
Harry Potter : Degenerate Reborn In The World Of Harry Potter

(On hiatus not dropped, I am pumping out chapters for the Game of thrones fanfiction) This Novel Is Written For Those Who Have Read And Enjoyed My Previous Novel Exclusively. If You Can't Handle That One You Surely Won't Handle This One. also it's a crackfic so turn brain off if necessary, I'm still new to writing. A Degenerate is Reborn into the world of Harry Potter into the Tonks Family. As the son of Edward Tonks and Andromeda Black. As a relative of the Most ancient and Noble House of Black, incest and lusting for power is in his blood....with a Beautiful Older sister and mother in the house nothing and no one will stop him from getting what he wants. ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ R18 ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ Not to be viewed by those under 18 years of age. Extreme graphic content, Extreme Depictions of Violence, Graphic Sexual Content. (Rated A) I recommend you begin reading my other story first. . . All characters depicted in this story are 18 years old or older and are purely fictional and are not meant to represent any real person. This story is an artistic un-closeted display of the repressed undertones present in the Harry Potter series of literature and is granted artistic freedom of representation. No money is made off of this work and only my Original characters belong to me.

SERBMADHAUS · Derivados de obras
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14 Chs

Ch 6 Official Heir


It was now six months later and my instatement as the Heir of House Black Became official.

My official name was now Helios Octavius Black. No longer would I carry that weak sniveling name.

Some politicians in the Wizengamot tried to stall and deny my appointment but my mother knew Amelia Bones personally and the Paperwork that Gormchuk filled out was airtight and entirely above board so no matter their protests the appointment was successfull.

Dumbledore tried to stop the process but it was all in vain....the noble families didn't want House Black to go extinct since it reminded them of their own issues, the only one who fought it to the bitter end was Lucius Malfoy.

But his power had waned in the face of so much opposition and we were successful.

Mom and Nymphy denied becoming official members of House Black but that would change once I become influential enough to marry them in the future since wizards always bow before true power so they wouldn't dare speak out when I am able to wipe the floor with Gandalf....I mean Dumbledore.

We also received Marriage offers, and people wishing for interviews but didn't respond to any as of yet.

The marriage offers were from weaker houses and I really wasn't interested in most of those girls.

The more noble and prestigious Houses were waiting to see if I was worth the Black family name.....I had yet to make a public appearance and no one outside of my family and my accountant had a chance to speak to me.

Rita Skeeter made several articles about me one claimed I was accepted by the portrait of Walburga because of my evil heart and hatred of Muggles and claimed I could become the next dark Lord.

 She also made an article that named me one of the most eligible bachelors in Britain.....The picture she used of me was perfect, I was dressed sharply and the angles were just right so I didn't want to take care of her just yet.

I would take care of her in due time but I wished to remain under the radar until I entered school....

Mom now had access to vast quantities of wealth since she was guardian of the Black Family Heir so all wealth and political assets were hers until it was time for me to take over the mantle she also had use of votes in the Wizengamot but only attended a few times.

One of the first things we did was pay the goblins to ward and expand our home for half a million Galleons....Gormchuk even sent his favorite cousin who is a master Ward scribe to ensure the very best of protection for the house.

We had enough money to do whatever we wanted so I ensured to invest in promising companies which were booming now, Gormchuk had a list of muggle companies given to him by me to invest in and we were both raking in mountains of cash.

 As per our agreement he received 4.36% of all net profits as my acting account manager so he worked day and night to make us both incredibly rich.

It used to be that he was discriminated against because of his milky eye but now he was envied for hooking such a large fish and quickly rising in the ranks of Goblin society.

I had even been invited to his home on a few occasions and met his family who were now doing extremely well compared to most other goblins.

And I have to say that goblin parties are insane..... I even had to pick up a sword again just like in my previous life after I accidentally insulted a second cousin of Gormchuk and was challenged to an honor duel.

After I gutted the ugly goblin I was cheered on and celebrated by Gormchuks family who hadn't seen a wizard wield a sword in hundreds of years.

I dont remember how I got home after the party but I woke up the next morning to Nymphy moaning loudly while riding my cock as mom gave me a lap pillow.

It didn't take long for both of them to adapt to sharing one man and we were much happier than before as our family became more tightly knit.

Mom also applied to become a Law teacher at Hogwarts since she didn't want to leave me for so long and it was approved by the Hogwarts Board Of Governors, Twelve powerful witches and wizards who were in charge of ruling Hogwarts.

They approved to make Wizarding Law Studies an elective course and had her start at the same time as returning students.

Mom would start her school year along with Nymphadora a week before I entered Hogwarts for my first year so I'd be able to get inside of her soft holes as often as I wanted once I was at school.

I was just a bit bummed out that I'd miss out on having them for a week before school started but id make good use of my time.



I sat on the dining room table alone while

eating breakfast.....my mother and sister weren't at their seats but their half eaten plates were still there.

