

While Harry was examining Snape from a distance feeling that he was up to no good he was startled by Ron who had jumped up from the table.


"Why, hello there welcome to Gryffindor" a ghoust rose up from Ron's plate.

Percy smiled at him "Hello, Sir Nicholas. Did you have a nice summer?"

"Oh Percy it was dismal. Once again, my request to join the headless hunt has been denied."

"I know you" Ron shouted "your Nearly Headless Nick!"

"How can he be nearly headless" Hermione questioned "that doesn't make any sense?

"Like this" Nick motion tilting his head letting it fall from his body and be left hanging by a thin strip of skin. "That damnable executioner missed his swing and left me hanging. The worst part is because I'm a ghost nothing can touch me so I will be stuck like this for the rest of my death."

"Oh, well that certainly is terrible" Hermione told him while trying to keep he food down.

"Sigh, children when you die in the future to not become a ghost it is so dreadfully boring it makes you wish for death.

"We'll keep that in mind" Erik told him feeling a little sorry for the ghost.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After the feast Percy being the student representative of Gryffindor led them to the Common room. The changing staircases felt like they were purposely designed to be confusing but, Percy was an expert and told them the patterns they normally moved in.

Eventually they came to the large painting that hid the door to the Gryffindor dorms. In the painting was a fat woman in a beige dress sitting on a couch and fanning herself with a large feather.

"Password" she asked?

Percy cleared his throat and answered "Caput Draconis."

The woman nodded and the painting swung open to reveal a hidden corrador.

As they entered Erik couldn't stop himself from touching the painting. He was curious about what was stopping someone from just ripping through the painting. He expected to feel flimsy paper but, It was actually hard. Erik even used most of his strength and it didn't even budge.

"Magic is amazing Erik thought."

"No touching the paintings" Percy warned him.


The Common room was quite a bit larger than Erik expected. Aside from the large fireplace burning in the middle of the room, there was also several couches for people to rest on as well as a Snooker(Pool) table.

Percy clapped his hands to get everyones attention "Gather 'round everyone and welcome to the Gryffindor Common Room. Boys dormitories are to your left and girls yours are to the right. You'll find that your belongings have already been brought up. Now go unpack and get to bed your first classes start tomorrow after lunch."

Next morning Erik woke up early he was never really one to sleep in even if he was up late not to mention his chakra which made him stronger than his classmates. It was five in the morning and he had hours until class. Putting on his clothes Erik decided to go for a run around the lake.

The lake was about ten miles around which normally wasn't that much for Erik but, recently no matter how much he exercised he didn't feel like he was improving. He was it the point where his body weight was too light for him to get a good workout. So taking a page from Rock Lee he started wearing weights around his legs.

They were no where near as heavy as Lee's which had to be at least several hundred kilos(pounds). His weights were only 15 kilo(30 pounds) each but, even that little amount made a simple run into an intense workout.

By the time he was done he was drenched in sweat he went back to his dorm being careful not to wake anyone up to get his school clothes and went to take a bath. The bathroom was huge and bathtub large enough to fit dozens of people. It was magicaly heated and while Erik was relaxing inside he decided he would wake up this early every morning so he could have this place all to himself.

After wiping himself off and getting dressed it was already around seven o'clock and some of the other early risers in Gryffindor were waking up. In fact while going down to eat breakfast he ran into Hermione.

"Good morning Erik" she smiled at him "do you want to get breakfast together?"

"Sure" he replied.

As they made their way to the Great hall Hermione coudn't stop talking about the history of Hogwarts and everything she had read about magic. It didn't bother him that much because he wanted to learn as much as he could about magic and Hogwarts.

When they got to the Great hall it was completely empty but, food appeared just the same as they took a seat.

"I wonder where the food comes from" Erik wondered out loud?

"I don't know but, magic can not create something out of nothing so maybe there is a kitchen somewhere and the food is just teleported here."

"Your right tt's probably made by House elves."

"By the way I'm sorry for talking you ear off earlier I just get excited when I start talking about magic."

"Don't worry about it. I just found out about this whole magic thing a few weeks ago so there is a lot of stuff I don't know about."

"Are you parents muggles?"

