
Half-God Cataclysm

Autor: Darkonhard
En Curso · 67.7K Visitas
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Hope to clear off her mind ran into the woods, only if someone had told her that she would return with something more on her mind. All the original works belong to their respective owners. I am just exercising my creativity. Thank you!

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Chapter 1The Call to Adventure

Well that didn't workout as well as I thought but in my defense no one told me wine can get you legit drunk like blabbering, running around drunk. I always saw my mum, dad and uncles were fine after finishing five to seven bottles of that stuff so I thought it was just a little bitter grape juice, maybe sharing lessens the effect rather than drinking the whole bottle on the cliff away from home with a seventy foot drop.

Haaa... whatever you say it was a scenic death, can you imagine falling from a height of seventy foot onto a rock basking in the orange embers of the setting sun in the horizon reflected from the face of the sea, Throughout Heaven And Earth I am the Drunkest One, whooo.....

Hello there, I am your regular wine stealing Fourteen year old and I am dead. I am here to... actually where am I? I thought someone would be here to greet me or something, certainly a greeting card might have elevated the experience rather than.... well silence, "Hello, anybody home?"

As soon as I spoke the whole area burst into sparkles and infront of me stood a giant white silhouette of a woman in gown wearing a crown and she bent down to my level and spoke in a sweet voice I just seem to expect.

"Hello Darling, I am Fairy Godmother, what seems to be the bother?"

Well didn't expect that, not gonna lie, "Hi, um What are you?" mind you I was in shock.

"You got to have to listen well love, I just told you, your Fairy Godmother"

"Are you really?"

"Well not your personal one but I am here to grant some wishes and send you somewhere, you are a rare one aren't you, most just believe the first line and start asking for wishes, limitations and all that jazz"


"Yeah, mostly the happy ones, the optimistic ones or the lusty ones. You are a doubter aren't you?"

"So you are a ROB that just does this for fun? Cool, can I ask you some questions?"

"Yes love, oooh.... you are a fun one"

"Am I going to be in a matrix type situation where you send me?"

"Well yes and no"

She must have noticed the big question mark, cause she continued "When you say matrix you think of someone or something on your level of plane of existence or several levels above it controlling the narrative and changing it to their liking, immersed wholly into your existence and you can still feel it, trapping you. While I don't need immerse like that to control, I just can. Think of it like this, I am watching a movie I can pause, fastforward, take out a particular clip edit it, rewrite it and the characters won't know anything ever otherwise there's not a point of O in ROB, Is there? I am not a level, I can just change levels"

I expected that but it was still amazing to hear "Why do you feel human?"

"Well you aren't asking the questions I expected. Don't you want to know the secret of existence or something?"

"What's the point in knowing that? then I will be just a madman travelling through space-time continuum changing fates. I like the way I am, Thank you"

"Oooh..... I like that. Well answering your previous question, I was wandering for a time and started observing and I noticed that people react to different things, so I gave myself emotions yada yada yada and then came the con, Boredom. I just became so bored, I could have removed my emotions but did not feel like it so, one thing led to another and I decided to grant some wishes and not look in their existence, that way it's a surprise what people come up with and watch their stories. And tadaa here we are." She said showing jazz hands.

"I was wondering about that, why you are still talking and asking and I can speak aloud"

"Well in the starting I tried a few things and read their heads to decide cosmic changes here and there, well my emotional side did not like the lusty ones, most of them want to bed me and not in the flattering way, I obliterated a few in the process and decided on this one form, some still lust but most feel comforted"

"And you still give them wishes?"

"Some of them are pure of heart, they just want affection most of them don't go overboard and settle with one or two but the bad bunch, I see their stories if I don't like it, I just restart it and they get bad choices"

"Well that doesn't seem like much"

"Trust me darling, it is bad" well that put a dampener on the mood

Changing the topic "Can I know the world I would go into?"

"No darling, it will go like this, you state three wishes not completely overpowered and I choose the world"

I started to mull over my wishes " Will I be born into a family?"

"Completely on you, love"

" Can I get the prime Percy Jackson template with the Curse of Achilles, no weakness with no cap."

