
The beginning

The year was 2017, The day was Friday. Harley Quinn was at college for the first time and she was welcomed by the joker, Harley Quinn and Jokers friend told him something that he already knew but joker being joker he said "go on what do you want to tell me."So there friend tells him "Harley Quinn has a crush on you" and joker nods his head with a little smirk on his face. Some time goes by and Harley has a crush on penguin and that does hurt joker but then he remembers something penguin has a bad reputation for cheating on his girlfriend's so the joker just asks Harley "can I have a word with you in privet please." Harley reply's saying "ok," They go out in to the hall. "He has a reputation a bad one" Joker say's while pointing to Penguin then Harley tells Joker "I don't believe you" Joker replied saying " believe me or not he will hurt you unlike anyone else can, heed this warning he will break your heart," and as he suspected the Penguin has broken Harley's heart and the joker see's how Harley is up set so he goes up to her and try's to comfort her and tells her "Harley I know you don't love me but I love you and to me that is all what matters, and I want you to hear this from me the penguin is telling everyone about you." So he went up to penguin and told him "stop this now or I will make it stop." The penguin just looked at Joker and lathed in his face and tells him  "fuck off you don't tell me what to do bitch I can and will do what I want so go back to your little hole and stay there" so joker is pissed because penguin lathed right in his face, so joker tells penguin to "tell me to fuck off again I dear you" so The penguin tells him "i'm not scared of you so fuck off," and when The penguin say's that The Joker grabs him by the neck and say's to The penguin "you shouldn't of said it BOY" and with that the joker clenches his fist and hit's The penguin in the mouth but joker doesn't stop untill he sees the blood from the penguins mouth.

this is my second story I have made.

I hope you enjoy it

MrJYTcreators' thoughts
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