
Harem Caravan

Some time has passed since the events of Harem Dynast, so Lorent and Ansandra have a teenage daughter and Lucy has a teenage son. The story follows that son who is childhood friends with the princess and has been placed in charge of a merchant caravan full of beautiful girls and women.

Jonas89 · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Harem Caravan: Chapter 3 - The Rich Have Their Own Difficulties

"Now you're just trying to take advantage of us."

The journey was progressing smoothly.

They would buy specialty products in each region, load up the wagons, travel, and sell those products. Then they would buy more.

They were only repeating that simple process, but they were making plenty of money. And making money meant they could buy new wagons and hire new workers. Thanks to that, the scale of their business only continued to grow.

This success was of course thanks to Eulica. Today, like always, she held her left arm over her stomach, adjusted her gold monocle with her right hand, and proudly talked down the merchant they were doing business with.

Orfeo only had to stand silently behind her.

Eulica seemed to come alive when she was humoring, threatening, or negotiating with someone.

This merchant was an energetic middle-aged man, but Orfeo almost felt bad for him as he trembled, paled, and grew red as a woman young enough to be his daughter verbally trounced him.

(Eulica really does have two sides to her.)

In front of customers, she put on a charming smile and she looked so proud while negotiating with merchants. But Orfeo knew just how sexual she was in bed.

(Well, both sides of her are great.)

After nearly an hour of fierce conflict, the merchant sighed and lowered his shoulders in defeat.

They had apparently reached an agreement.

Eulica gallantly strutted out of the room and the merchant complained to Orfeo.

"She's just too much for me. You have one hell of an employee."

"Yes, she's my biggest earner."

"But man is she ever tough. It must be hard having her for a teacher."

"Yes, it does get quite…hard. Ah ha ha…"

Orfeo had heard her described that way before. He could only laugh dryly and shrug.

No one would believe what a feisty kitten she would become for him.

"Good work."

Despite Orfeo's words of praise, Eulica only adjusted her monocle and spoke plainly to him.

"No, this level of negotiation should be expected. You need to learn how to do it too."

She remained entirely unapproachable. Then, redheaded Torié and light blonde Lena appeared as if in competition.

"Young master, second-in-command, have you finished your work?"

Torié was the one to run cheerfully over.

"Yes, Eulica looked as wonderful as ever."

When she heard that answer, Eulica blushed slightly and cleared her throat.

Then Lena approached.

"I have arranged for our lodging."

She gave her report in an affected way since Eulica was here.

The actual business deals were handled by Eulica with Orfeo present for decoration, but those two competed to do all the other work needing done.

Torié had proved useful in smaller negotiations when Eulica was not present. The way she would swing her side ponytail around and respond with so much energy made her quite reliable. You could call her the life of the party.

Lena on the other hand took things more seriously, hated to stand out, and would perform all the methodical work such as filling out the account book. She knew where everything was located and she was like the caravan's living encyclopedia.

Torié and Lena worked tirelessly underneath Eulica. They were the same age, but their personalities were polar opposites. They were utter rivals and they often argued, but they were often seen as a pair and they actually did get along well.

Orfeo was also their age, so he was closer to them than most of the workers.

"It's a bit early, but how about we get some lunch? What's the specialty here?"

"Mushrooms apparently. Mushroom stew."

Torié answered Orfeo's question without a moment's hesitation. Lena gave her a sidelong glance and muttered a comment of her own.

"You never forget anything when it comes to food, do you?"

"What's wrong with that? We're traveling around the world, so it'd be a waste not to eat the local specialties."

"That's right. You come too, Lena."

Lena reluctantly nodded at Orfeo's suggestion.

That pleasant touch of noisiness was a constant companion as the enjoyable journey continued.

But good things never lasted forever. Their seemingly smooth journey ran into an unexpected pitfall.

They had joined with other travelers and merchant caravans to travel between cities in a group of around 2000.

While traveling nearly single-file down a road between two towering cliffs, a boulder fell without warning and split the group in two.

"What!? Is anyone hurt!? No one's dead, are they!?"

Shocked, Orfeo tried to leave the wagon to see what was going on, but Eulica forcibly pulled him back.

"It is bandits, young master."


"This would not happen by chance."