"I don't know if they were or not. They died when I was young and I was raised in an orphanage."

"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to bring up any bad memories."

"It's fine you can't miss what you never had."

"A-anyway do you have any classes you are excited about?"

"If I had to pick I would say Alchemy but, you can only take that course in your seventh year. So Potions is what I'm looking forward to the most. What about you?"

"I'm looking forward to all of them but, History of Magic and Charms are my favorite."

"Hey, do you want to see something cool?"

"What do you mean?"

"The reason I really want to take Alchemy is because I managed to learn a special type of magic and want to see if I could find ways to improve it."

"Special magic" Hermione's eyes widened "Let me see!"

Erik pulled out a small book from his pocket it was a scketch book he bought a few months ago.

"A book" Hermione looked confused.

"It's not the book it's whats in the book."

Erik flipped open his scketch book to reveal pages and pages of Storage seals. He flipped to the page he wanted and then handed the book to Hermione.

"What do you see on that page?"

Hermione carefully examined the page and compared it to everything she knee about magic.

"I don't know what those strange sybols are but, thats a picture of a pile of books in the middle right?"

Erik smiled and took the book back from her and placed it on the table. He formed his hand sign and a cloud of smoke covered the table. As it disapated a pile of books appeared on the table.

Hermione was astonished "Wow, you can actually store things in paper what is that spell!?"

"It's called a Storage seal and I use it to carry around everything I need."

"How did you do it you didn't even use a wand?"

"It isn't a spell. The seals are closer to an alchemy product like a broom so you don't need a wand to use it."

"That's incredible I have never heard of a spell like that before."

"Well, the worlds a big place I bet even Dumbledore doesn't know every thing about magic."

"True" Hermione nodded "The is no limit to the world. Hey can you teach me that it looks really useful?"

Erik thought about it a moment "I can teach the basics of how it works but, you need to swear that you won't tell anybody."

"That's fair."

The reason he had been so casual about showing his jutsu and why he was willing to teach her was because he wanted to combine magic and ninjutsu together. Not just so he could be stronger but, also because he wanted to leave his mark on the world. And even though he already had a Library filled with all the knowledge of the Shinobi world he didn't want to share it yet.

The Ninja world was completely different than his current one. The Ninja world had been at war for millenia and was full of violence and death. Reflecting this ninjutsu was full of techniques for killing and little else.

Unlike the Magic world which did still have was and violence but, not nearly to the same level. In fact most of the worlds wizards probably didn't know how to fight let alone kill. He didn't want to release ninjutsu into the world when it was only good for killing.

So he needed to completely change everything about it and find another path for jutsu to take. And for that he needed help and there was no one he could think of more suitable to help him than Hermione.

"Since you want to learn go ahead and take those books they have the basics of my magic in them."

"Really" Hermione grabbed the stack of books of the table and threw herself right into them completely forgetting that Erik was even there.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Come on Ron hurry up were going to be late."

"Why didn't anybody wake us up?"

"We wouldn't have been late if you didn't need a second helping for breakfast" Harry complained.

"What, I can't help it I'm a growing boy" Ron shrugged.

They burst into the classroom catching everyone's attention. Hermione was glaring at them and Erik wryly smiled already knowing that this would happen.

"Whew, amazing, can you imagine the look on old McGonagall's face if we were late" Ron sighed?

Hearing that the ears on the orange cat lounging on the desk twitched. The cat slowly stretched out then jumped off the desk transforming back into a human as she landed on the floor completely stunning Harry and Ron.

"That was bloody brilliant" Ron shouted!

Harry on the other hand knew they were going to be in trouble and cleverly kept his mouth shut.

"Thank you for that assessment, Mr. Weasley. Maybe if I were to transfigure Mr. Potter and yourself into a pocketwatch, at least one of you could be on time."

"We got lost" Harry spoke quietly with his head down.

"Then perhaps invest in a map? I trust you won't need one to find your seats" she huffed at them.

The rest of the Transfiguration went without incident and Erik made sure to pay attention even though he could already turn into whatever he wanted with the Transformation Jutsu.

Next up was the Potions class and Erik was really excited for it even if Snape was a jerk he was a good teacher. With his sharingan he could easily memorize and copy all of Snape's movement and be able to brew the potions perfectly. Which was the most difficult part of brewing potions.

