
The Black Family - Part 2

I saw a being of great mass behind a transparent barrier. Its body pulsed like a worm as it moved while his movements were very slow and almost nonexistent, life could still be seen in that purulent body. The being was fat and large, it could only be described as a gray worm with arms and for its head, it had what you could say a human head without a face, only a large dark hole.

When I realized it better, that thing was not only behind a barrier but also had translucent hooks around its entire body, its body pulsed once more and turned what it had as its face towards me and my great grandfather. Suddenly all its mass began to twist rapidly. It seemed that it was breaking and that many hands and faces of different creatures were moving under the skin.

Quickly its size began to shrink as it grew more and more rotten. Those faces seemed filled with pain inside the creature. While it reached the size of a human and took on a humanoid form. It seemed like it wanted to keep changing his appearance but it just couldn't do it due to the spells around. Despite this, the creature's empty face changed and took on the appearance of Sirius.

He looked at me and said.

'' Arcas, son help me. Your great grandfather has me trapped here. He has lied to you and look what he's doing to me. ''

Immediately the creature gave me such repulsion that it made me want to vomit. Luckily my great grandfather's hand rested on my shoulder and he comforted me as he told me. ''What you see is what remains of the creature that our ancestors originally used in blood rituals. This is a doppelganger, a being very difficult to identify and even more difficult to kill. ''

My great grandfather sighed and sadly looked at the creature. I could not decide if he felt sadness for such a hideous creature or for the fact that he was not able to kill it. If it was true that our ancestors had managed to capture it so long ago to do the initial ritual of our family, that meant that despite all the time it still did not die.

That means that the resistance of this being was greater than the great majority of creatures not only for resisting so many years but also because it was sure that it had not been fed during all its time here. While I was lost in thought, I heard my great-grandfather's voice again.

''Our family's history goes back to the day they managed to capture this doppelganger. We were not that a caravan of magicians looking for a place to settle. As they passed through the Forest of Dean. An orphan approached them and that's when it all started. ''

My great grandfather turned his head towards the doppelganger's face and I followed his gaze. I watched as his face began to twist into a wince of extreme pain and return to the appearance I originally saw. Again the doppelganger tried to move but could not and became still as when we entered the room. My great-grandfather looked back at me and continued telling me the story.

''As you can see, the doppelganger quickly integrated and began to devour the members of the caravan little by little. As mistrust grew and everyone began to turn against each other. There was a great stroke of luck. The caravan was attacked by a gytrash pack alongside a matriarch. The latter in the chaos began to attack everyone he could and by pure coincidence attacked the doppelganger.''

He paused to swallow and look at me carefully and continued narrating

''The doppelganger faced the gytrash matriarch in his true form. The pack quickly went to defend the matriarch and a fierce fight was the result, where the doppelganger was victorious but ended up tired and somewhat injured. ''

I could only imagine what a fight would entail between a pack of gytrash and a being of such magnitude could leave.

''Thanks to that, they managed to capture this being. And from that day on the survivors became a family and adopted the surname Black. and after many experiments, they managed to adapt the abilities of the creature in all of them and their descendants.''

My great grandfather finished narrating with a grim voice.


Autor here:

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Hey guys sorry for the delay, I had a lot to do. Way more than I thought so the other chapter will be delayed for tomorrow. I hope you like this chapter.

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