When he saw the serious look on her face, the tension reached him as well.

"Understood. Have everyone stay at their posts and respond as they deem fit."

Orfeo was determined. He had been prepared for a bandit attack before they even left.

But now that it had actually happened, he felt a cold sweat down his back.

Lena, Torié, and the other Legins Company merchants held the crossbows available in the wagons.

Orfeo grabbed one too.

Crossbows were far easier to use than bows, but they were weaker and had a lower rate of fire. But with enough numbers, they could fend off the enemy.

The merchants never intended to fight in close-quarters combat.

You needed either innate talent or specialized training to do that.

And this was not a war, so no one would receive any glory for who they had slain.

While listening to the sounds of another caravan group fighting in the distance, Orfeo whispered a question to Eulica.

"These bandits…you don't think this is Aunt Mimi, do you?"

"No. She does not attack caravans. Plus, we are the Legins Company."

Mimi. Speaking that woman's name was the greatest taboo within the Legins Company.

She was the younger sister of Orfeo's father Legins and, when she was young, she had been a maid for Ansandra, 2nd Princess of Clanaria.

She had also known Orfeo's mother Lucy quite well. But a lot had happened in the fight against Domos and one thing had led to another, so she was now the leader of a band of thieves.

However, those thieves did more than steal. She led a group of anti-Domos guerillas. It was said you could write a picaresque novel about her life.

That legendary female villain had lost every battle she fought while stubbornly refusing to die and she had passionate support from a subsection of the people.

"Then it really is just bandits?"

"Yes. They appear to be deserters. I can only see 5 at the moment, but there may be more in hiding. That said, I doubt it is more than 20."

"They attacked with so few? They probably underestimated us because I'm so young."

It seemed the bandits really were after the Legins Company group.

Around 10 tough-looking men rode up on horses and surrounded their wagon.

Orfeo, Eulica, Torié, and Lena did their best to fight back with the crossbows, but these bandits seemed quite experienced in battle.

They deflected the bolts with their weapons and armor to avoid any lethal injuries. They were sure to break through eventually.

That inexperienced group was not enough to hold them off.

This was their first battle, so Orfeo silently begged the bandits not to kill any of his people while he grew deathly pale and continued firing his crossbow.

Then a navy blue whirlwind appeared.


The stubbly man Orfeo was aiming at and a man with seemingly superhuman strength both fell from their horses at about the same time.

The tunnel vision of battle kept the boy from noticing what had happened.

He only understood after the fierce whirlwind moved away a bit.

It was a female warrior riding a seal brown horse.

She was large for a woman and she wore navy blue armor in the bikini style that female mercenaries preferred.

She appeared to be about the same age as Eulica. She had graceful features and a long bridge of the nose. Long blue hair swept down her back.

She cut down the two bandits in no time.

"So that's Barbara, our guard chief…"

On Eulica's recommendation, that new mercenary had been chosen to lead the guards for Orfeo's caravan.

Orfeo had expected a mercenary to be rough around the edges, but she was courteous.

He should have expected it from Eulica's approval, but the woman had excellent leadership and excelled at combat and the arts. Simply having her at your side was a relief. She was a type of adult woman different again from both Eulica and Silvia.

She did not seem the type to work as a caravan's guard chief, so Orfeo guessed she had once been a decorated knight for some kingdom or another.

She seemed to get along well with Eulica and their conversations suggested they knew each other well. They had apparently been friends for a long time and they would go out drinking together.

Orfeo had expected her to have some skill, but he was painfully aware of how much he had underestimated her.

"She's so powerful. She's completely overwhelming them."

Barbara's appearance changed everything.

Orfeo's impression of her was to be expected. Her entrance had not been a foolhardy charge. She continued giving commands even as she fought. She got the other mercenaries and caravan workers going and they finally drove off the bandits.

"Young master, I am glad you are safe."

Once it was over, Barbara dismounted in front of Orfeo.

Orfeo was just about to praise her, but Eulica criticized her before he could.

"Barbara, what took you so long?"

"My apologies. I took care of those in the rear first."

Barbara responded without so much as a smile and she made no attempt to brag about her accomplishment.

The bandits had clearly been targeting Orfeo's caravan, but there had been zero casualties among the caravan members. That was all thanks to Barbara's versatility.

