like wings. Together, they rise above Harry's past and embark on a journey of new challenges and adventures, proving that hope and strength can emerge from the darkest places. I hope you're enjoying the fanfiction so far! I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. Whether you loved it, hated it, or have some constructive criticism, your feedback is super important to me. Feel free to drop a comment or send me a message with your thoughts. Can't wait to hear from you! If you're passionate about fanfiction and love discussing stories, characters, and plot twists, then you're in the right place! I've created a Discord server dedicated to diving deep into the world of fanfiction, especially my own stories. Whether you're a reader, a writer, or just someone who enjoys a good tale, I welcome you to join us for lively discussions, feedback sessions, and maybe even some sneak peeks into upcoming chapters, along with artwork related to the stories. Let's nerd out together over our favorite fandoms and explore the endless possibilities of storytelling! Click the link below to join the conversation: https://discord.com/invite/HHHwRsB6wd Can't wait to see you there! If you appreciate my work and want to support me, consider buying me a cup of coffee. Your support helps me keep writing and bringing more stories to you. You can do so via PayPal here: https://www.paypal.me/VikrantUtekar007 Thank you for your support!

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Chapter 8

Note to Readers:

In this chapter, you will encounter conversations in French. Translations are provided below each line of dialogue in parentheses () for your convenience.


The staffroom at Hogwarts buzzed with anticipation as the professors gathered to prepare for the start of the new academic year, which loomed just two weeks away. But today, the usual discussions about lesson plans and student placements were overshadowed by the shocking revelations detailed in the latest edition of the Daily Prophet.

Professor McGonagall, the Head of Gryffindor House and Deputy Headmistress, took charge of the conversation with a grave expression. "I trust you've all seen the article," she began, her tone serious.

Professor Flitwick, the diminutive Charms professor, nodded solemnly. "Yes, Minerva. It's quite alarming, isn't it? To think that Sirius Black was innocent all this time..."

Professor Sprout, the green-thumbed Herbology professor, interjected with a furrowed brow. "And the accusations against Dumbledore... It's troubling to consider the implications of such negligence."

Professor Snape, the enigmatic Potions master, remained aloof, his dark eyes darting over the article in his hands with thinly veiled interest.

"I can't shake the feelin' that I 'ad a hand in all this mess," Hagrid rumbled, his voice tinged with regret as he addressed the room. "Takin' Harry ter them Dursleys that night... Maybe things'd 'ave turned out different if I 'adn't."

Professor McGonagall, her expression grave, nodded somberly in agreement. "I should've put me foot down," she admitted, her Scottish brogue thick with remorse. "I warned Dumbledore about them Dursleys, but I didn't push the matter. I should've stopped him."

Their words hung heavily in the air, each professor grappling with their own sense of responsibility for the tumultuous events that had unfolded. Yet amidst the regret and guilt, there simmered a shared determination to learn from their mistakes and strive for better in the future, for the sake of their students and the legacy they hoped to uphold.

Dumbledore strode into the room, his presence commanding attention as he surveyed the somber faces of his fellow professors. Despite the weight of the moment, there was a glimmer of determination in his eyes, a resolve to address the challenges ahead with wisdom and grace.

"I see the article has stirred much discussion," Dumbledore remarked, his voice gentle yet authoritative as he addressed the room. "It is a sobering reminder of the consequences of our choices and the importance of vigilance in protecting those under our care."

McGonagall's voice trembled with emotion as she spoke, her usually stern demeanor softened by the weight of her confession. "Headmaster, we trusted you to do what was right," she began, her words tinged with regret. "But we failed to see the truth, and now Harry has suffered because of it."

Hagrid's booming voice filled the room, his guilt evident in every word. "I should've known better," he rumbled, his expression pained. "I trusted ye, Professor, but I should've questioned ye, too."

Dumbledore listened in silence, his expression grave as he absorbed their words. "You have my deepest apologies," he said solemnly, his voice tinged with regret. "I will bear the weight of my mistakes, but let us learn from them and strive to do better in the future."

