
Harem Spirits but with whom!!? (Date a live fanfic)

Warning: +18 content and Lemon. Mio didn't die, and Tohka stayed with him. shidou finally had his happy ending, where his loving ones stayed with him. he thought he could finally stay a little away from his typical crazy life... he thought so but... why have Spacequakes suddenly started to appear again? And who are those new Spirits that start to appear without mio involvement?? And why do they claim to be males even though they are in a female body!!!?? kotori: "back too work Onii~Chan Shido: "I thought i had my happy ending" ..... basically a comedy fanfic about gender-bender versions of some male protagonists of some famous works. fem-Shirou, fem-kazuma, fem-Touma, fem-goku, fem-Naoufumi, and so on (you can choose who to involve) grazy idea right? but I got the idea in those weird 3 AM thoughts so I said why not

yatsumi_taki · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
20 Chs

Omake: Fgo

"That bastard really followed me here..." 

The sound of a knife aggressively slicing through the vegetables on the wooden plate resonated. 

"I just started to feel comfortable, but no... my mood should be ruined." 

The rhythmic chopping echoed as if each cut was a cathartic release for the frustration bubbling within.

Inside a certain cafeteria of the organization Chaldea. one of the many heroes summoned in the hope of saving humanity was now in his side role as the big chef of the place.

Servant Archer, Emiya, or as most called him, The Red Archer.

The servant's mood was clearly not at its best as he was cooking, and everyone inside the cafeteria could easily tell.

"I've never seen Emiya-san this worked up before since that time when Master Summoned Muramasa-san... and Ishtar... and Gilgamesh... Oh...."

"Umu... probably another unwelcome guest... you wanna bet who the one this time?"

"Nah, you always cheat to win."

"It's called skills, Tamamo."

The banter between the cafeteria customers continued, creating a blend of amusement and tension. Meanwhile, Emiya, The Red Archer, continued his culinary duties with precision before a sigh escaped his mouth.

"Okay, let's not let the anger take the better of me... I have to think of a way," Emiya muttered to himself.

"It's not like I didn't meet another version of myself here before... All I have to do is avoid him, and everything should be fine..."

He let his eyes lift away from the chopping board, staring into the many aisles of the bustling Chaldea cafeteria.

"Besides, he's inside his sister's body..." A smirk played across Emiya's face as an idea reached his head. His eyes fixed on a certain golden servant at a table near the center of the cafeteria, commanding attention and enjoying the luxury of a royal feast.

"...And with this narcissistic guy here... Maybe this will turn out to be a good comedy show after all."

An evil laugh escaped his mouth, the smirk growing wider on his face. Boudica, the perceptive warrior queen, and one of those who helped him take care of the cafeteria, noticed the subtle shift in atmosphere and quickly distanced herself from the red-clad Archer.

"Nothing good comes when he smiles like that..." she murmured to herself.

Meanwhile, Archer momentarily forgot who he was glancing at with such a smirk, and before he realized.


The golden king noticed.

"What are you smirking at, mongrel..."

The golden king's eyes, clad in regal disdain, bore into Emiya. The cafeteria hushed as attention shifted to the brewing confrontation.

Emiya's smirk faded into a more neutral expression, "Not your time for yapping, Gilgamesh. My hands are still busy right now." He gestured towards the vegetables on the chopping board, attempting to redirect the attention back to his culinary duties.

Gilgamesh, unaccustomed to being dismissed so casually, rose from his chair with a displeased frown. "You insolent fool. I won't tolerate such disrespect."

Emiya, seemingly unfazed, continued his culinary work, chopping vegetables with deliberate precision. "I dare speak the truth, King of Heroes. It's a wonder you can even taste your feast with that mountain of arrogance blocking your palate."

The onlookers held their breath, unsure if the exchange would escalate once more. However, before Gilgamesh could retort, a voice rang out from the cafeteria entrance.

"...And this is the cafeteria where everyone is invited to enjoy a meal...huh?"

The voice belonged to a little girl with pale skin, crimson eyes, and long white hair clad in what seemed to be a pink magical girl outfit.

Her voice carried an innocence that seemed at odds with the tension in the air. The little girl tilted her head curiously as she surveyed the scene, seemingly oblivious to the undercurrents of conflict.

Not long after, three girls with similar height followed behind.

"What's the matter, Illya?"

The first one had an almost exact appearance as Illya, with the only difference being her tanned skin color and white rose-like hair, clad in a feminine version of Emiya's servant clothing. This was Chloe von Einzbern, also known as Kuro.


The next one in line, another Illya clone, bore a neutral expression, her pink hair contrasting with her crimson eyes, wearing a similar magical outfit to Illya but instead of pink, it was purple. This was an alternate version of Illya known as 'Miyu Edelfelt.'

The last one this time was a different-looking young girl, bearing a stoic expression, with black hair tied in low pigtails, and golden-brown eyes. She wore a cute blue and black outfit with a white cape and boots. This one was an entirely distinct character, not an Illya clone. She was Miyu Edelfelt.

The trio of girls were already well-known to everyone in the cafeteria, but there was an imposter among them, a fourth girl with a similar look to Illya. 

The attention momentarily shifted toward the new girl.

Shirou narrowed her eyes as she exchanged glances, her eyes darting from one face to another.

(There are 13 servants here...)

Sasaki Kojirō sat alone in a quiet corner, immersed in his own thoughts.

Seated at a small table near the cafeteria entrance to her left, was a little girl with white hair and green-yellow eyes, adorned with stitched-up scars on her face. 

There was a brief eye meeting between the two, but Shirou swiftly broke it as she glanced at the one sitting beside her—a young girl with grayish hair. Her face wasn't clearly shown due to the hood that concealed it

(She gives me a familiar vibe for some reason...)

"Umu! Who are you, stranger? Speak your name and reveal the glory that accompanies your presence!"

As Shirou was trying to figure out the odd feeling, a woman exclaimed with a hand proudly placed on her waist, a regal smirk adorning her face.


A blond-haired young girl of short but curvy stature with pale skin, yellowish blond hair with intake, and bright lime green eyes. She dressed in a revealing red and white dress with long poofy sleeves, a transparent front, a leotard, and knee-high golden armored boots.

(No....she looks so different to be her...and her outfit is kind of....unique)


"It's clearly another version of that Homunculus girl, Nero."

Before Shirou could utter any further words, the answer came to Nero from the girl at the table in front of her.

A woman possessing fox characteristics such as ears and a tail, Tamamo-no-Mae.




Nero raised an eyebrow, her regal demeanor momentarily replaced by genuine curiosity. "What is Homunculus?"


"Another low Homunculus, a mere doll crafted from human design," Gilgamesh's voice cut through the chatter as he leaned back in his chair, eyes fixed on the new arrival. "Hmm?"

But he quickly raised an eyebrow as he noticed the depth of the new girl's eyes.


And then he switched towards Archer, exchanging a subtle glance with him,


The sudden burst of laughter from Gilgamesh echoed through the cafeteria, catching the attention of everyone present. The regal atmosphere briefly shattered as the King of Heroes found amusement in the unfolding situation.

"Well, this is interesting..." The smirk on Gilgamesh's face lingered as he leaned forward, eyes still fixed on Shirou.