
Blue screens!

{7, Godric's Hollow, Unplottable}

{31st Sept 1980}


[Congratulations on your successful Transmigration.]

[Congratulations you have successfully taken over the body of Rigel Charlus Potter, twin brother of Harry Potter, the supposed Boy-Who-Lived. Keep in mind that your identity in this world is quite sensitive and each of your actions could lead to disastrous consequences. Hint! To better understand your current situation, speak or think the words 'Status'.]

[Good Luck]

[Please Select One Starting Trait!]

[Unsurpassable Physique - Your Physique was meant to break the limits of a Wizard's capabilities. Your body can handle an almost unimaginable amount of stress and grow to twice as strong than anyone else. Your body naturally resists most spells with spell resistance = PHY stat.]

[Lightning Reflexes - The limit of your Reflexes is twice as high as a normal wizard. You could dodge and weave through incoming spells as long as someone's casting speed is lower than twice your reflexes. Gain Passive Skill {Perfect Dodge}]

[Complete Control - You are always in complete control of your body. Balance, Coordination, and Flexibility are areas where you have significant advantages. You gain +100% experience in skills that require Physical exertion.]

[Perfect Mana Sense - Due to having lived a whole life without the presence of mana flowing through you, you are hyper-aware of the life energy flowing through your body. You are more attuned to your own mana and have a passive sense of mana flowing all around you. Gain Passive Skill {Mana Sense}. Gain Active Skill {Mana Manipulation}]


Rigel was flabbergasted, was that a good word to describe his current situation? 

His eyes still weren't very well adjusted but they were still better than before, the blobs of colors from yesterday were gone and what replaced it was at best, blurry vision, 140p at best. He could see the T-shirt that James Potter was wearing quite clearly, even his square face was somewhat clear but things far away were just a mesh of colors.

The only contrasting thing was the blue screens that occupied his vision. He still couldn't quite believe the situation he was in, but the blue screen floating above James' head grounded him to the unbelievable reality that he faced.

[James Potter Lv 41]

It was a hovering screen similar to the one that congratulated him on his transmigration, a word that he had seen plenty of times used in fanfictions and isekai light novels. He remembered reading this before blacking out yesterday. He didn't know why it was so, maybe being squeezed through a vagina was an incredibly tiring experience, one he was glad he wasn't subjected to.

Still, everything wasn't good and dandy as he was now a newborn. He looked at his own chubby fingers and noticed his lack of limb control as his whole fist moved as a unit. Combined with a lack of bladder control and the situation was quite embarrassing. 

He had already been subjected to the horror of breastfeeding once, although it was not as traumatizing as most novels made it out to be. Even if hormones were not there in his body, or maybe they were rampaging through, he didn't know he wasn't a doctor or anything. Still being trapped in a fragile little thing almost made him select the very first choice.

'If I'm in the world of Harry Potter, and if I'm going to be thrown to the wolves like in most stories, then having a body to rely on would be good. At least I can survive through the forced character development arcs...' Rigel thought sarcastically, he was relieved though that his mental facilities hadn't been reduced.

While being stuck in the body of a baby was bad, being forced to go through this world with compromised mental functions would be worse. His whole world was rocked around as James likely realized that he was awake once again, he had done this drama two times already. His body likely couldn't handle the load of an adult brain thinking about how to exploit his canon knowledge as he was constantly getting tired.

"Look who awake, did you have a good sleep, Reggie?" James asked and Rigel cringed at the nickname. While his name in his past life hadn't been bad, this was a lot worse.

"Waa Whaa Waaa aaaa~" Rigel babbled. He wanted to grimace but his facial expression didn't work like that. Maybe it was a good thing though because a frowning baby wouldn't be a good thing.

"Awww, who's a good little bo-" James started making cooing noises and Rigel blocked the idiot out. As embarrassing as it was to ask for his diapers to be changed, the older man would realize it soon enough. 

He instead focused on the words in front of him, almost all of the options were quite appealing. Having a better body than almost everyone would be quite beneficial in almost every case. Lightning Reflexes and Complete Control were made for a dueling build. He could just imagine being faster and more agile than everyone else and how that might help when dealing... death eaters.

'Do I want to get involved with the story? Well, it's not like I would have much of a choice anyway. What I need is to make sure that I don't become the Horcrux. Would it be immoral to use Harry as a shield in front of the Killing Curse?' Rigel thought. His dark thoughts were hidden behind an innocent facade as his eyes scanned through the final option.

'As much as I love warrior builds in almost every game. I mean seriously who plays mage in Elden ring or whatever... I don't think I can choose anything else. Since Magic is the primary strength system in this world, taking anything other than Perfect Mana sense would be trolling. Plus with 11 years of grinding, I'm sure my {Mana Sense} and {Mana Manipulation} would show some results... But then again same could be said about Unsurpassable Physique...'

The choice was quite difficult, but finally, Rigel gave way to a more reasonable choice. Although it would be fun to be as fast as a ninja while swinging a freaking broadsword. The utility of {Mana Sense} far outweighs the coolness factor in his mind.

'I choose Perfect Mana Sense...' Rigel thought and as he expected, the screen blinked out of existence. Barely a moment later his senses were bombarded with a plethora of colors and his eyes looked around trying to take it all in.

'...this is amazing.'


AN - How long do you guys expect the pre-Hogwarts part to be? I'm thinking about 20-30 chapters, maybe more...