"Yes of course, and don't worry about limitations darling, all beings are capable of growth, but the extent it depends on themselves"

"Can I get an arming sword, a shortsword and a dagger and the tattoos to store them "

"Yes and the blades can channel your powers but you have to rely on yourself to figure that out"

I hesitated a bit before saying "Can I get the power to travel the multiverse?"

"Yes of course darling"

"Yes!" Woohoo what a steal

"Now darling I will summarize your wishes and the worlds you would go to, so listen carefully."

"Worlds? I thought you would drop me off at one world then hands free, eyes only"

"Getting to that but first, your wishes-

1. Prime Percy Jackson Template with Curse of Achilles, no weaknesses:- You will get the template but you will start as a ten year old and have to train to get that level of power, at the start it will be more like instinct. About the curse, you will have it with no weakpoint to exploit but you will be able to feel the pain, not piercing pain or cutting pain but blunt pain, the pain threshold will grow with you, so it depends entirely on you and there will be a single being who will be able to slightly bypass it, not kill mind you just bypass it, I just took a quickpeek into your future and it is exciting.

2. Blades and the tattoos:- You will get the tattoos of your choosing and you can use the tattoos to store your blades. The blade will be a little sturdier but you have to seek what you want to do with them. You can summon your blades but not if they are in thirty meter vicinity or in sight, otherwise it would be too easy. You can channel your powers through your blades but you have to figure out more.

3. Multiversal Travel:- You can travel through the multiverse but it would be more like an instinct and basically like summoning to another world. You will not be able use this ability in quick succession and you have to acclimate to the universe, you will not be part of it but you can bypass a little until someone notices you. You can visit any of the previous worlds you have visited in quick succession after acclimation but to go to a new world you have got to wait.

That brings me to the 'worlds' part. For your assimilation to Percy you will be sent to a world before being sent to the original world I had planned for you. You will understand the state of the world once you go there. You will train there, doesn't matter how and after some time you will be able to go through to the next world."

"Is that all or is there more?"

"No love, that is all. Bye and have a good time"





New World (from hear on out all talk is in Greek)

As soon as she uttered the last syllable I found myself standing in a short physical body covered in glowing light.

It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust, I could immediately feel changes in myself. I could smell the nature, hear the chirpings of a bird as if I was next to it and there was some sort of feeling in my gut, whether it was mystical powers or I just wanted to shit remained unclear and I wasn't willing to test that theory in an unknown wild place. All large and long trees all around me looming over me, giving me a feeling of some kind of coffin ready to bury me in their roots.

I started to walk a bit further and really gotta say ten year olds have pretty short limbs, also I seem to have acquired the fashion sense of a homeless person as I was drapped in rags and was sporting a white shirt underneath it and black pants to go with.

I looked up to the sky, it was all red with flickers of orange along it. That should put the time of the day in evening, pretty close to twilight actually. 'Should I climb a tree to see the sunset?' I mused as I continued downhill, I mean that's got to lead somewhere.


My senses went haywire, on instinct I rolled out of the way. I looked back to see dustcloud in my previous position with a silhouette standing in the middle, a gust originated from it dissipated all the dust and I couldn't believe as to what I was seeing.

A humanoid with a beak on human face, feather covering it from it's crown to all the way down it's body, wings with feathers instead of hands and talons instead of feet. For a second I thought I was imagining things.

It zeroed on me, eyes narrowed it spoke "Ένας θνητός;" It started walking towards me "Υπάρχουν ακόμα απομεινάρια του είδους σας;"

'What? A mortal? ___ there still______________kind?' my mind still unable to decipher it fully, I decide to back away, you don't let a creature approach you if you are not familiar with it especially if it just attacked you, Jungle book rule number #3.

It suddenly stopped in it's track, took a whiff and gave a bone chilling smile, it's pupil shrank "ημίθεος;" then it produced a blood curling scream aimed towards the sky resounding throughout the whole forest.

'Demigod?' It knows' I threw all caution out the window, I fully bolted towards the opposite direction of the harpy 'Ofcourse, it has to be a harpy'

I barely made it over a fallen tree when I was hit from behind, skipping over the ground I was forcefully stopped by talon pinning me down, the harpy towering over me leaned over my face and started sniffing, I could see more and more harpy filling in the gaps between the branches of the trees.