Snape's voice trembled with suppressed emotion, his usually stoic facade cracking under the weight of his words. "Apologies are meaningless without action," he reiterated, his tone dripping with bitterness. "You assured me of the safety of Lily's son, Albus. You promised me that he would be protected, that he would be kept from harm. And yet, you left him with Petunia Evans, of all people."

His eyes flashed with a mixture of anger and betrayal as he continued, his voice rising with each word. "You played us all for fools, Albus. You, with your grand plans and your supposed wisdom, have led us down a path of deception and folly. And now, we must bear the consequences of your hubris."

The room was silent, the weight of Snape's accusations hanging heavily in the air. It was a rare display of vulnerability from the usually composed Potions master, a testament to the depth of his disillusionment and despair.

Flitwick's usually cheerful demeanor faltered, his small frame trembling with a mix of shock and dismay. "Severus, my dear boy," he began, his voice quavering with emotion. "Surely there must be some misunderstanding. Albus has always acted in what he believed to be the best interests of all."

Sprout, the usually gentle Herbology professor, shook her head in disbelief, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. "Oh, Severus," she murmured, her voice thick with emotion. "To think that we were all so blind... We trusted him, we believed in him. And now..."

Her voice trailed off, unable to find the words to express the depth of her disillusionment. It was a sentiment shared by many in the room, as they grappled with the painful realization that their revered headmaster was not infallible.

Dumbledore's voice remained calm, but there was a hint of defensiveness in his tone as he responded to Snape's accusations. "Severus, I understand your frustration, but you must realize that the decisions I made were made with the utmost care and consideration," he began, his gaze steady as he met Snape's intense stare.

"I believed, as did many others, that Harry's safety was best ensured by placing him with family," Dumbledore continued, his voice unwavering. "I trusted in the protection afforded by Lily's blood, and I believed that with Petunia, Harry would be shielded from Voldemort's influence."

He paused, his eyes flickering with a mix of regret and determination. "I acknowledge that mistakes were made, but I assure you, they were made with the best intentions. It is my hope that we can learn from these missteps and move forward together, united in our efforts to protect the students of Hogwarts and the wizarding world at large."

Snape's lips curled into a sneer, his patience wearing thin. "Intentions, Albus? Intentions do not absolve one of responsibility," he retorted, his voice dripping with disdain. "Your arrogance and hubris have endangered countless lives, and now you expect us to simply forgive and forget?"

He took a step closer, his dark eyes flashing with fury. "You speak of trust and protection, yet you fail to acknowledge the betrayal and deceit that have festered beneath the surface for years," Snape continued, his voice rising with each word. "You may have fooled others with your facade of wisdom and benevolence, but I see you for what you truly are: a manipulative puppeteer, pulling the strings of those around you to serve your own agenda."

Snape's words hung in the air, charged with emotion and accusation, as he stared down Dumbledore with a mixture of contempt and defiance.

McGonagall's voice was firm as she added her voice to Snape's condemnation. "Severus is right, Albus," she said, her tone cutting through the tension in the room. "We trusted you to make the best decisions for the welfare of our students, and you failed us. You failed Harry."

She paused, her gaze unwavering as she met Dumbledore's eyes. "We cannot undo the mistakes of the past, but we can learn from them," McGonagall continued, her voice steady but laced with disappointment. "It is time for accountability, Albus. It is time for change."

Dumbledore's gaze swept over the assembled professors, his expression a mixture of resignation and understanding. For the first time in a long while, he found himself at a loss for words, confronted by the weight of his own failings and the stark reality of the situation.

In the silence that followed, the gravity of the moment hung heavy in the air, each professor grappling with their own thoughts and emotions. It was a turning point, a moment of reckoning that demanded honesty and accountability.

And as Dumbledore stood there, his façade of infallibility crumbling before their eyes, it became clear that there might be no easy way to talk himself out of the hole he had dug.

The excitement in the room was palpable as Sirius and Remus eagerly proposed the idea of throwing Harry a belated birthday party.

Sirius grinned eagerly, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Come on, Harry, it'll be brilliant! We'll have cake, games, and presents. It'll be a celebration you won't forget!"

Remus nodded in agreement, his smile warm and inviting. "And it's a chance for us to show you just how much you mean to us, Harry. You're a part of our family now, and we want to celebrate that."