While everyone was waiting Harry and Ron were sitting next to him talking about dragons and other cool magical creatures and Hermione was reading through the books he gave her. Erik on the other hand was reading his potions book to try and get ahead and be prepaired for class.

Everyone was startled and sat up straight when the door slammed open and Professor. Snape walked in.

"There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to enjoy the subtle science and exact art that is potion making. However, for those select few who possess the predisposition, I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory and even put a stopper in death."

As Snape was talking he noticed Harry who was taking notes and thought he was wasn't listening to him.

"Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confidant enough to not. . . pay. . .attention Mr. Potter."

Ron who was next to Harry nudged him in the ribs to get his attention. Harry looked up and saw everyone in class staring at him.

Harry Potter our new celebrity. Tell me, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

Harry remained silent not knowing the answer while Hermione's hand shot up.

"You don't know? Well, let's try again. Where, Mr. Potter, would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?"

Harry stood silent again and Hermione was about to put her hand up again but, Erik grabbed it and motioned to her that this wasn't the time for that. When he let go of her hand he failed to notice the slight blush on Hermione's face as she started rubbing her hand.

The classroom stood silent as Snape was staring Harry down. Eventually it became too much for him and he answered Snape.

"I don't know sir."

"And what about the difference between Monkshood and Wolfbane do you know that" Snape sneered at him?

"No, sir."

"Pity. Clearly, fame isn't everything, is it, Mr. Potter?"

Harry spent the rest of class silent with his head down.

After class was over everyone went to the Great hall for dinner. Erik was sitting next Hermione and another of his classmates who's name he didn't know yet.

While he was eating his food the kid next to him pulled out his wand which caught Eriks attention. He pointed it at his cup of water and prepaired to cast a spell. See this reminded Erik of a certain scene in the first Harry Potter movie.

"Eye of rabbit, harp string hum. Turn this water, into rum." He tapped his wand on the cup and frowned when nothing happened. "Eye of rabbit, harp-"

"What are you trying to do" Ron couldn't help asking.

"I'm trying to turn this water into rum."

"That's illegal" Hermione glared at him.

"Only if it works" Harry added.

"Eye of rabbit, harp string hum. Turn this water, into rum." Before he even finished his spell the cup exploded sending glass and fire everywhere. Erik was ready however he threw his dinner platter in front of the boy's face shielding him from the brunt of the explosion.

"Whoa" everyone was shocked at Eriks reaction speed and started clapping.

"That was incredible" Harry told him.

Erik couldn't help blushing a little he wasn't used to being in the spotlight like this. He was about to speak when a screech filled the air and he frowned.

"Mail's here" someone yelled.

Hundreds of owls burst into the room dropping packages and feathers everywhere. Harry looked up hoping to see Hedwig and was disappointed when he realised he didn't get any mail. While Harry was pouting another owl flew by and dropped a newspaper in front of Ron.

"Can I see that" Harry asked.

"Go ahead" Ron waved more intrested in his hamburger than the newspaper.

Harry started flipping through the pages intrested in the wizard newspaper.

"Hey, look Neville's got a Remembrall."

"I've read about those" Hermione went over When the smoke turns red, it means you've forgotten something."

"Trouble is I can't remember what I've forgotten" Neville said while shaking the Remembrall.

"Hey Erik" Harry tapped his shoulder "Look at this, someone broke into Gringotts last night. Listen to this, Believed to be the work of dark witches or wizards unknown, Gringotts goblins, while acknowledging the breach, insist that nothing was taken. The vault in question, number 713, had in fact been emptied earlier that same day. Isn't that the vault we went to with Hagrid?"

"It is" Erik looked at Harry solomly as he realised that the evil forces of the world were starting to move and he wasn't nearly strong enough.

Harry look back down at the newspaper and frowned feeling that this was somehow related to him. With how Potions class went and now this Harry was in a terrible mood.

Erik noticed Harry's sadness and hooked his arm aroun his shoulder don't look so sad I know what will cheer you up.


"Learning to fly we have broomstick training next."

"Flying" Harry perked up!

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