

Arthur put his hand in his purse and took out matches. Sometimes, being unable to use other elements can be bothering.

Then he canceled the spell on the teenager's voice. His desperate cries reached the ears of everyone there. Elena looked away, but it didn't help, so she covered her ears.

Arthur patted the leader's thigh and said "Say goodbye." Arthur canceled the spell on his voice too. The leader pleaded with tears in his eyes "Please, don't do that. I beg you, don't harm him. Take me!"

Arthur sighed and said "You lost your chance. I hope you will be more talkative." Arthur opened the box, while the leader and the teenager both shooted for mercy. Arthur took a match, put it against the box and looked at the leader.

He winked at him and said "It's your fault." Arthur lit the match, and threw it toward the teenager. His father, the leader of the group, watched in despair as the lit match flew slowly toward his son.

Time seemed to slow down as the match flew in the air. His tears accumulated, flew down his face, and his magic activated on its own. The flame on the match extinguished itself.

The match hit the teenager's body, but no flame appeared. Arthur sighed and said as he looked at the leader "Impressive. To use your magic in this kind of situation, you are better than I thought. Well, I guess it is fate, isn't it?"

The leader hurriedly nodded "Yes, yes, so please, don't hurt him!" Arthur smiled and said "But you must be punished. Here, look, another one. And this is a special one! Here, say hello to Mr Match, the match that never loses its fire!"

Arthur took out a match and lit it. He brought it to the leader's mouth and said "Here look. Try to blow on it."

The leader look at the match, openly crying now, and blew on it. The flame wavered, but did not disappear. Arthur smiled and said "See?"

Then he threw it, again. This time, nothing stopped it as it landed on the teenager. Immediately, his body was set aflame, his cries becoming even louder. The people could hear that his voice was getting rougher and rougher.

A burnt smell made its way to their noses, a crackling sound could be heard, coming from either the burning teenager, or the fire itself. Arthur looked at him dissatisfied and clapped his hands. Time suddenly accelerated and the teen seemed to burn faster.

Time was literally going faster in everyone's eyes. It didn't take long for the fire to end, leaving only a charred corpse on the cross that strangely didn't burn, along with a lit match on the ground.

Arthur waved his hand and the match flew over to his hand. He closed his hand, and when he opened it again the match had disappeared. Then Arthur patted the leader's thigh and said "Now, ready for a talk?"

The leader had his head down, despair had disappeared, fear had disappeared, anger had disappeared. Nothing was left. He was dumb to what was happening around him. He was too stunned to react to anything.

Seeing this, Arthur smiled. He raised the leaders head, and was about to ask him something when the leader suddenly spit at him.

Arthur froze, and the leader laughed. Arthur waved his hand and the spite was washed off his face. His magic boiled and another spell was launched.

All the bounty hunters suddenly felt a huge pressure, and as they looked at Arthur he seemed to transform. This was the spell Arthur used on his classmates previously.

However, this time it wasn't a bloodthirsty demon, but a giant man with a stern look. Despite it, he looked almost… holy. It was a giant version of Arthur. With a ring of light above his head.

A majestic voice said "You haven't learned your lesson I see. Same punishment, alright?"

The leader had stopped laughing by now, and in front of his eyes the charred corpse of his son was brought back to life, well and alive.

The leader cried "Johnathan!" As everyone gaped at the resurrected teen, Arthur slipped in each of their mind using Legilimency, viewing their memories. As soon as he was done, he said "You dared spit at me. I don't think it will be enough, but it'll do."

He took out a match, and threw it at the teen. The same scene as earlier happened, only that this time it wasn't accelerated. Actually, the first time Arthur hadn't really killed the teen, but used an illusion. This time however, Arthur was really pissed so he threw a real match at the teen.

This time, the leader was voiceless, real despair showing on his face. Arthur approached him and said "Well? Ready to answer me?"

The leader looked at him with red eyes, but this time he nodded. Arthur smiled and said "Good. Now, I am currently in need of a lackey. Would you become my lackey, Hugo?"

The leader, who was called Hugo, said "Are you mocking me before killing me?"

Arthur smiled and replied "Of course not. Now tell me, what is your answer?" Hugo replied "You killed my son, twice. Why would I work for you?"

Arthur shook his head and said "You are lucky I'm not picky about intelligence. First, as you said, I killed him twice. But to kill him twice, I need to revive him. If I did it once I can do it again. Look."

Arthur waved his hand and the charred corpse became alive, again. He continued "Secondly, you will work for me because I have your family, and friends as hostages. Look."

Jonathan began burning, again. As he cried Arthur patted Hugo who screamed again. The cross turned side ways and Hugo was met by another gruesome sight. All his partners, his friends, were laying on the ground, in a mess of blood, each and everyone of them dismembered.

Arthur walked in front of Hugo and put something on his neck. Hugo looked, and discovered his new necklace to be someone's intestine.

It was too much for Hugo, who fainted. Arthur rolled his eyes and slapped Hugo, bu the latter didn't wake up. Thus Arthur attacked his brain, with mind arts.

Hugo woke up with a huge headache. Arthur made the cross lower down, and grabbed Hugo's head. He looked at him in the eyes and said "From now on, everytime I order you to do something, if you dare of even thinking about disobeying, this will happen again. I will go find your wife, your newborn little girl. I will gut your wife, and put your girl's head inside her mother's stomach. She will choke inside her mother. Fun, right?"

As he said that Arthur attacked his mind in all sort of ways, implementing program like commands in his brain. Once he was done, Arthur dropped his head. Hugo fainted, and Arthur looked at the mess he did.

He sighed decided to use them. Arthur made Jonathan's cross rise in the air, until it went high enough for everyone to see. Then he looked at the body parts laying everywhere. This had been real too.

He looked at Elena and asked "You hungry?"

Elena couldn't hold herself and began vomiting on the side. Arthur said to himself "I'll take that as a no. Intriguing still, you drink blood to sustain yourself, but you are disgusted by this. Strange race, vampires."

Arthur squinted his eyes at the limbs, the heads, the torsos and all the blood and said "What am I gonna do about you all… I know!"

Arthur grinned and waved his wand. The body parts began moving on their own, all coordinated. Once done, Arthur looked at Elena and asked "What do you think?"

Elena gulped "Very persuasive. Scary." Arthur nodded and said "Good, that's what I wanted. Now, let's go take Hugo away from all of this."

The three of them disappeared, and as they walked away, at some point the illusion wore off. The fool smell of death, guts, shit and piss spread everywhere, and the bodies appeared in everyone's view.

Well, I decided to play it soft.

SlyOWcreators' thoughts
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