Susan, ever supportive, chimed in, her eyes shining with anticipation. "I think it's a wonderful idea, Harry. You deserve to be celebrated, especially after everything you've been through."

Mipsy, bustling around the room, added her enthusiastic endorsement. "Mipsy agrees! Master Harry must have a party, a grand one!"

Harry couldn't help but be touched by their enthusiasm, but he still felt a twinge of uncertainty. "I appreciate it, really," he began, his voice hesitant. "But I'm not sure I'm up for a big party..."

Drakor's deep voice resonated in Harry's mind, breaking the usual silence that surrounded their mental connection. "I believe it would be beneficial, Harry," Drakor remarked, his tone thoughtful. "It's an opportunity to strengthen the bonds with those who have shown you kindness and support."

Harry paused, considering Drakor's words carefully. It was rare for the symbiotic entity within him to voice an opinion so directly, but Harry couldn't deny the wisdom in Drakor's suggestion. With a small smile, he nodded in agreement. "You're right, Drakor," Harry replied mentally, his gratitude evident. "A small gathering with my friends sounds perfect."

Sirius, catching Harry's smile, clapped him on the back with enthusiasm. "That's the spirit, Harry!" he exclaimed, his eyes bright with excitement. "It'll be a blast, I promise."

Remus nodded in agreement, his smile warm and encouraging. "We'll keep it simple and intimate," he reassured Harry. "Just us, your friends, and plenty of good food and laughter."

Susan, ever supportive, stepped forward with a grin. "I'll make sure everything's perfect, Harry," she vowed, her determination shining through. "You deserve to have a wonderful celebration."

Sirius leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "What do you say we have the party this weekend at Fortescue's?" he proposed, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. "We can treat everyone to some of the finest ice cream in Diagon Alley!"

Harry's face lit up at the suggestion. "That sounds amazing!" he exclaimed, a smile spreading across his face. "But how will we invite everyone?"

Remus chimed in, his tone thoughtful. "We could have you write a letter, Harry," he suggested, his gaze focused. "Sirius and I can then use a duplication charm to make multiple copies and send them out via Owl."

Remus' suggestion was met with nods of agreement from everyone in the room. "That sounds like a brilliant plan," Sirius chimed in, his eyes alight with enthusiasm. "We'll make sure everything's set up at Fortescue's for the party."

Harry turned to Susan, gratitude shining in his eyes. "Thank you, Susan," he said sincerely, his voice filled with appreciation. "I couldn't ask for a better friend."

Susan smiled warmly at Harry. "It's my pleasure, Harry," she replied, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Now, let's get those invitations sent out and make this party one to remember!"

Susan and Harry sat side by side at the kitchen table, a stack of parchment and quills laid out before them. With a determined expression, Susan turned to Harry. "Alright, let's draft this letter. We want to make sure it's perfect for all your friends."

Harry nodded, grateful for Susan's guidance. Together, they crafted a heartfelt message, expressing Harry's gratitude for their letters and extending a warm invitation to join him for a celebration at Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor in Diagon Alley.

Susan began writing, her handwriting neat and precise.

Dear _____,

I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for your kind words and friendship. It means the world to me. I would like to invite you to join me for a small gathering this weekend at Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor in Diagon Alley. It would mean a lot to me to celebrate with you and enjoy some delicious ice cream together. I hope you can make it.

Your friend,

Harry James Potter

As they worked on the letter, Harry couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building within him. With Susan's help, he was able to reach out to each of his new friends, inviting them to share in a special moment of joy and friendship.

With the letter written and finalized, Sirius and Remus set to work, their wands flicking deftly as they cast a duplication charm on the parchment. Susan followed closely behind, adding in the names of each of Harry's friends with careful precision.

As the copies multiplied before their eyes, Harry felt a surge of anticipation. Each letter held the promise of new connections and cherished moments shared with his friends. With a sense of satisfaction, he watched as the stack of parchment grew, ready to be sent out into the world.

Sirius used the flock of owls from the Owlery of the Bones Family Estate. The birds hooted softly as they perched on the windowsills, awaiting their instructions.