"Thank you, Barbara. You saved everyone here. I will make sure to reward you once this journey is complete."

"No, I was just doing my job. You only need pay me what I am promised by my contract."

With that, Barbara said she needed to wash off her sweat and left.

The women and girls saved by her of course shrieked in excitement.

The head of security had not stood out much before, but from that day onward, she was the entire caravan's idol.

"Hey, Eulica. What kind of person is Barbara?"

A nasally sweet voice was heard in the darkness.

Orfeo lay on a bed and a white body in just a blouse was crouched at his crotch.

The occasional flash of gold reflected light was from a monocle.

It could be hard to believe this was the same woman who overwhelmed all those sly merchants.

His penis head tended to be covered by the foreskin, but she had already fully exposed it.

Eulica looked to the red and swollen head with the sparkling look one might give a giant ruby.

"It is poor manners to bring up another woman while doing things like this."

"Sorry. It's just that she kind of reminds me of my mom."

Eulica glared at him with the tip of his rod in her mouth.

"You introduced me to her that morning we left Curling, right? That would be the first time we met, but she seemed somehow familiar. Well, since she's a friend of yours, I might have seen her with you somewhere."

Eulica removed his penis from her mouth and looked the other way.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. But if you are that interested in Barbara, why not go seduce her? As popular as you are, I'm sure she would be delighted to share a bed with you."

Orfeo blinked thrice as he watched Eulica brush her hair back and complain.

Then it hit him: this intellectual young woman was jealous.

He was surprised, but he hugged her and apologized.

"Make no mistake. I'm not saying I want to have sex with Barbara. Your body is more than enough to satisfy me."


She glared at him through her monocle.

"Of course. I'm drowning in your body. If you're upset, then let me apologize by pleasuring you instead."

Eulica tried to keep up the mask of the strict teacher with him, but she also did not want to lose this convenient sex partner.

So she was quick to forgive most anything if he gave her what she wanted.

It had not taken long for Orfeo to figure this out.

"Lie face down and lift your butt up high, okay?"

"Yes… As you wish, Master Orfeo."

She acted like this was his wish, but they both knew how much she loved having her pussy eaten.

She got down on all fours and lifted her butt which was not all that large but nice and tight. The heart-shaped butt was superb and worthy of praise.

"Higher than that. And spread your pussy for me."

Eulica took the shameless pose requested and she looked up at him from between her legs.

He grabbed her butt and began performing oral sex on her. But even with her butt held high, this was no easy task. His nose kept pushing into her butt and his breathing seemed to tickle because her naked body trembled as he did so.

"Ah…that tickles…kh…"

Embarrassment ran across her entire body, but she did not tell him to stop. Not when that would also mean stopping his tongue.

"Kh…ah…ah…ah…more…more…ah, ah, ah, ahhh!"

With his butt firmly in his grasp, he licked across every part of her vulva with extra focus on her clitoris until she finally orgasmed.

"Pant, pant….pant…"

When he saw her breathing heavily on the bed, Orfeo decided now was the time, got up on his knees, held his raging erection, and rubbed her vulva with the head.

"Ahh…please don't tease me."

Thanks to his lewd teacher's lessons, Orfeo had learned how to pleasure a woman.

(The more I tease her, the better she reacts afterwards.)

"Ah, h-hurry…"

She sounded tearful. Her slender shoulders shook and her asshole was twitching.

(Wow, Eulica's body really is sexual…)

The boy licked his lips and finally decided to penetrate the young woman.

"I'm putting it in."


He placed the tip against her secret hole and began slowly thrust his hips forward.

And just as the two sexual beasts' hearts were pounding in anticipation of the penetration, they were interrupted by two unexpected intruders.

"Hey, don't push."

"You're the one pushing me. Kyah!"

Orfeo turned around in surprise and saw the heavy door opening on its own and two people tumbling into the room.

"Torié and Lena…"

While seated on the floor, those two started to say something, but then they each held a hand over their mouth and froze. They could not even look away.

"Wow, how bold!"

The two girls were staring straight at the sex organ of the young woman they looked up to as a role model.

"Ah, wait. What do you two think you're looking at?"

Even that intellectual young woman was an animal ruled by emotion, just like anyone else. She quickly covered her crotch with both hands.

