
Happiness Through The Pain

After struggling for years, a child and a phoenix left a savage village to return to their families. But the real story started from there! The child is not weak! In reality, he is the strongest superpower holder in the world! And his family is the second strongest! No one can bully them anymore! or so they thought...

SourLemonade · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
19 Chs


"Hay! what was that?? is the beggar freak a monster too?? Is he the reason people couldn't enter here anymore? Is that it??! "

The villagers retorted after hearing that Liam caused something they would normally think was the work of nature.

Hearing the true monsters in people's form slandering the precious child, Roland held in his anger and disgust for Liam's sake.

" If so, you have a lot of compensations to do, spirituals! "

"Now that I think about it, the supplies from the regular government provided us with, it came in every month before, yet stopped in the last three years."

"Why didn't I think about..."

Roland said in a small voice:

"Lorance, Silence..."

Lorance, the soldier who reported to Ronald before, had a simple power "Silence", he could make whoever he wanted to shut up, and that's what he did...

"As ordered, sir."

When it became quiet, Roland finally left his gentle gaze from Liam, that gentle gaze turned as cold as ice, looking at the villagers.

"... Leo!"

"Yes, commander"

"Lead the criminals to the exit, don't leave anyone. every single one in this place has committed a capital crime!"

Leo is Ronald's close aide, a tall, handsome, blonde young man.

He had a power that fits soldiers the most. "ARRESTING." as long as a person is charged to be criminal by his superior, he would have full control over them.


Ronald said to the villagers as they walked with a voice full of disgust, slowly as if he was saying each word alone:

"Let me tell you something good;

those supplies?

I was the one who provided it.

The reason?


Why did I stop sending it?

First, even though I sent every 'MONTH' an amount that would be enough for the whole village for a 'DECADE!' you gave him nothing and punished a sick child so harshly for taking some horse feed???"

As Ronald said that, he hugged Liam more closely to his chest.

"You had no way of knowing it was for him?? Well, of course, you did not read the messages sent with the food before burning them, you did not talk to the messengers before killing them!!"

" You were used to taking government supplies and then killing who brought them so that you wouldn't have to share, weren't you? You thought you were safe as long as no one could leave after entering... you used a natural phenomenon well, did you not?"

"But, did you really believe that you won't have to pay any price?"

"Every sin you've committed, you won't find any way out from it. Not in front of the regulars nor the spirituals."


When the villagers left the barrier boundary, what they witnessed was entering a gate of hell on earth.

More than 10000 individuals were glaring at them as if wanting to chew them alive.

The two grand clans were 70 members, and each had at least 50 subordinates. their force was 4000 spiritual people... the anger of knowing everything Liam went through, was close to madness.

500 Phoenixs that already fell into madness after knowing what their Queen and prince went through...

In front of them was an angry king, that had white hair despite his young age and bloodshot eyes glaring at the people who tormented his wife and child.

As for the rest... They were all the families of the people who got inside and never came back...

When a person volunteered to enter the barrier to deliver supplies to the people trapped inside, knowing they may not be able to get out ever again.

The volunteers were promised a portion of the supplies, a house inside the border, and land for their families to live comfortably.

What would be their reaction?

A family, that lived a hard life that got better thanks to the sacrifice of a father, a single mother, a brother, or even a grandfather... their loved one. They could only surpass their feelings of guilt and regret by thinking they were living a better life inside...

Only to discover that they were killed ruthlessly the moment they went inside that cursed place...

The ones who sent their loved ones inside deeply apologized and gave them a lot of compensation... But what did that matter when their loved ones are already gone?

Well, obviously not all of these people felt a strong attachment to those who went inside.

Some could not help but feel that even if someone died, it would be a good thing to be able to get a little more money to upgrade their livelihood, but would they easily admit that in front of others?

Some of them refused compensation, some took it but still stayed for revenge, but, those who really loved their families were still enraged... They were so angry that they shouted at them:


They know it wasn't reasonable to do so, but they had nowhere else to vent their anger...

The great clans and the regular's government representatives understood that and let them be...

All those individuals waited together for 6 years in front of the barrier entrance...

A town was formed...

The main purpose of it was waiting...


Hello everyone, I would like to thank you for reading this story! Please let me know your thoughts about it.

I'd be happy if you point out mistakes or cheer me up with a comment.

Again, thank you for reading.

SourLemonadecreators' thoughts