Sirius carefully attached a copy of the invitation to each owl's leg, ensuring that they were securely fastened. With a flick of his wrist, he sent them off into the sky, their wings beating steadily as they soared towards their destinations.

As the owls disappeared into the distance, Harry couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. He knew that his friends would soon receive the invitations and that they would eagerly accept, ready to join him for a celebration to remember.

At the Burrow, the Weasley family was in the midst of their usual morning chaos when several owls swooped in through the open kitchen window. Molly Weasley looked up from her cooking, her eyes widening in surprise as the owls landed on the table, each carrying an invitation.

"Looks like we've got mail," said Fred, grinning as he reached out to untie one of the letters from an owl's leg.

George did the same with another owl. "And it's not even our birthdays."

"Who's it from?" asked Ron, his curiosity piqued as he watched his brothers.

Fred and George exchanged glances before simultaneously opening the letters. They both let out a cheer. "It's from Harry!"

Ginny, who had been listening intently, jumped up from her seat. "Harry? What does it say?"

Fred handed her one of the letters addressed to her, while George did the same for Ron. Percy received his letter directly from one of the owls, who waited patiently until he untied it.

Ginny quickly opened her letter, her eyes lighting up as she read it. "It's a birthday invitation! Harry's having a party this weekend at Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour in Diagon Alley. He wants us to come!"

Ron, reading his own letter, looked up with a grin. "This is going to be awesome! Harry's birthday party in Diagon Alley!"

Percy, who had just finished reading his letter, nodded approvingly. "It's nice of Harry to invite us. We should make sure to get him a proper gift."

Fred and George exchanged mischievous grins. "Maybe we can give him something from our own collection," Fred suggested.

"Yeah, a sneak preview of our latest inventions," George added, winking.

Molly smiled warmly as she wiped her hands on her apron. "Of course, dears. We'll make sure you're all there. It's wonderful that Harry's making friends and having a proper celebration."

Arthur Weasley, who had just entered the kitchen, caught the tail end of the conversation. "What's this about Harry?"

Ron handed him one of the invitations. "He's having a birthday party at Fortescue's this weekend. Can we go, Dad?"

Arthur read the invitation and smiled. "Of course, we'll make sure you all get there. Harry deserves a good celebration, especially after everything he's been through."

The Weasley children exchanged excited glances, already looking forward to the weekend and the chance to celebrate Harry's birthday with him.

In the Lovegood household, situated in a quirky house shaped like a rook, Luna sat at the kitchen table, engrossed in drawing a Crumple-Horned Snorkack. Her mother, Pandora, was bustling around, preparing a pot of tea, while Xenophilius, her father, was reading the latest edition of The Quibbler.

A sudden tapping at the window drew their attention. An owl perched outside, holding a letter in its beak. Luna's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Oh, a visitor!" she exclaimed, rushing to open the window.

The owl hopped inside and extended its leg, allowing Luna to untie the letter. She opened it eagerly, her eyes widening with delight as she read the contents.

"Mother, Father, it's an invitation!" Luna announced, her voice filled with excitement.

Pandora paused in her tea-making and looked over with a smile. "An invitation? How lovely! Who is it from?"

"It's from Harry Potter!" Luna replied, beaming. "He's inviting me to his birthday party at Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour in Diagon Alley this weekend."

Xenophilius looked up from his paper, his interest piqued. "Harry Potter, you say? That's quite an honor. The boy who lived, inviting you to his celebration. How splendid!"

Pandora's eyes twinkled with pride and warmth. "That's wonderful, Luna. We'll make sure you have a gift to bring. Harry deserves a special day."

Luna nodded eagerly. "I think I'll get him something unique, like a subscription to The Quibbler. He might enjoy reading about all the magical creatures and hidden truths."

Xenophilius chuckled. "A splendid idea, Luna. Harry will certainly appreciate such a thoughtful gift."

As Luna carefully folded the invitation and placed it in her pocket, she felt a warm glow of happiness. She couldn't wait to attend the party, meet Harry, and celebrate his special day with him. The Lovegoods, in their own quirky and loving way, were ready to welcome Harry into their circle of friends.


