
Harry Potter and the Havenless Boy

Follow the story of a young man turned boy who much like his name sake will fly too close to the Sun. Witness for yourself whether he will plummet to his death or if the Sun will embrace him and raise him to heights never seen before Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter that honor goes to J.K. Rowling

Griif_Sanders · Derivados de obras
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16 Chs

Well that was Quick (Edited)

"Now I am happy to say I have some exciting news." Grimpur said, "When your father came to me about starting you a private account, he was concerned that his parents would not approve of you, so he wanted to transfer funds as slowly as possible to avoid their notice." Grimpur took a pause, gauging their reactions before continuing, "However, the Blacks almost never check their account records, mostly leaving it all to me, so instead, as soon as I confirmed his death, I merged his vault with yours, leaving you with just over 200,000 Galleons" Icarus took a deep breath upon hearing that. He wasn't sure of the conversion rate, but it was definitely a lot of money.

Seeing Icarus's reaction, Grimpur smirked, "Then six years ago, your paternal grandmother Walburga Black passed away, leaving the vaults and estate of House Black to you, which bolstered your Galleons by about 2.8 million, leaving you with a total of 3 million Galleons, I thought it was a waste to leave it sitting there not helping anyone, so I decided to convert it to the Muggle currency and put it in a Muggle bank so that the money would get interest." This confused Icarus wouldn't he just gain interest in Gringotts since it's a savings vault? Grimpur, noticing the confusion, went on to explain, "Never heard of interest, have you ? Not to worry, most wizards haven't. It's a muggle concept where they pay you a small percentage of your money's worth in your case daily until you withdraw it." Having explained what interest basically means, Grimpur continued, "Now I managed to negotiate a 15% interest rate by threatening to expose the wizard who owned it to the Ministry for occasionally obliviating muggles who deposited their money there." Icarus couldn't help but laugh; it was a brilliant money-making scheme.

"After the first 6 years, you had 491,920 Galleons, 10 Sickles, and 6 Knuts, after the next six years, with the additional 2.8 million, you now have 8,096,818 Galleons, 2 Sickles, and 16 Knuts." Icarus's jaw dropped, but he still couldn't grasp how much that was worth, so he asked, "What's the exchange rate?" Grimpur looked confused for a moment but replied, "Strange, I don't see what it has to do with anything, but it's 5 pounds sterling for 1 Galleon" That's when the penny dropped for Icarus. That was an absurd amount of money, roughly around 40 million pounds, probably more money than he could spend in a lifetime. Uncle Ted spoke up at this moment: "Grimpur, would you mind withdrawing 500 Galleons and leaving the rest in the bank?" Grimpur looked at Ted and said, "I wouldn't mind if that's what the Young Lord wanted." Icarus just nodded in reply, still processing the amount of money he held as a mere 11-year old boy in the 90s.


Later that same day

"It seems the only thing we still need is a wand." Uncle Ted had spoken out, but Icarus wasn't listening; he was focused on a storefront. Feeling drawn there, he voiced out, "Uncle Ted, can we look at the Magical Menagerie?" Uncle Ted nodded and replied, "Why not?" Icarus was, however, ignoring the man; he'd already started making his way there, and he couldn't help but feel like he had to be there. Stepping inside with a ring of the doorbell, Icarus ignored the salesperson and continued to walk on into a backroom, where he noticed an egg rather large for an egg coloured black with blue speckles covering it; this was what had called him here. He turned to the bewildered woman who had run after him. "How much is this egg?" The clerk looked at Icarus as if he'd lost his mind. "You stormed into the backroom for an egg. Are you mad, boy?" Icarus looked back at the egg and then towards the woman. "No, mam, now would you mind telling me how much the egg is?" The woman shook her head and said, "I don't get paid enough for this.... It's 80 Galleons" Before the number had even left her mouth, the money was in her hand, and both Icarus and the Egg were rocketing towards Ollivander's alongside his uncle.


Icarus looked at the signage bragging about Ollivander's long history and scoffed slightly. The boy expected his visit to go the same as every novel he'd ever read, and that was an absolute disaster of an afternoon, wasting hours as Ollivander struggled to find his wand. Finally, when he pulled out the most ancient wand made by his great, great, great grandfather with the most OP core and whatnot, he'd give it a wave, and god's angels would descend upon him and promise a giant harem of beautiful women and all the wealth in the world. But he was in for a rude awakening.

When Icarus stepped into the store, Ollivander briefly looked at him before blurting out, "Regulus Black Unicorn Hair, Hawthorne, 11 and a half inches, slightly springy, and Julia Carter Phoenix Tail Feather, Pear, 10 inches, springy." Ollivander then pulled his eyes off Icarus's face. "How strange," he muttered to himself. "I'd never thought those two would get together, beautiful child, though." As he walked away, a minute later he returned with two boxes. He pulled a wand out of the top box and handed it to Icarus; however, it was only in Icarus's hand for a moment before Ollivander yanked it away and gave him the other wand. "Go on, give it a wave," and as he did, the wand lit up the room with golden sparks. "I knew it: Red Oak, Dragon heartstrings, 12 inches slightly springy—that will be 7 Galleons" and just like that, the trip to Diagon Alley had ended. He was dumbfounded by the experience, and how the hell did he know who his parents were, especially considering his remark about it being an unexpected pairing?

Ollivander in my opinion is a very abused character, by making him look pathetic at his job in every fanfic or novel to make characters look mysterious or OP, Harry was an exception not the rule and for good reason was difficult to find a match for thus not ever person who enters Ollivander's shop is an impossible anomaly that he's gonna spend hour's trying to figure out thus I made his part in my book very brief and easy he know's what to look for in a person and has been doing it for years why would he struggle with every 11 year old he comes across

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