
Chapter 1: The Unseen Shadow of the Gremory Clan

Gremory Manor was a sprawling estate hidden away from the prying eyes of the mundane world, a place of power and prestige where the blood of demons flowed through the veins of its occupants. Among the illustrious members of the clan, there was a boy named Guy Gremory, the younger twin brother of the renowned Rias Gremory.

At the tender age of six, Guy was already standing on the precipice of a destiny intertwined with that of his twin sister. Yet, as he stood on the training grounds of their ancestral home, an air of apathy hung about him. The young boy, his features strikingly similar to Guy Crimson from Tensura, had inherited the same fiery crimson hair and eyes that betrayed a deep, untamed power within him.

With a katana in hand, Guy went through the motions of his daily training regimen, the blade slicing through the air with grace and precision that belied his age. The smooth arc of the blade, the fluidity of his movements, and the focused intensity that etched his young face hinted at his innate talent and potential.

But beneath his determined exterior, a maelstrom of emotions raged within Guy. He detested Rias, his twin sister, with every fiber of his being. To him, she was nothing more than a spoiled brat who had everything handed to her on a silver platter. She never bothered to train, yet she complained incessantly when things didn't go her way. Rias was the darling of the Gremory clan, the apple of their parents' eyes, and it gnawed at Guy's very soul.

As he continued his training, a memory resurfaced – the day he had been overlooked yet again. Their father, Zeoticus Gremory, had bestowed a new set of devil-themed toys on Rias, showering her with praise and attention. Guy had watched from the shadows, his heart aching with resentment as he was forgotten once more.

Guy's relationship with his elder brother, Sirzechs, was no better. Sirzechs, the former Lucifer and now the Gremory clan's pillar of strength, seemed to exist in a world that only revolved around Rias. The older sibling scarcely acknowledged Guy's presence, focused solely on nurturing Rias's talents and ambitions.

There was, however, one place where Guy found solace and love – in the arms of his mother, Venelana Gremory. She possessed the rare ability to see through the facade of her children, recognizing the hidden pain in Guy's eyes. She provided him with warmth, affection, and unconditional love, which he cherished deeply.

Yet, even in that love, there lingered a trace of bitterness. His parents' disproportionate concern for Rias left Guy with a gnawing sense of abandonment. He yearned for their approval, for just a fraction of the attention they lavished on his twin sister. And though he was determined to surpass Rias, he couldn't shake the feeling of inadequacy that threatened to engulf him.

As the sky turned a deeper shade of crimson, Venelana Gremory's gentle voice called out from the manor, "Guy, it's time for dinner. Come inside, dear." She had been watching her son from the window, her eyes filled with a mixture of pride and worry.

Guy obediently returned his katana to its sheath and made his way back to the grand dining hall of Gremory Manor. The room was adorned with opulent decor, but it felt strangely cold to him. His family had always been surrounded by luxury, but it was a luxury he often felt excluded from.

Seated at the long dining table were his parents, Zeoticus and Venelana Gremory, his elder brother, Sirzechs, and, of course, Rias. The family gathered around the table, and as Guy took his place, he couldn't help but feel like an outsider in his own home.

Venelana, her eyes full of concern, looked at her son and asked, "Guy, how was your day today? Did you have a good training session?"

Guy's eyes brightened at the prospect of sharing his accomplishments with his mother. "I did really well today, Mother," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of excitement. "I managed to improve my swordplay techniques and—"

Before he could continue, Rias interrupted, her voice dripping with indifference. "Guy, nobody cares about your training. It's so boring. Can we talk about something interesting, please?"

Guy's words died on his lips as he felt a sudden surge of frustration. He lowered his head, his crimson hair obscuring his face, and felt a familiar sense of invisibility wash over him. It was as if his sister's mere presence had the power to overshadow his every accomplishment.

Zeoticus Gremory, lost in thought as he often was, said nothing in response to Guy's training update. Instead, he turned to Rias, a smile forming on his face. "Rias, my dear, tell us about your day. Did you learn anything new at school? Or perhaps there are any plans for your future that you'd like to share?"

Rias beamed and seized the opportunity to be the center of attention, launching into a detailed account of her day. Her accomplishments at school, her popularity among peers, and her grand dreams for the future dominated the conversation. Zeoticus and Sirzechs hung on her every word, showering her with praise and encouragement, while Guy was once again relegated to the background.

Venelana couldn't help but notice the disappointment in her younger son's eyes. She wished she could protect him from the shadow of his twin sister's prominence, but her efforts often felt futile in the face of the family's overwhelming obsession with Rias.

As the dinner conversation revolved entirely around Rias, Guy continued to push his food around his plate, growing more and more invisible with every passing moment. Yet, the spark of determination in his eyes remained, and he knew that one day, he would force the world to acknowledge the unseen shadow of the Gremory clan, the boy who would rise from the darkness and claim his own destiny.

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