In Godric's Hollow, the Abbott family was enjoying a quiet morning. Hannah Abbott, a bright and cheerful girl, was sitting in the garden, reading a book. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abbott, were nearby, tending to their plants and enjoying the tranquility of their home.

Suddenly, an owl swooped down and landed gracefully on the garden table, startling Hannah out of her reverie. She recognized the owl as a messenger and quickly untied the letter from its leg. The owl hooted softly before taking off again.

"Who could that be from?" Mrs. Abbott asked, looking up from her gardening.

Hannah opened the letter eagerly and began to read. As her eyes scanned the page, a smile spread across her face. "It's from Harry Potter! He's inviting me to his birthday party at Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour in Diagon Alley this weekend."

Her parents exchanged surprised but pleased looks. "Harry Potter?" Mr. Abbott said. "That's quite the honor, Hannah."

Mrs. Abbott nodded. "He must be quite special to invite you. What a wonderful opportunity to meet him and celebrate his birthday."

Hannah's smile grew wider. "I've heard so much about him from Susan from her letters. She said he's really nice and brave. I can't wait to meet him and make him feel welcome."

Mrs. Abbott placed a gentle hand on Hannah's shoulder. "I'm sure you'll make a great friend, dear. Now, let's think about what kind of gift you should bring for Harry."

Hannah thought for a moment. "Maybe something from Godric's Hollow, to remind him of his roots. Something meaningful."

Mr. Abbott nodded approvingly. "That's a lovely idea, Hannah. We'll help you find something special."

With the invitation in hand, Hannah felt a surge of excitement and anticipation. She couldn't wait to meet Harry and the other children, and to celebrate together. It was going to be a day to remember.


In a cozy home in the countryside, Neville Longbottom sat by the window, watching the garden flourish under the tender care of his grandmother, Augusta Longbottom. He was deep in thought about his upcoming school year when a soft hoot caught his attention.

An owl had landed on the windowsill, clutching a letter in its beak. Neville quickly opened the window, letting the owl inside. With trembling hands, he untied the letter and began to read.

"Gran, I've got a letter from Harry Potter!" Neville called out, his voice brimming with excitement.

Augusta looked up from her gardening, her stern expression softening. "Harry Potter? What's he writing to you about, Neville?"

As Neville read the letter, a broad smile spread across his face. "Gran, Harry wants me to come to his birthday party! He actually wants to meet me!"

Augusta's eyes twinkled with pride. "That's wonderful, Neville. Harry Potter is a remarkable young man. You should definitely go and make the most of this opportunity."

Neville nodded enthusiastically. "I will, Gran. I'll bring him something special, maybe a plant from the garden."

Augusta smiled approvingly. "I'm sure Harry will appreciate that. Now, let's find the perfect plant for him."


In the elegant drawing room of Greengrass Manor, Daphne Greengrass sat by the window, absorbed in a book. The serene atmosphere was suddenly disrupted by the arrival of a regal-looking owl. It swooped in gracefully and landed on the armrest of her chair, holding out its leg with a letter attached.

Daphne untied the letter and unfolded it, her curiosity piqued. As she read the invitation, a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

"What's that, Daphne?" came a young voice from the doorway. It was her younger sister, Astoria, who had been watching with keen interest.

"It's a letter from Harry Potter," Daphne replied, her voice filled with mild surprise. "He's inviting me to his belated birthday party at Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour in Diagon Alley this weekend."

Astoria's eyes widened with excitement. "Harry Potter? The Boy Who Lived? Can I come with you, Daphne? Please?"

Daphne looked at her sister, considering the request. Astoria's hopeful expression was hard to resist. "I don't see why not," she said finally. "I'll send an owl back to Harry and ask if it's alright."

Astoria clapped her hands in delight. "Thank you, Daphne! I can't wait to meet Harry and his friends. It'll be so much fun!"

Daphne nodded, her smile widening. "It will be. Now, let's go find Mother and Father and let them know about the invitation. I'm sure they won't mind you coming along."