"Είσαι πραγματικά α demigod" it sneered "It has been so long I almost forgot what your kind smells like." It then addressed the audience "TONIGHT! Tonight we feast on delico-"

[Random pov]

Before the harpy could finish the sentence a blade pierced through it's chest, silence, blood dripped down the blade pooling around the hands holding the blade.

The boy kicked down the harpy and stood up, scanning the crowd gathering around him, hands trembling daring anyone to confront him first (not really).

The scene looked comical, a boy standing over a dead monster with a sword almost his size plunged into the dead monster.

"HAHAHA" the sea of harpy parted to make way for a larger, meaner looking harpie, probably the leader "A youngling for sure but still a demigod. HAHAHA"

"Please, I don't want to fight. Not right now" the voice sounded strained.

Hearing that the crowd started to laugh, it was a bizzare sound, resounding through the surroundings "HAHAHA, Do you really not get it godling ? You are a demigod and we are harpy" he said gesturing towards the boy then towards himself and the rest "This is not a fight, it is the rules of nature at work. Plus you just killed one of us, an eye for an eye"

The boy looked down, it was hard to judge what the boy was thinking. The sword in his hand vanished and in it's place was an shortsword, seeing the display some hesitated but rest still advanced "That's right godling, that is how it always has been" he said as he too advanced.

The boy jumped at the harpy in the front but was kicked by a harpy dropping from above, he flipped the sword pinning a harpy who he collided with, he took out his sword in an arc as he cut down a foot from the harpy coming to snatch him from air, he caught and threw the leg at the incoming harpy as he rushed behind it slicing an arm here, tearing a stomach there, jumping off someone's back as he pinned down one of the airborne harpies.

The leader at first stood behind smiling as he saw the boy getting overwhelmed by the harpy surrounding him, the boy sloppily swinging his sword trying his best but he noticed the boy not taking damage "What are you useless pieces of shit doing? He is just a little boy, untrained. You should be ashamed of yourselves." he chalked it up to luck.

As he watched more, more and more harpy fell to the boy's blade. The boy was thrown, kicked, punched but aside from a little cry of pain the boy still kept going. To his growing horror the one being overwhelmed was not the boy but them, he watched as the boy fought more and more like a seasoned warrior dodging, rolling and taking down multiple harpies at once.






[2 Hours later]

There lay multiple bodies on the forest floor, skewered, parts laying around, organs spilled, heads crushed, blood seeping in the soil.

The culprit was pointing his sword towards the neck of a harpy kneeling in front of him, the harpy spoke "So, you are cursed? HAHAHA, Tell me boy, tell me the name of the champion responsible for my death."


He looked down at the boy "Let me tell you boy, you will be marked by every monster you encounter, you will be like a beacon to them. So, my advice to you is this, become stronger, the world has forgotten what the gods were like, become the echo of their power for that will ensure your continued existence because let me tell you there are forces who can bypass your little curse and make no mistake I will be coming back" receiving no answer, he continued " Atleast tell me your god paren-"


"You talk too much"

The last thought passing through the monster's head was "What a MONSTER!"

(1st person pov)

That was very tiring and now I wanna shit, but not now, I am not an animal nor a monster. I started to move, giving one last look at the scene I have created.

It was terrifying, they came from everywhere, up-down, front and back. They just kept punching and kicking, slashing at me, I was bouncing between them like a pinpong. They were relentless but thanks to them I made progress in my template, it sucks that I can't see a progress bar but it is better this way, this way I can grow and make them my skills from starting instead of seeing it like a bestowal.

I made my way downhill covered in gore and blood of monsters, putting caution into my every step, trying to walk silently, trying to locate imaginary adversaries. As I made my way downhill, I noticed that despite it being dark the sky has not lost it's red glow.

I had a sinking feeling as I emerged from the tall bushes covering a cliff, the sight before me straight out of apocalypse.

Buildings on fire, monsters flying in between buildings, the city is half-submerged in water (I mean that's a plus), hurricanes.

It was all very CATACLYSMIC.


I tried writing a fight scene. I am open to feedbacks and opinions.

His curse consumes stamina but it will not be problem for long.

And how would you recommend to improve this.

Thank you reading!

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