
Guardian of the Pacific: The Incredible Adventures of the Giant Turtle

The boy woke up as a giant turtle in the Pacific Rim. This is a story about a guy with a good moral compass. If you want to read how MC destroys cities and sinks ships, then this fanfic is not for you. There will be no magical transformation back into a human. This is my first fanfic. English is not my native language, so I used a translator. In the first chapters, I used GPT for some paragraphs of text, but the result is not satisfactory. Then everything is manual work. I do not own the rights to the universe and characters in this story.

MyQuietPlace · Película
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127 Chs


8 months after the battle in Australia


The truck was traveling at full speed in a convoy of military vehicles. It was very hot. The sun was burning as always, sparing no one. Military trucks raised dust into the air and people sitting in the back covered their faces with cloths to make it easier to breathe.

A convoy of trucks was moving along the highway south to the city of Maputo. This is a city with a million inhabitants. It used to have more people, but for 11 years people have been trying to stay away from the ocean. This applies not only to the Pacific region. All over the world, people are moving deep into the continent.

Normally when you drive on the highway, you don't see the ocean because the main roads are deeper in the continent, but this convoy took unconventional roads to gather more people. Every time a convoy of military vehicles passed by a town, the soldiers would come out and take away all the men over the age of 18.

Now a boy named Joao was in one of the trucks looking out over the ocean. The next city was on the ocean shore and to get there you had to drive right next to the ocean. The boy had dark skin, like everyone else here. He was young. He turned 18 only yesterday. He wasn't thin, but he didn't have a strong athletic build either. He was taken directly from the yard of his house when he went out to see the military equipment.

There were dark times in the world, so people were taken regardless of illness. Even old people who could shoot a rifle were taken away. If these men die, then their families will die after them. That's why Joao didn't resist much. Moreover, he himself wanted to leave. He had a phone and the Internet, so he knew what was happening in the world.

Evidence of the dark times was the endless number of warships that sailed the ocean in the same direction as him. There were military ships and civilian oil tankers converted to transport people.

All these people sailed to war. They were all going to die for their families back home. There were ships even from Norway. From a country so far away from here. But even from there, men swam to their deaths here in Mozambique.

João did not watch the ships for long. Only twenty minutes, and then the convoy turned inland. Constantly stopping, they finally reached the city of Maputo. The people were exhausted by the long journey and constant stops, but apart from water they could eat nothing. They didn't have time. Everyone stopped the hunger as best they could. The happiest people had something sweet with them.

"Everyone here! I will have a consultation." The commander of this convoy took the people around him. He spoke Portuguese because there were many people from different tribes with their own languages and dialects, but almost everyone knew Portuguese. Portuguese is the official language of Mozambique, although many people here also knew English.

"Our enemy is heading here both on land and under water. These creatures capture not only Africa. They have already taken over a large part of South America and countries such as Argentina and Chile have lost most of their territories. Our task is to repel this wave of monsters from the city of Maputo. Everyone has a weapon and you only have 30 minutes to learn how to use it. We no longer have an army. You yourself know how they died in the South African Republic. Therefore, all hope is on you."

The people around were gloomy and frightened, but the weight of responsibility made them stand here. They stopped at the edge of the city near the ocean. Along the coastline, people built fortifications out of sacks and wooden stakes. Which was really funny. Since the enemy could be detained with wooden stakes.

After a pause of a few seconds, the commander continued, "Our enemy called the 'White Thorns' will attack in waves. They usually don't do more than three waves. If you manage, after the third wave we can rest for a few weeks. So don't you dare think that it's all in vain! We can do it and we won't suffer the same fate as our southern neighbor!"

And now I will tell you how to fight the White Thorns. Look at your cartridges that have been issued to you. The tips of these cartridges are painted black. This means that the cartridges are armor-piercing. With these ammo, you can shoot the White Thorns anywhere and you will kill them. But! If you run out of these cartridges and get cartridges with a different tip color, then you only need to shoot at vulnerable areas such as the eyes, mouth and neck. Shooting in other places will not give the desired effect! Did you remember?"

"Yes Yes!" People responded awkwardly. Civilians gathered here who were ready to die, so subordination meant nothing to them. Some were very scared, while others were smiling, completely resigned to death and trying to cheer up the rest of the people.

"That's all you need to know. Now everyone line up and shoot at that wall. Everyone can shoot 10 rounds!"

People took turns coming up and shooting at the concrete wall for practice and weapon testing. Joao did it too, but since he had never shot before, he asked the older man next to him to tell him what to do. The older man kindly told him everything and after 5 minutes he already knew how to shoot.

"Hey you!" A military man approached Joao.


"This is your first time holding a weapon? You'll be of little use here. Follow me."

The military man took Joao to the basement of one of the houses by the ocean. Entering the middle, Joao saw many young men like him. They were all sitting at the tables and loading cartridges into the magazine. At each table were boxes filled with cartridges, but they were not packaged. It was noticeable that they were made recently and were in fuel oil.

"You will pack the cartridges. When the battle begins, empty magazines will be brought here, and you will have to fill them with cartridges." - said the soldier.

"Should I return the machine gun?"

"Leave it to yourself. If the people outside can't handle it, monsters will come to this door and I hope you can kill at least ten before you die."

Previously, people lived without worrying that war would knock on their door. Only somewhere on the other side of the world, people suffered from constant Kaiju attacks. But people lived peacefully here. Unfortunately, this peace was disturbed a few months ago, when waves of monsters poured into the southern regions of Africa and America from the ocean.

In just a few days, the White Thorns destroyed the largest cities in South Africa. By the time the people gathered their armies, many millions of people had died. Only two weeks later, African countries sent aid, but it was too late. The South African Republic no longer existed. Monsters killed not only people, but also animals and plants, leaving behind only dead earth.

Jagers also came to help. But there were only 3 of them. They put up a good fight, trampling the White Thorns with their feet and blunt weapons. Their blue fuel weapons and explosives were very effective. But, unfortunately, after a week of struggle, they were torn to pieces. Being far from their bases, they did not receive the necessary repairs and quickly lost combat effectiveness. There were no more Jaegers because Kaiju came from the portal every month.

A month later, the first reinforcements from Europe and Asia arrived in Africa. But they too were soon defeated, because there were simply not enough shells and cartridges. In order to deliver cartridges to Africa, it was necessary to deliver them by ship, which is a whole month of sailing.

Fortunately, the artillery was very effective against the White Thorns, but the world had not seen a war like this since World War 2, and all the military factories were closed. It took time to resume production on such a scale.

According to the news, it would take a few more months before large reinforcements arrived and ammunition production was established, during which time half of Africa and South America would already be captured.

"They don't even have hope that I will stay alive." Thinking about predictions in this war, Joao began to fill the magazine with cartridges.


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