In a cozy, sunlit room filled with the scent of incense and the soft sounds of a wind chime, the Patil twins, Padma and Parvati, were each engaged in their own activities. Padma was engrossed in a thick book on magical theory, while Parvati was flipping through a fashion magazine, commenting on the latest wizarding trends.

Their peaceful afternoon was interrupted by a gentle tap on the window. Both girls looked up to see a stately owl perched outside, a letter tied to its leg. Parvati leaped up from her seat and hurried to open the window.

"It's a letter for both of us," she said excitedly, untying the letter and reading the names on the envelope. She handed it to Padma, who opened it and read it.

Padma looked up from the letter, her face lighting up with a smile. "This is amazing! An invitation from Harry Potter himself."

Parvati, read the letter as well, then clapped her hands in excitement. "I knew he seemed like a nice boy from his letters. This party is going to be fantastic! We have to pick out our best outfits and make sure we look perfect."

Padma laughed, shaking her head at her sister's enthusiasm. "Yes, I'm sure we'll have a wonderful time. It'll be great to meet everyone and spend some time together before school starts."

The twins hurried to inform their parents about the invitation, their excitement bubbling over. The anticipation of the upcoming party filled the house with a vibrant energy, and they couldn't wait for the weekend to arrive.

In a sun-drenched villa on the outskirts of Paris, the Delacour family was enjoying a leisurely afternoon. Fleur was practicing her English, reading through a spell book, while her younger sister, Gabrielle, was playing with a magical toy that shimmered and sparkled as it moved.

Suddenly, a graceful owl swooped in through the open window, alighting on the edge of Fleur's desk. It held out its leg, to which a letter was tied with a neat ribbon. Fleur untied the letter and read the name on the envelope, her eyes lighting up.

"Gabrielle, viens ici," Fleur called to her sister, who ran over excitedly. Fleur opened the letter and read it.

(Gabrielle, come here)

Gabrielle's eyes sparkled with excitement, having read the letter as well. "Peux-je venir aussi, Fleur? S'il te plaît?"

(Can I come too, Fleur? Please?)

Fleur smiled at her sister's enthusiasm. "Allons demander à Maman et Papa," she said, taking Gabrielle's hand and leading her to the living room, where their parents were relaxing.

(Let's go ask Mom and Dad)

"Maman, Papa," Fleur began, "J'ai reçu une invitation à la fête d'anniversaire d'Harry Potter. Il aimerait que je vienne au glacier Fortescue sur le Chemin de Traverse ce week-end. Gabrielle aimerait vraiment venir aussi. Est-il possible?"

(I received an invitation to Harry Potter's birthday party. He would like me to come to Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor in Diagon Alley this weekend. Gabrielle would really like to come too. Is it possible?)

Their mother, Apolline, looked up with a warm smile. "Bien sûr, mes chéries. Ce serait une excellente occasion pour vous deux de rencontrer de nouveaux amis."

(Of course, my darlings. This would be a great opportunity for both of you to meet new friends.)

Their father, Jean-Claude, nodded in agreement. "Oui, et je suis sûr que vous passerez un moment merveilleux. Nous organiserons le voyage pour vous. Je vais arranger des Portkeys pour que vous puissiez voyager à Londres et en revenir facilement."

(Yes, and I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time. We will organize the trip for you. I'll arrange Portkeys so you can travel to and from London easily.)

Their mother smiled warmly. "Et je vous accompagnerai, mes chéries, pour m'assurer que tout se passe bien."

(And I will accompany you, my darlings, to make sure everything goes well.)

Gabrielle's eyes sparkled even more with excitement. "Merci, Papa! Merci, Maman!"

(Thank you dad! Thanks Mom!)

Fleur squeezed her sister's hand, her own anticipation growing. "Nous allons passer un moment merveilleux, Gabrielle. Et je suis sûre que tu te feras de nouveaux amis aussi."

(We're going to have a wonderful time, Gabrielle. And I'm sure you'll make new friends too.)

The Delacour sisters spent the rest of the day planning what they would wear and imagining the fun they would have at the party. The anticipation of meeting Harry Potter and his friends filled their home with joy and excitement.

