4 Chapter 3:Timelines

As I mentioned in the previous chapter,universes that coexist needs to have the exact same timeline. Timelines are seemingly simpler in comparison to multiple universes. They have a beginning,events and an ending. Simple,right? Well,not so fast. Every time an event happens,no matter how small or big it is,if there are choices and possibilities then timeline will split to two or more(depending on how much choices and possibilities can happen). Here is an example:I am in Timeline 1 and currently in a history lesson. The teacher caught me off guarded and asked a question about a topic that I wasn't listening. I know I can give 2 answers,one right and wrong. I have 2 choices and according to my answer there are 2 possibilities. In that situation the timeline splits into Timeline 1A and Timeline 1B. Previous events like me getting off guarded still exists in these timelines,what is different is in one of them I answered correctly and in the other I answered wrong. Another thing you might be thinking is if there would be new universes occuring. The answer in my rules is no. No matter how many times timeline splits,they won't affect the number of the current universes. There will still be incalculable amount of universes in both Timeline 1A and Timeline 1B. The people Universe 1 in Timeline 1A can inneract with people from Universe 2 in Timeline 1A and Universe 1 in Timeline 1B can inneract with people from Universe 2 in Timeline 1B but people from Universe 1 in Timeline 1A can't inneract with people from Universe 2 in Timeline 1B without dimensional tiering. Confused? Have a break by doing something less complicated like watching Inception or Matrix Triology. It will get more complicated.

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