
Guardian of the Pacific: The Incredible Adventures of the Giant Turtle

The boy woke up as a giant turtle in the Pacific Rim. This is a story about a guy with a good moral compass. If you want to read how MC destroys cities and sinks ships, then this fanfic is not for you. There will be no magical transformation back into a human. This is my first fanfic. English is not my native language, so I used a translator. In the first chapters, I used GPT for some paragraphs of text, but the result is not satisfactory. Then everything is manual work. I do not own the rights to the universe and characters in this story.

MyQuietPlace · Película
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127 Chs

It's All So Familiar!

It was a stalemate for both sides. Gamera was attempting to reach the shore, while the military positioned their ships in front of him, preventing his progress. Despite this, it was evident that they were Americans. The flags on the ships were clearly visible. The city was massive. He couldn't encompass the entire coastline of the city. It seemed he spotted another city. There was a large park between these cities. This city was different. Therefore, he assumed it was already Mexico, indicating he was somewhere near the border between the United States and Mexico. From a distance, he noticed Mexican ships approaching him.

It seemed he might have a chance to reach the park's shore. There was no infrastructure or people there! But even this opportunity was denied, as the ships and helicopters swiftly blocked his path. They even fired into the water in front of him to halt his advance. So Gamera decided to stop, not wanting to escalate the situation further. He remained there but stood up to his full height. He didn't attempt to intimidate them, but simply wanted to raise his head above the water to get a better look at the city.

Several hours passed this way. He remained still, merely observing, trying to gather as much information as possible. "If I don't look, I won't see anything extraordinary." The military had no technology that stood out as supernatural. The people were ordinary as well. There were no exosuits. The planes, helicopters, and ships—everything he saw in his previous life. Even the city was unremarkable. Even the advertisements spoke of an ordinary world. It was somewhat disappointing. What could he do without a purpose in this ordinary world? He could only swim in the ocean and hide in some cave. Perhaps he could take control of an uninhabited island and establish relations with humans, offering his services as a ship tug? It all sounded like a lonely existence.

But is that a bad thing? Just living. Why did he need to achieve something or constantly fight someone? Why risk his life for what? The fact that he had the power to fight now didn't mean he had to fight. He was in control of his life, not the circumstances!

With these thoughts, Gamera decided to leave. He turned around, submerged himself in the water, and headed back to the ocean.

Boom! His heart thumped loudly! Everything seemed to lose its meaning except for one thing! Someone was there! Someone powerful. It was an instinct he didn't even know he had. He could clearly sense a mighty presence in the ocean. It was far away from him, deep and distant, but it was moving. Moving away from him. Gamera quickly understood it all. This world wasn't as simple as it seemed! And if there were other creatures here, things became much more dangerous and serious. This creature could only move to one place, and that place was where humans lived. He sensed destruction, aggression, and purposefulness. It was a relief that it wasn't approaching him. Perhaps this creature didn't have the ability to sense other Titans?

"What should I do? Should I warn the humans? How can I do that?" He couldn't speak, didn't know sign language, but people would have a heart attack if he tried to explain something with his claws. "I can only do one thing - make all this military machinery follow me to intercept the stranger!"

POV: The Military

The military had been on edge for several hours. They had even resorted to shooting into the water to deter the colossal turtle. Finally, the last few hours had been calm. They simply stared at each other, feeling a sense of relief. But suddenly, the creature swiftly emerged from the water, sending water splashing high into the air. The soldiers flinched, and the generals prepared to give the order to open fire. However, the turtle turned sideways to them and began loudly and aggressively roaring at the ocean. They watched as the creature thrashed its arms against the water and growled into the vastness of the ocean. It appeared ready for a fight, but not with them. Its aggression was directed at something else. The generals paled at the thought that there was something else in the ocean, but their radars showed nothing.

"It's incredible. What is he doing?" General 1 said, astonished by the unusual behavior of the giant turtle.

"Perhaps he's trying to communicate something to us," General 2 suggested. "He seems to possess exceptional intuition and perception of the surrounding environment."

"We need to decipher his intentions and find out why she's reacting this way. He remained unusually calm despite the gunfire, but now she's behaving as if another alpha male has entered his territory," added the zoologist. "Maybe he's trying to emphasize that there's danger or something extraordinary in the ocean."

"Our response to this enigmatic turtle could have significant consequences," General 3 noted. "We must find out what's happening in the ocean and what is causing his agitation. It could be related to our security."

At that moment, the head general captured everyone's attention.

"Listen up, everyone!" declared the head general. "I've made a decision. We will mobilize our forces on the West Coast of the United States. We need to determine what provoked the aggression of this giant turtle and find answers to our questions."

"Affirmative!" the rest of those present in the room responded in unison.

"Prepare our ships and ensure the appropriate readiness of military units. We're setting out to search for this mysterious entity," General 2 added.

"We should also gather as much information as possible regarding the turtle's behavior, analyze his sounds and signals," emphasized the zoologist. "It may help us decipher his message and understand what's happening in the ocean."



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