In the cozy living room of the Tonks household, Tonks sat curled up on the couch, her nose buried in a book as the afternoon sunlight streamed in through the windows. Her parents, Ted and Andromeda Tonks, bustled about the room, engaged in their own activities.

Suddenly, there was a soft tapping at the window, and Tonks looked up from her book, curious. Her mother, Andromeda, went to investigate, opening the window to reveal a majestic snowy owl perched on the sill, holding a letter in its beak.

With a delighted smile, Tonks approached the owl, taking the letter from its outstretched beak. She recognized the handwriting immediately and eagerly tore open the envelope.

As she read the contents of the letter, a grin spread across Tonks' face, her eyes lighting up with excitement. "Mum, Dad, I've been invited to a party!" she exclaimed, waving the letter in the air.

Ted and Andromeda turned to their daughter, their own faces breaking into smiles at her excitement. "Well, that sounds like fun, dear," Ted remarked, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Who's it from?"

"It's from Harry Potter!" Tonks exclaimed, excitement bubbling in her voice. "He's having a birthday party, and he wants me to come!"

Andromeda's eyes widened in surprise. "Harry Potter? The famous Harry Potter?" she asked, her voice tinged with awe.

Tonks nodded eagerly. "Yes, Mum, that's the one! And he's invited me to his party! Can I go, please?"

Her parents exchanged a glance before nodding in unison. "Of course, dear," Andromeda replied with a smile. "It sounds like an opportunity you shouldn't miss."

With a whoop of joy, Tonks leaped to her feet, her excitement palpable as she dashed off to her room to prepare for the upcoming celebration.

Harry and Susan were thrilled to receive a flurry of short replies from their friends, each accepting the invitation with enthusiasm. The letters piled up quickly, and Harry read them out loud as they came in.


Ginny Weasley's letter was cheerful and warm:

"Dear Harry,  

Thank you so much for inviting us! My brothers and I can't wait to see you and celebrate. See you at Fortescue's!  




Ron Weasley's letter was filled with excitement:

"Hey Harry,  

Thanks for the invite! I've been wanting to meet you for ages. Can't wait for the party!  




Fred and George Weasley's letter was, as expected, playful:


A party, you say? We'll be there with bells on! And maybe a few surprises...  


Gred & Forge"


Percy Weasley's letter was formal and polite:

"Dear Harry,  

Thank you for the invitation. I look forward to attending.  

Best regards,  

Percy Weasley"


Hannah Abbott's letter was heartfelt:

"Hi Harry,  

Thank you for inviting me. It's going to be great to see you again and celebrate your birthday.  



Luna Lovegood's letter was whimsical:

"Dear Harry,  

I would love to come to your party. I think it will be a wonderful day. Thank you for inviting me.  



Neville Longbottom's letter was appreciative:

"Hi Harry,  

Thank you for inviting me to your party. I can't wait to see you and celebrate together.  



Daphne Greengrass's letter was polite and included a request:

"Dear Harry,  

Thank you for inviting me. I would love to come. Would it be alright if my sister, Astoria, comes along too?  




Padma and Parvati Patil's letter was enthusiastic:

"Dear Harry,  

Thank you so much for the invitation. We can't wait to celebrate with you.  

Padma & Parvati"


Fleur Delacour's letter included a similar request to Daphne's:

"Dear Harry,  

Merci beaucoup for inviting us. Gabrielle is very excited and would love to come as well. May she join us?  

À bientôt,  



Tonks' letter was exuberant, reflecting her lively personality:

"Hey Harry!  

Thanks for the invite! I wouldn't miss it for the world. Can't wait to celebrate with you.  


As Harry finished reading each letter, he looked up at Susan with a bright smile. "It looks like everyone can come," he said, feeling a warmth in his chest.

Susan grinned back at him. "It's going to be a fantastic party. Should we write back to Daphne and Fleur to let them know their sisters are welcome?"

"Definitely," Harry agreed. "I can't wait to meet everyone."

Susan quickly penned replies to Daphne and Fleur, confirming that their sisters were more than welcome to join the celebration. As the letters were sent off, the anticipation for the weekend's party grew, and Harry's excitement was palpable. The small get-together at Fortescue's was shaping up to be a memorable event.


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