The only clue to their location was the loud slurping sounds that emerged from beneath the table as they both slobbered on my cock to get their second morning dose of thick incest semen.

After they were done slurping me they both crawled out from under the table and wiped their lips elegantly as they swallowed the thick semen and sat back in their seats to finish breakfast.

I Finished my breakfast and gave Mom and Big Sis a kiss on the cheek as I headed out the front door.

It was nearly time to go to school in Hogwarts and it was time to buy my school supplies.

"Goodbye my loves, I'll be back after I get my school supplies." I told them.

"But Little Brother I wanted to go with you." Nymphy complained.

"I wanted to go too Nymphadora but let him go alone....I'm sure Little husband has a good reason for it..... remember that we have to support him in whatever he does." Mom said In her sweet gentle voice.

I grabbed my my coat from the coat rack and began putting it on.

I was wearing exquisite embroidered black clothes and a crimson cravat with a pendant of my old winged Blood Drop Banner pinned on my chest...I missed flying that banner into battle but those days are long gone.

I gave my women one last look and took the time to appreciate their beauty, on their ring fingers they each had an enchanted mithril engagement ring which I gave them a few weeks back.

Nymphadoras ring was beautifully engraved with a Pale pink diamond in the shape of a heart In the center while Moms ring had a pale blue Diamond that matched my eyes.

Both of them cried in happiness when I gave them the rings and I'll never forget the wild couple of nights that followed afterwards.

I had looked through my dimensional store for a while before I found suitable rings since this world is much more chaotic than the last so I needed something with powerful enchantments that would properly protect them. 

I wore one as well apart from my Heirship ring but it was Black and gold with a Red Garnet in the center.

Spell reflection, Poison and negatively affecting potion protection, Airtight Legillimency defense and a an offensive Legillimency function that activated when someone tried to peer into our minds , And a curse for whoever tried to remove the rings without permission were just a few of the enchantments.....I wouldn't take a chance on anything happening to my women.

I grabbed Floo powder and threw it at the fireplace while chanting "Diagon Alley" and walked into the roaring green flames.

As I emerged on the other side I immediately walked towards Ollivanders Wands.

The building was old with smoked glass windows on its front.

As soon as I entered I took notice of how dark and dingy everything was. 

I knew of Ollivanders habit of scaring customers so I spread my senses to find him.....nothing...only the scent of old wood filled my nose.....strange.

I walked towards the front desk where a Golden bell was set as soon as I reached to ring it Ollivander emerged from behind a cabinet to my right.


He immediately ducked as a Modified Cutting spell flew over him. 

It was all out of instinct....I never expected to be scared by an old man like him but he actually managed it...Crazy old bastard had some superior cloaking thechnique.

The windblade passed over Ollivanders head as it sheared off a few of his silver gray hairs and struck a life sized bronze statue just behind him.

The statue had it's head cleanly cut off as evident by the heavy thud of it's bronze head falling on the hardwood floor.

Ollivanders eyes grew wide as he looked at my extended hand and then turned to see the headless bronze statue behind him.

Instead of anger or outrage he began cackling madly. "HAHAHAHAH!!! WANDLESS!!! CHANTLESS!!!! FAST!!!!! HAHAHAHAH!!!!"

Ollivander yelled out like it was the funniest thing he'd ever seen and not like he almost had his head separated from his neck.

"You will be very powerful....no...

You will Be Monstrous when you grow em....."

He waited for me to introduce myself.

"The name is Helios Octavius Black I must apologize for the Manablade Sir It was instinct and not malice which launched the spell...." I told him.

"Worry not young Heir of Black..Come with me...I will make the perfect wand for you since I have a feeling that these pre made ones will not be suitable for someone as talented as you." He spoke as he motioned for me to follow.

I followed the crazy haired old man down a stairwell into a large storage room of sorts.

There were aisles upon aisles of materials set up on every self and every corner of the room.

I sensed powerful magic properties out of many of them and couldn't for the life of me tell what they might be.

He sat me down at a table and began explaining as he walked over to the thousands of pieces of wood and began selecting dozens of them.

"Here Heir of Black...feel every piece of wood and tell me which resonates with your magic the most..." He told me as he stared on with great interest.

I touched and picked up dozens of wood branches, some were dark and thorny while others soft and white but when I found the best piece it was a long jet black branch with many knots all along its length....it also smelled of fresh blood which I loved since it reminded me of good times.

"This one will do Mr.Ollivander" I told him as I picked up the Dark Branch.

"Ahhhhh so it's the Blood Soaked

Ebony....This is a wood that does not guide it's user and accepts no flaws, but instead lends its power only if the wielder capable of controlling it. Its amoral nature usually means that Ebony is best suited to the mature practitioner.....but this is not the usual ebony Heir of Black.....I call it bloodsoaked because it grew In the Lair of a Gharkain...this particular branch was from a Gharkain hundreds of years old....when Gharkains kill they always drain their victims in the same place....out of that place grew the very tree this branch is from...." He spoke as his eyes slowly lost their joy and became deathly serious.