It was not right for a boss to let her employees see her like this.

"Um, uh…cover yourself with this!"

Orfeo was panicked, but he still managed to throw the sheet over Eulica like a gentleman. Then he turned around again. Immediately, Torié and Lena shrieked and covered their faces.


They had been given a view of his manly penis from their low vantage point.

But the curiosity of teenage girls meant they were still watching from between their fingers.

They had apparently been eavesdropping at the door and finally cracked the door to peek inside.

Orfeo could not keep the tension out of his voice.

"Um…you two? I believe it is considered rude to peep on people's bedrooms late at night."

Torié and Lena had no rebuttal and simply hung their heads.


An indescribably awkward atmosphere hung over the room.

Eulica could not think straight due to this unexpected overlap between her professional and private lives and Orfeo, Torié, and Lena were still children concerning such things.

They did not know how to respond, but they received some help from an unexpected source.

"Don't be angry with them."

A female warrior with bluish-black hair and navy blue bikini armor gallantly entered the room.

"Barbara? Why are you here?"

"I am your bodyguard, young master."

The composed look on the warrior's face put a complicated look on Orfeo's.

"Young master, try to think about how these two feel. This caravan is a cramped place. Everyone already knows you two are fucking."


Orfeo's eyes widened.

"It would have been hard to keep it hidden. Also, rumor has it Eulica is seducing you to inherit your family's money."

"Surely not."

Orfeo felt like he had been struck by lightning.

"These two were so concerned about the rumor that they came to investigate. Brave little things, aren't they?"

Eulica tried to argue her case, but she still seemed shaken by all this and had trouble getting the words out.

"Th-the young master and I were only enjoying each other's company in bed…"

"That is not how the world will see it."

It was true Eulica was an adult while Orfeo was a child. The world would paint Eulica as a villain.

"I know how to solve this!" Lena was normally so quiet, but she suddenly spoke up here. "Those rumors only work when Miss Eulica is the only one sleeping with the young master, so I just have to have sex with him too."


Orfeo was shocked into disarray, but energetic Torié also raised her hand.

"Me too. It's no fair if only Lady Eulica gets to have sex with him. I promised myself I would come back from this journey a woman. I'm already halfway there after convincing Lena to share my bunk at nights, but I still want to see what a penis is like. So no fair hogging it every night."

"You don't have to tell them about that," protested Lena. "But I can't deny I'm curious."

Those two never seemed to get along, but what had they been doing at night?

Orfeo was having trouble keeping up with what they were saying, so Lena looked up at him and asked a question.

"Do you not like us, young master?"

"Of course I like you. You're both my age, but you're such hard workers. I trust you as employees."

They were both cute and had pleasant personalities.

"Then reward my hard work with sex."

Lena boldly pulled up her shirt and removed the exposed light blue bra.

After seeing Silvia and Eulica's adult breasts, hers seemed quite small.

But those young budding breasts had a purity not seen in the adult ones, so the boy's eyes were glued to them.

"Ah, no fair."

Lena normally held her back, so Torié was shocked by the girl's bold action. She pulled down her shirt and removed her pink pastel bra.

Torié's breasts were also best described as budding, but they had grown more than Lena's.

They were fairly large for her age.

(Wow, they're smaller than Silvia's or Eulica's, but they look so young and tasty.)

Orfeo was charmed by the four breasts while he sat next to the beautiful woman wrapped in a sheet. And even if he was seated, his penis was standing at the ready.

Lena took advantage of his shock and confusion to climb onto the bed.

She grabbed Orfeo's left hand and guided it to her breast.

"My boobs might still be small, but I'm sure they'll grow nice and big like Miss Eulica's if you massage them."

Not to be outdone, Torié also climbed onto the bed and had Orfeo touch her bared breasts.

"C'mon, quit trying to get ahead of me, Lena. I want to grow up to be like the second-in-command too: working hard during the day and fucking hard at night."

They both aspired to be like Eulica.

Their interest in him had to be partially due to their respected boss's interest in him.

"Eulica…what should I do?"

Orfeo sought help from his teacher, but she only glanced over at him while covered by the sheet.

"Why not give them what they want?"

She fidgeted a bit and her round butt stuck out from below the sheet. Her inner thighs were glistening.

