
Curiosity and the Cat! Part-2

"So how are you likeing Hogwarts so far, Hector..." she paused before adding, "May I call you Hector, you can call me Calypso of course!" she smiled lightly.

"Of course Calypso," Harry replied without hesitation, "It's fun, most of the classes are boring except maybe Quirrell's, he somewhat surprised me, at first I was going to ignore him due to his stutter but that man knows what he's talking about..." Harry finished and Calypso nodded.

"Certainly, did you know he taught muggle history prior to this year and switched to DADA just this year?" Calypso threw a new bit of info towards Harry and rightly so Harry was stunned, he paused and blinked to take the information in, and Calypso smiled at that, 'so he really did not know, that means nor he or nor his family has been anywhere near the British Isles for at least the past half a decade in which Quirrell has been teaching muggle studies, no matter how useless the subject or the teacher a Hogwarts professor is still a prestigious job...' she thought as she was studying Harry.

"That is interesting," Harry's attention went back to the turban-wearing professor on the Head table, if he had that much potential, what the heck was he doing teaching Muggle studies with that outdated syllabus too. Harry thought back to his first DADA class, trying to recall if he had missed something.


{Flashback during the first DADA class}

"B-Blaise Zabini" Harry was laughing inwardly at the professor as he finished roll call. He doesn't know what Dumbledore was doing, one of the professors was a ghost that seemed to be stuck in a loop, and now this one is a bumbling joke that couldn't even speak someone's name before being scared by his own shadow.

"S-so, welcome to DADA..." Professor Quirrell started surprising everyone, he didn't stutter except at the first word, maybe it was something else harry mused, "...also known as Defense Against the Dark Arts." He pointed his wand and waved at the board, his words have automatically transcribed the board, "D-DADA, is a branch of a much larger branch of magic known as Dark Arts, a-and because the dark arts are banned and punishable offenses, w-we teach the Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts, I-It entails one of the few lower level curses," he waved at the board and a new category emerged, "H-How to defend yourselves against Dark creatures or m-magical beasts deemed dangerous by the ministry, a-and how to defend against offensive magic itself." He paused and surveyed the class in its eternity.

"H-How many of you have seen dueling tournaments across Europe," he paused, and several students raised their hands but still very few in number compared to the vast majority, Harry watched as Charlus's hand was raised as well.

"N-not nearly enough, a-a demonstration would be in order at a later date," he mused loudly before he continued, "T-the dark arts are an ever-evolving field of magic, our magic grows with conflict, w-when there is a desire and intent to fight, then only our magic responds with a desire to protect us and the people standing beside us." Quirrell walked back to the podium and began again, "N-now today is only an introductory class so we won't be doing anything extreme, w-we'll just discuss the curriculum provided by the ministry and guidelines to follow..."

Harry wasn't going to lie, he was more interested in this subject now than ever, 'I mean don't get me wrong, changing a needle into a matchstick and making our wand light up is good and practical,' Harry thought sarcastically, but the desire to protect himself for a plethora of new enemies and monsters out there seemed more interesting. Although he could do with a little less garlic around.


Harry grimaced as he remembered the smell of Garlic all around the classroom, as Harry has consciously not been using Gamer's mind to suppress his emotions, he was a little easier to read so Calypso saw the slight grimace, "The Garlic huh?" she questioned knowingly and Harry nodded.

Harry has been feeling lighter recently as he allowed several simple feelings to let him sway, he enjoyed the little banter with Slytherin more than he thought, and thus challenging the Slytherin Hierarchy wasn't looking like such a bad idea to him. He knew they weren't a threat, he had been grinding his mana to his will for the past 6 years while they were here playing with it, so he still saw them as kids who liked playing with pretend power.

So as Harry had been studying some books he came up with a simple plan that could easily give him the leeway and control over this house, "Yeah, but at least the class would be more interesting, maybe not in the first year, I don't fancy shooting sparks from my wand, Hogwarts syllabus is a joke compared to other schools." he added gathering frowns from the nearby people, most of them were aristocrats of British magical society so I was essentially thrashing their magical system in front of them. Before anyone could protest Harry noticed Greenwood making his way towards Rosier, he nodded to Harry which caught the attention of nearby people before he whispered in Rosiers year.

Harry took another bite of chicken as Rosier's expression changed as she looked at Harry calculatingly, "You certainly are full of surprises Hector, tell me is Jackson even your real surname." Rosier asked.

Harry shook his head with a disappointed expression, "The Hogwarts Registry, writes down the name of someone as soon as they were born, there is no way to change that, as far as I know, it is a remarkable magical artifact that was left behind by the founders. I was named Jackson the day I was born..." Harry finished, 'Well I mean as soon as I activated the subskill, my magic named me Hector Jackson so there's that.'

"You didn't deny that you are a descendent from a pureblood family," she continued, easily catching my non-answer.

"I didn't" as she looked triumphant, Harry easily cut the arguments short, "Voldemort really messed with the British pureblood heads didn't he," As Harry said a hush covered the nearby area as everyone stopped for a second, "To think that even after a decade you people are still fighting for your purity war," Harry watched as Selwyn stood up menacingly before Natalie Rosier's hand stopped him. Harry took another bite and chewed before he continued, "Voldemort was powerful, sure he was, was he fighting to take over Britain in the name of blood purity, sure he was, was he a pureblood? no one knows, what was his real name? no one knows, did he even accomplish anything other than decimating half of the Pureblood society in Britain? I mean McMillians, Black, Bones, Longbottoms, Potters, Prewett... Families that were supposedly Pureblood were wiped left and right, destroyed, or left fractured because they didn't agree with him? What he did was allow more Muggleborns to take higher positions in ministry after his downfall because of the void left in power and now even Pureblood laws are being targeted now." Harry shook his head and continued eating.

"I don't really care about blood, to me Magic is everything, the ability to change reality is in our hands and the British Pureblood society is fighting among themselves," Harry shook his head as he continued, "Blut ist wichtig, aber Fähigkeiten sind wichtiger." Harry said in german, before switching to English, "Blood matters, but ability matters more... How many of you even know what it means..."

Harry stood up and left leaving several fuming members behind, the conversation was only heard by the upper ranks of Slytherin's house as there were several silencing wards present to stop eavesdropping.

Before the outrage could continue Calypso Rosier smiled and said, "Gellert Grindelwald..." she turned towards her sister and said, "He was quoting the Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald!"


AN: The fun's about to start in the next chapter... I hope you guy's will like it!!!

Current P.atreon Chapter-26, Today's target chapter- 30... -patreon.com/WN_Translations

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