"I've heard that a wizards wand can tell you much about the wielder....what does Bloodsoaked Ebony say about me?" I asked while looking him dead in the eyes and I saw a shiver run down his spine.

"Ebony means you are powerful, precise and know exactly what you want....The Bloodsoaked nature of the wood however...All I can say is I hope to never become your enemy Heir of Black."

He spoke as he took the other woods away and began bringing containers of varying sizes.

"Feel all the materials and choose what resonates with you...." He said as he stared even more intently at my choice.

I ended up picking up a small box with a thick dark red vein inside....it smelled delicious like fresh meat.

"So it's the Wendigo Heart Vein...interesting.....say Heir of Black do you perhaps enjoy human flesh?" He asked as he rubbed his chin contemplatively.

"Not in this Life Mr. Ollivander" I responded with a cheeky smile...before reaching into my enchanted pouch.

"Also....place this at it's hilt." I told him as I placed a Bright red Demon core on the table....it looked like the most beautiful walnut sized red Garnet.

He picked it up and brought it close to his face after bringing out a magnifying lens.

"Strange....I feel great power from it but I don't remember ever seeing something like this.....very well it seems to resonate with the Wood and Core so i don't see why not." 

He then told me to go upstairs then place the closed sign outside and that the wand would be ready soon, as soon as the door shut I heard a cacophony of grinding, cutting and scraping sounds, then the blowing of a bellows and fire.....at the end of I could hear the fine clinking of a small hammer and chisel.

An hour had passed until Ollivander emerged from the basement with a face full of soot and his hair even crazier than before. 

His shirt was drenched in sweat as he walked up the steps with a long black box in his hands.

He walked sat across from me on a small table and placed the box in front of me.

"My most incredible creation yet....I normally don't tell people directly what I think of their wands....I usually tell them that their wand is capable of doing whatever they set their hearts to...but to tell you the truth, I feel a darkness in this wand like none other before it....I hope you go on to do great things Heir of Black and not Great and Terrible ones." He spoke and as soon as he was done he slid the wand towards me.

I felt the darkness from the wand as well....I reached towards and opened the box gently.

It was...."Perfect" I spoke the word aloud as Ollivander stared on in fascination.

The wand was 12.6 inches long, at it's tip was a sharp golden needle like spike, it's hard jet black wood was engraved beautifully in a baroque styling, it was inlaid heavily in solid gold which contrasted heavily with the dark wood, and at the Hilt was the Blood red Demon core encased In a golden setting.

I reached out for the wand and as soon as I grabbed it I felt the magic in the air around us pulse....it was alive and I could sense it.

I holstered the wand on my wrist then

set a large pouch of galleons on the table and stood up to walk out the door

"Thank you Ollivander I promise to get plenty of use from this wand." I said as I walked out 

"That's what I'm afraid of...even more terrible than Tom.....but with far more potential." He whispered to himself as I stepped out onto the street.

I headed to the Potage's Cauldron shop and purchased the finest set they had, Engraved silver tools and fine ingredients.

Then I headed to Wiseacres Wizarding equipment for a magical trunk. I walked out with a small bracelet that cost nearly a thousand galleons....God it's good to be rich.

Then to Madame Malkin's Robes For Every Occasion....once inside I spotted someone I had been interested in seeing for a very long time.....Narcissa black....she looked like a more beautiful Morticia Addams with a streak of white in her black hair...she had to be mine.

As I walked through the store I accidentally bumped into her and slipped a small note into her hands then went on about my business.

She was smart enough to know that was going on so she acted as if nothing happened and continued with her business.

'i can break the magical contract made with Lucius. Send a letter to the Tonks Residence with your perfume sprayed on it -Heir Of Black'

 was all the note said.

Half an hour later I walked out of the robe store with them sets of the finest Clothes money could buy....I loved the pleasures of life after all.

I stopped at the bank to say hello to Gormchuk and delivered a bag of meat jerky for his wife and then I returned home using the Floo network....

As I stepped in the door both Mom and Big Sis attacked me as a team by smothering my face with their giant boobs.

They knew I loved it so they did it often.

Before long we ended up in the bedroom and fucked for six hours straight until sundown.

It wasn't until we were all panting and covered in bodily fluids that Nymphadora asked to see the wand.

I pulled it out and waved it around while I cast cleaning spells all around us, since the bed and my women were covered in a thick layer of semen since the strengthening and vitality potion I took on my first day here practically turned me into an Elk during the Rut.

They both marveled at the beauty of the wand but didn't want to touch it because of the Evil aura around it.

After showing them the wand they decided we were too tired to cook so we all just fell asleep...

'I need a house elf and there's no way im taking in Kreacher.....I should go get one soon....'

Were my last thoughts before I fell into a deep sleep.

(Should I skip to the first day of school? I was planning on having a Rita skeeter section but I can push it back if you all would like?)