That was the butt of a horny woman. She clearly wanted him to focus on her but could not bring herself to say it in front of the others. Orfeo would normally have been unable to ignore her, but his interest was directed toward the breasts he was seeing for the first time.

(Neat… Boobs feel great whether they're big or small.)

His male instincts led his fingers to move and see how those breasts felt.

(If Silvia and Eulica's are ripe and ready to eat, these are still green. They're a bit firm and I bet they're sweetly sour like an unripe apple.)

The idea of sweetly sour boobs brought drool to his mouth.

The girls could tell he was intoxicated by the sensation of their small breasts. They exchanged a meaningful smile and then wordlessly began sucking the dick right in front of them.

"Ah, what are you-…? Ah, both of you at once? Wait…"

This had to be their first blowjob. They were not very good, but it was still effective with both of them working together.

His rod had been mere seconds away from entering Eulica's honeypot. The tip was covered with the young woman's nectar, but their cute little tongues licked it clean.

"Ah, ahh…"

It felt good to have the head licked, but the visual of two girls licking it at once was far more powerful.

"Okay, okay. That's enough."


Lena removed the penis from her mouth.

"You two are important subordinates, colleagues, and friends. If you really want to have sex, we can."


Torié cheered with a string of saliva between her lips and the penis head.

"Lie down next to each other."

Once they were both lying on their back, Orfeo leaned over them and licked the tips of their small breasts.

He alternated between the girls to enjoy the difference in flavor between their nipples.

They were not actually sweetly sour like a green apple, but they had the sunny scent of a girl's sweat.

"Ah, ahn…yes. I love having my boobs licked."

"Ha ha. His tongue feels almost as good as yours, Lena."

Lena and Torié seemed accustomed to sharing a sexual experience together.

Once he had seen the tension leave their bodies, Orfeo pulled up Lena's skirt and pulled down Torié's hot pants.

He also pulled their wet panties partly down.

They must have been masturbating with their hands inside there while peeping on Eulica and Orfeo having sex.

Orfeo smiled at that realization and spread the lewd girls' legs. Two teenage pussies were lined up in front of him. Unable to hide his arousal, he gulped and compared the two.

Neither had grown much hair down there and Lena was entirely hairless.

Their labia remained tightly shut and nectar dripped through the gap.

Orfeo used the index and middle finger of each hand to spread the two slits.

Their secret gates easily opened.

They were both brightly colored. The term "virgin pink" was apt.

"Oh, no!" cried cheerful Torié in mock horror. "Someone other than Lena is looking at my pussy!"

"Could you stop bringing that up!" shouted Lena in very real embarrassment.

Lena then peered out at him from between her fingers and asked a question.

"I-it doesn't look weird?"

"Weird? No," answered Orfeo. "You both have very attractive pussies."

"I could have told you that," said Torié.

"Why would anyone trust you about that!?" replied Lena.

They looked much simpler and more childish than Silvia's or Eulica's, but they had a clitoris, a vagina, and everything else necessary to function as a woman.

They had too much love juices to see the urethra. Also, Torié's clitoris was the larger of the two. The red flesh bud had pushed halfway out of the hood. Lena's clitoris was small. It seemed to be erect inside its hood, but it was not showing at all.

Perhaps due to their young metabolisms, they had a strong feminine scent. It was a mixture of sweat, love juices, and urine.

The scent drew in the male who naturally lowered his head and took turns licking their wet vulvas and tasting the love juices.

It was not quite the flavor of a green apple, but the healthy young flesh did have an obscene sourness to it.

"Ah, yes, that feels great…"

When the boy put his teacher's oral sex lessons to use, the girls let out sweet moans with looks of ecstasy.

While he enjoyed alternating between the two flower gardens, he felt the breath of an adult woman on his ear.

"Young master, why not finger them?"

"Eh? But…"

Barbara had snuck up behind him at some point and he hesitated at her suggestion.

"Don't worry. A finger isn't going to break their hymen. And you need to ease a virgin into it."

At the guidance of this trusted woman, Orfeo penetrated Lena's virgin hole with his right hand's index finger and Torié's with his left hand's.

They were so wet that the fingers slipped in up to the base quite easily.

