
Pauper to Heir

GripHook walked a few feet away from his desk as he pulled on the bottom drawer of a file cabinet, He started leafing through the folders as he pulled out three different colored files and closed the drawer. He dropped the files on his desk as he hopped back into his seat and opened the first file and started skimming through the information. As he finished the last page in the file he went on to the next file and repeated the process until he read through the files. "Congratulations my young heir," GripHook said as he passed three files over to Harry. "As no living relative are alive from any of the accounts, you become the de facto heir and holder of the accounts in name.

The first file, is one I'm personally familiar with, the Potter account. The account has generous holdings of 738,161 galleons, 14 sickles and 5 knuts. Three properties, one in small town in Godric's Hollow, another in France and the last one is the Potter castle. You will be unable to draw money from the main vault until you become an adult, but a trust fund of a thousand gallons will replenish itself yearly for you to access.

The second file, is one I am surprised that you are heir to. The Slytherin account started by Salazar Slytherin holds 1,354,304 galleons, 3 sickles and a knut. The account had partial ownership of Hogwarts Castle but, as that was sold to the ministry of magic many years ago it is now null and void. There is no trust fund, so drawing money out of the account will have to wait.

The third file is possibly the most ancient vault Gringotts rents, as it is vault number 1. The account named Emry has been a part of this branch since the inception of this bank. As the gallons on this account come to 1453 galleons and 13 sickles. No properties on the account, and again you are unable to draw money from this account until you become older."

GripHook finished his summary of the accounts. "How much is a galleon to a pound?" Harry asked, "The galleon is equivalent to .5 grams worth of gold, today that's around 25 dollars. The true value of the accounts, are not in the gold young wizard but the items the vaults contain." GripHook said taking back the files Harry was holding and stood up from his chair. "Holy shit, think of all the cocaine and hookers I could buy." Harry gasped as GripHook opened the bottom drawer of the file cabinet and placed the files back inside and closed the drawer. GripHook then opened the top drawer and placed his hand inside and pulled out a box.

"These are the rings of the family names you now hold" GripHook said opening the box as three blank rings rested inside. Harry took one ring and put it on his middle finger as it flashed a dark red and a griffin appeared on the ring showing the Potter family crest. The other two rings slowly levitated out of the box and merged with the ring on Harry's finger as they flashed a green basilisk and a dark grey thestral. With one ring on his finger, Harry looked up at GripHook waiting for an explanation. "The three rings merged, you can summon which ring you want displayed or none at all, by thinking about the family name and channeling magic into the ring." GripHook spoke as Harry played with the rings, summoning the different family crests before reverting it back to an empty ring.

GripHook stood tall and started walking out of the room with Harry on his heels. "Come young heir, we are going to visit vault 687. It is the only vault you have permission to enter in accordance with your current age, the others can be viewed at a later date." GripHook said as he got into a cart attached to a railway. Harry climbed behind GripHook as the goblin started to light the lamp on the side of the cart and then pulled a lever next to him. The cart shot down the railway as Harry couldn't help but to scream as it took tight turns at fast paces. Soon the cart slowed down and both of them climbed out of the cart and stood in front of a massive vault door. Griphook took the vault key and inserted it into the lock midway up the door and ran his fingers down the seam of the vault. Gears cranked as the door started to swing open, and a pile of gallons that stood as tall as the goblin gleamed against the lanterns light.

GripHook handed Harry a bag and said "Remember, the vault will replenish itself in a few months' time, I suggest taking the majority of gold and putting it in the bottomless bag I handed you." Harry nodded in acknowledgement and started levitating the gold wandlessly into the bag, as GripHook stood silently shocked at the display of wandless magic. Soon with the vault almost cleared they climbed back into the cart and headed to the surface of the bank.

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