
Happiness Through The Pain

After struggling for years, a child and a phoenix left a savage village to return to their families. But the real story started from there! The child is not weak! In reality, he is the strongest superpower holder in the world! And his family is the second strongest! No one can bully them anymore! or so they thought...

SourLemonade · Fantasía
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19 Chs

A grandfather's warm heart

How could the old man master the heart to say anything more?

When he realized that what made the child's power go wild was not arrogance or pride like his other grandchildren who he treated roughly.

What triggered this kind hearted child's emotions was his worries about his uncle's feelings... he was afraid Roland would be sad, so his powers went out of control. But when the kid realized he hurt someone even without intending to do so, he felt sorry and worried.

Such an innocent look with clear, obvious emotions. How could he say anything more knowing all that, his heart softened, he said nothing and looked at Liam and a tender smile naturally left the lips of the old man.

Liam looked back at him in a daze, a slight... a really slight smile for a few seconds appeared on his face then he fell asleep, peacefully. If Roland and his father weren't looking closely at Liam they wouldn't have noticed it.

When Roland saw that slight smile, he felt so happy and teared up saying in a soft voice (thank God...)

He was so glad that the child who longed for smiling, the child who longed for something so simple, showed a small but real smile.


When Liam was finally deeply asleep, the old man said:

( He is a kind kid)

(...he really is)

The old man teased (You became a cry baby in the recent years)

(Don't try to drive my attention away, father, didn't I tell you he wasn't stable, and not to come until I tell you that it was fine?)

(...my bad)

(.....!? what's with you being honest all of a sudden?)

( ... Well, I didn't think he would be affected by the smallest thing like that... he is so fragile that it's a miracle he survived in that hell hole, he really did a good job serving. And it's more of a miracle he kept his hurt pure till now.)

Roland hugged Liam and said:

(...It's not a 'miracle'... he worked really hard, and sacrificed a lot to survive.

And had to sacrificed even more to save his heart from hatred...)

(He is amazing)


(... will you not allow your siblings to see him?)

Roland lightly snorted when he heard that and said:

(Since when did you care about them?)

(don't say that... you know that I just can't stand how they cowardly blame you when you've done nothing wrong)

(But is showering me with love purposely in front of them and ignoring them a solution??)

(ko-haha~ don't say it like that, I really love you the most)

(You only love that I am strong.)

(haha~ I can't deny that.....)

The old man who was laughing heartedly then stopped laughing, looked at his son seriously and said:

(But you know that what I really hate is not that they are 'weak'.

But their weak-mindedness that I really loathe.)

Roland looked at his father, opened his mouth then closed it several times, but then, said nothing. He couldn't refute it because, in his depths, he thought so too.


Roland had only one younger sister Leanna aka Liam's mother.

The rest of his siblings were older than him. Their relationship couldn't be said bad now.

But when they were young they blamed Roland for their mother's death.

Even though he obviously didn't do anything wrong, they blamed him... their age wasn't an excuse since they were not young when they did so.

Roland as one of the highest-level superpower holders had emotional lacking so he did not mind much about how they strangely respected and feared him because of his powers, nor how they unreasonably blamed a child for being born.

But he never wanted Liam whose emotions were returning, to experience not even a sherd from such emotions, as it was Liam's habit to chick other people's emotions.

They never blamed Liam As they did Roland, but, their emotions were bound to surface.

And that's what scared Roland... if Liam felt such emotions but couldn't read what they were thinking. And though they were targeted towards him Roland feared that Liam would close his heart again.

So, Roland took Liam away to his separated villa. he couldn't even trust Liam's parents. no, he was specially worry of those two who now could think clearly after returning to their bodies.

Roland said to his father as he just realized something:

(It was my miscalculation, if he reacted like this just because you blamed me jokingly with a word... what will he do if he felt the emotions they harbour toward me?)

(That's why I told you, tell him everything yourself before he meets them. stop treating him as frail glass. He is a brave young man who survived a hell many adults won't imagen. If you want him to keep surviving in this world, you have to support his growth)

Roland replied with a voice filled with sorrow:

(Is it wrong to want to protect a 6 years old child from all that could hurt him?!)

(If we could have saved him from the start then maybe. But not now. sheltering a person who could realize you are doing so, a person who is used to protect themselves... would only fill them with doubts and uncertainty.)

(....Then what should I do?)

(Tell him what might hurt him, trust him, then tell him that you will protect him.)