Then their virgin flesh squeezed his fingers. It was tight. If a single finger felt this tight, how could his manhood fit inside?

While Orfeo enjoyed the difference in tightness on his two fingers, Barbara spoke to the virgin girls.

"Is this too much for you, or do you think you can keep going?"

"It feels kind of weird, but I want to keep going."

"So do I…"

Both girls had an indescribable mixture of hesitation and anticipation on their faces.

Barbara whispered to Orfeo again.

"Gently stretch their holes while licking their clits. It is painful for a girl to lose her virginity and it you can't really expect to make her cum, so you need to give them an orgasm before penetrating them. Never forget that, okay?"

(I see. That's good to know.)

While finding a new woman to teach him about sex, Orfeo did as told. He lowered his head and took turns licking the two girls' clits.

"Ah, ahh, ahn…"

"Hah, yes, my clit feels so good…"

The pure maidens were filled with ecstasy as he licked their clitorises with his fingers in their vaginas.

Their sexual flesh tightened on his fingers and coated them with sticky love juices. Torié had more fluids, but Lena's was stickier.

"Looks like they're as ready as they're ever going to be. Now would be the time to put it in them. But are you two ready for this? It's going to hurt more than it feels good."

Barbara's warning did not faze the girls.

"I promised myself I would lose my virginity on this journey."

"And I can't let her get ahead of me like that."

"You two…"

Orfeo wanted to give them what they wanted, but he only had one penis. He could have gone with either of them first, but he chose the girl who had initially asked for it.

"Lena, I'm putting it in."

"…Okay. Please do."

The girl's young labia were still in the process of growing and Orfeo pressed his manhood against them and slowly pushed inside.

He felt the pulling and tearing of flesh as he fully buried it inside her.


Lena arched her back and cried out.

The squeezing was far tighter than any honeypot he had experienced before.

"Young master. Be satisfied with deflowering her and pull out."


He really would have preferred to enjoy that painfully tight fleshpot some more, but when he saw the sweaty and pained look on the girl's face, he could not do anything so cruel.

He did as Barbara said and pulled his manhood out.

Her feminine flesh squeezed so tight as he pulled out that he was afraid he was going to pull it out with him.

Once he had finally pulled out, there was a flower of blood blossoming on the white sheet.

Seeing her bloody crotch concerned Orfeo, but then Torié called out to him.

"Young master, I'm next."

"You're doing it too?"

"Of course."

Torié hated to lose and she hated to lose to Lena most of all.

She was obviously nervous on the inside, but she did not close her spread legs.

Struck by her willpower, Orfeo wanted to penetrate her tunnel as well.

"Here I go."


Her reply had plenty of force behind it.

And while she put on a brave face, he pushed his manhood into her.


She really was tight. And her hot and wet sexual flesh squeezed at his rod. Still, she did not seem as tight as Lena.

He struggled with the tight squeezing of a virgin, but he managed to push all the way inside. And once more, he immediately pulled out.


There was a bit of blood on his penis. He could see a small trail of fresh blood from the crotches of the two girls lying limply next to each other.

He felt kind of bad for what he had done, but he knew this was what they had wanted.

Then Barbara leaned over him.

"Well, young master? Do you know how to handle virgins now?"

"Y-yes. Thanks to you."

"Talk is cheap. Thank me with that cock of yours. You aren't satisfied yet, right? You can continue to the end with me."


He did not even have time for surprise. Due to the vast difference in martial arts skill, he all of a sudden found himself lying on his back with Barbara straddling his hips.

The female warrior had shifted her panties to the side to reveal her mature pussy lips.

"I am no virgin child, so you can really enjoy this."

The somewhat bloody rod gradually disappeared into the female warrior.


Torié and Lena's vaginas had been so tight, but Barbara's simply squeezed him. He could tell he was inside a mature woman.

The internal flesh wrapped around him and soaked him with plenty of love juices. Her honeypot provided the most vaginal pressure of any he had experienced.

"Young master, you have such a nice hard cock. I can see why Eulica loves it so much."

Barbara wiggled her hips as if checking out the manhood inside her, but then she began slowly working her hips. That trained warrior woman moved her hips in a powerful and pleasant way he had never felt before.

At some point, Lena embraced Orfeo's right side and Torié his left side.

"Are you two okay now?"

Their breasts were small but perky and their skin was smooth, so the girls' naked bodies felt nice.

"Yes. It still hurts some, but now I just really want to hold you…"

"Me too. It really hurt, but now I like you all the more♪"

"I-is that so?"

He had trouble understanding these girls, but he took turns kissing them.

He definitely felt like the four of them had become one.

"Barbara looks like she's enjoying herself."

Lena sighed as she looked up at Barbara riding the boy's dick.

"Hm? Of course I am. Ahn, sex feels great. You two can enjoy it too once you recover…ah."

Barbara was unilaterally using her hips for her own pleasure, but Orfeo was charmed by that female warrior.

(Wow, she looks so cool having sex.)

He enjoyed watching her enjoy sex on her own terms, but he also wanted catch her off guard just a bit.

He whispered to the two girls snuggling against him like kittens.

They agreed and got up.

They moved to Barbara's chest and removed her breastplate. The breasts that spilled out were a size smaller than the similarly-aged Eulica, but because she was more fit, they did not sag in the slightest. The bisexual girls were captivated by those cool boobs and they each sucked at one of the nipples.

"Ah, wait, what are you doing? Nhah…"

Barbara frantically grabbed at the girls' heads, but Torié and Lena obeyed their master's request.

Even that tough woman could not keep her cool when two girls sucked her nipples while she was enjoying a penis.

This stimulated Orfeo's sadistic side, so he reached toward their union.

"Ah, n-not there…ahhhh!!"

Barbara raised a sweet scream when he pinched her clitoris. That was a weak point even for that demon-tough warrior.

"You aren't moving your hips, Barbara."

Emboldened, Orfeo grabbed Barbara's large ass and moved it back and forth.

The butt of a recently deflowered girl stuck up on either side and they must have been aroused by the young woman's sexuality because their cute butts were wiggling side to side. A closer look showed their inner thighs were wet with nectar and a bit of blood.

Orfeo was taken in by the illusion he was having sex with Torié and Lena in addition to Barbara, so his manhood swelled even further.

"Ah, you just got bigger. Are you about to cum?"


"So am…I. Let's cum together…nh."

The young warrior woman sensually twisted her body and the merchant girls worked their tongues even harder to make her cum. Orfeo also thrust his hips with everything he had.

"I'm cumming!"

"Cum then!"

Orfeo cried out and Barbara responded.

The very next moment, he expelled all of his lust, including that of penetrating the two virgins.



His young rod expanded like it was exploding and it fired its hot fluids against her cervix.

The boy's climax brought the female warrior to orgasm, so her body convulsed.

"Barbara is so lovely…"

"I hope the young master's penis can make me cum that hard too."

The recently deflowered girls' secret holes apparently still ached, so they frowned a bit even as they dreamed of their own climaxes.

However, another woman was even more jealous of Barbara's orgasm.

"Young master…I can't stand it any longer."

Orfeo turned toward that voice and saw a woman crawling out from below the sheet.

He only now recalled how he had left Eulica hanging.

They had been interrupted just before he penetrated her and then she had been forced to watch him have sex with three other people.

Her eyes were mad with sexual desire.

"Barbara, you've had enough now, haven't you?"

Eulica grabbed her old friend from behind and forcibly lifted her up.

It seemed even that veteran warrior was weak so soon after orgasm.

"Eh? What are you doing?"

Their union broke.

Eulica must not have had much interest in another woman's body because she tossed Barbara aside with her eyes focused on the penis.

That manhood was wet with love juice sand semen. It had shrunk a bit after ejaculating, but she was too horny to care.

"Ha ha. There's my cock…"

With an innocent smile, Eulica mounted it in Barbara's place.

The partially-flaccid penis was swallowed up by her wet fleshpot and the bumpy vaginal walls squeezed it.

"Ha ha. This is what I wanted…♪"

She breathed a sigh of ecstasy with a completely broken look on her face.

Orfeo had never seen a woman driven so mad by desire. It was so obscene it made him shudder.

"But! What I really want is for it to be nice and hard~!"

Eulica leaned over him, rained kisses down on his face, and began using her hips. Her movements were abnormally intense.

A sticky, frothy sound accompanied the manhood being forced back to erection. It was sensitive so soon after ejaculating, so he cried out as the mature woman's bumpy vagina squeezed it.

"Wah! Calm down, Eulica. I only just came. Ahhh!"

With a glance toward the sex-starved woman and the writhing boy, Barbara lay on her stomach while happily basking in the afterglow of being filled with the boy's thick cum.

"Torié, Lena. Don't just watch. How about you help her like you helped me?"

"Oh, good point!"

Torié and Lena had been shocked by the gap between the cool, intellectual woman they were used to and the extreme horniness they saw now, but they spoke up in perfect harmony.

Eulica was lying over Orfeo, so they could not go after her breasts like with Barbara.

They instead moved behind her and licked the union between the boy and woman.


They licked up the mixture of love juices and semen and they even licked at her anus.

"Y-you two…ahn…how does that feel so good? …Lick me more♪"

When she had her anus licked while enjoying a penis, the young woman lost her momentum and gave in to the ecstasy.

However, this did nothing to help Orfeo.

The recently deflowered girls' tongues also targeted his shaft and balls.



His young rod quickly grew from the movement of the horny young woman's inner flesh and the twin tongue teamwork of the girls.

"Ahh, it's growing♪ Wonderful… Now squirt your hot stuff inside me♪ Fill my pussy like you always do…ahn♪"

Eulica's personality had entirely changed as she madly moved her hips and Torié and Lena used their tongues to assist her.

Their combined technique sent more and more intensity into his manhood.

And finally the three of them managed to extract its contents.

"Wait, that's too muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch!?"

Orfeo screamed as his manhood throbbed.

"Ha ha…there it is♪"

Eulica sighed with satisfaction as he came inside her.

"Wow, I can feel his penis throbbing."

"And her pussy is twitching like it's eating the cum."

Lena and Torié watched carefully as the boy and woman climaxed right in front of them.

Once the ejaculation was complete, Eulica breathed a heavy sigh of relief and apologized in embarrassment.

"Sigh, young master, e-excuse my behavior. I-I can't believe I just did that…"

"I'm glad you're back to your usual self. But, well, seeing your instincts stripped bare is nice from time to time."

While they enjoyed the afterglow of sex, his manhood was pulled out of her.


She must have wanted to enjoy the sensation of it inside her for a while long because she twisted her hips in surprise. Torié and Lena were the culprits.

"Oh, wow. Look how messy his penis is."

"And look how messy her pussy is."

Orfeo realized his manhood had been wet by the blood of Lena and Torié's deflowering and then soaked in Barbara and Eulica's fleshpots.

Lena began licking it clean.

Torié, meanwhile, licked at the cum-soaked labia. Eulica's body was sensitive so soon after cumming and the girl licked at her most sensitive part.

"Hh, kh, ahh…"

The woman tearfully moaned and writhed on the bed.

That was not enough to satisfy Torié's curiosity, so she kissed the hole with the white fluid flowing from it and sucked it out.


Eulica screamed loudly as the semen was forcibly sucked from her vagina.

"No, that's the cum the young master gave to me…"

"Don't worry. I'll give you more."

Orfeo soothed the tearful woman

Thanks to Lena sucking it, his penis was still hard.

"My, you do have stamina, don't you?" said Barbara from where she lay on her stomach next to them.

"Yeah, I feel like I could just keep going and going if it's with any of you four."

Orfeo had fully fallen for the female body's charm, but he was interrupted by an unexpected voice.

"No fair giving them special treatment!"


Orfeo looked up and saw more of the caravan's female employees gathering.

"Yes, you can't treat them unfairly," said Barbara with feigned seriousness. "An organization falls apart if its leader does not give all its members equal treatment."

Orfeo was naturally delighted to have this many cute girls approaching him.

He loved sex. The more women he slept with, the more new things he discovered and it was fun figuring out what each individual enjoyed. He wanted to have sex with as many people as possible to enjoy those differences.

He grinned at how his former youthful innocence had made him judge his father's womanizing so poorly.

(I guess I really do take after him…)

He opened his mouth while still grinning.

"Do you all want to have sex with me too?"

"Yes, we want you inside us."

They answered immediately.

"Then strip off those clothes and let me see your bodies."

Orfeo jumped at the opportunity.