
Guardian in Orario (up for adoption)

This has a similar setting as my first book. Izuku died and reincarnated as a baby. The world the baby was born in a very cruel and twisted. After adapting to the world and gaining strength beyond what others could even dream of, he died. Now, on his third life, his cheat, the golden finger, came in late. In a world of monster, magic, and gods, he decided he will be at the top. I do not own Danmachi, I do not own anything but the plot and OCs. Do not expect anything grand or the like, I am just doing this for fun, everything I type is just things that come to my mind, so it will probably not be consistent or very good, if you hate systems, reincarnation, OP characters, or just a jackass of a main character who doesn’t really care about the lives and deaths of others, this isn’t the book for you, I hope you find a book or fanfic you like.

DaoistLvbLz6 · Otras
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22 Chs

Chapter 19

"D-demons!" Someone shouted in fear, for the knights of Domana were nothing short of demons to them. Reaping lives everywhere they went.

"Save us!" Someone else shouted as they were cut into pieces.

The group of knights were not the only ones, the pole men, skirmishers and shieldmen also killed the army of the noble. They were like a Minotaur rushing through a crowd of babies.

The army started to run away. Their formation be damned, they would push their comrades and trample them under foot if it meant they could get out even a second faster. It was pure chaos. And at this chaos started to spread, a rain of arrows flew down upon the ones in the middle without any awareness of what was happening.

They skewered the people. They couldn't resist the might of the arrows.

"Hold your position!" Shook shouted, trying to keep them in formation, knowing that the enemy was trying to use fear to their advantage. But the command fell on deaf ears.

They then saw a large group of squires rushing their way, but it wasn't their squires, it was the squires of Author. They charged forward, the troops in their way were quickly killed. They soon made it to Shook who drew his sword and swung it down on them. Only for them to dodge the attack and killing the knights behind him. They pissed Shook off. He tried to make his horse turn around but the horse only fell to the ground. Dead.

Shook was shocked but he dismounted and faced the squires who were killing his men. They were soon done and they turned his way. Their swords drew and ready to kill him.

"You do-" he tried to talk but his head was soon smashed into his skull and neck. Killing him immediately.

"You guys need to be faster." Olivia said, waving her now bloody fist. Thr blood flew off her fingers and onto the ground. The noble troops continued to run but found that they couldn't do anything.

"Yes ma'am!" They all replied, they then started to massacre the troops as well. Author no longer really cared about them, after all, the caravans don't carry enough money, and second the products he sells got him bigger bucks, so he would have them become the experience for his soldiers and troops.

"That, was easy." Author said to himself, honestly he expected more from them. A large troop of around one and a half thousand people, then again, he probably thought they would also be stronger individually. Not the same quality of troops.

He just guess that just proved his increase in power.

"Never mess with people, especially knights, of Domana." He said to himself with a chuckle. The troops already knew the standard chores after a war, pile the bodies together and burn them, scattered the ash onto the fields. And keep the equipment, go whatever reason, to sell or reforge, or use.

And if they didn't know, Olivia and Nick would remind them. It was so nice not having to deal with other people and let them deal with the problems.

[ Quest: Downfall of a Noble is complete

Reward: Second Village ]

"Claim reward." He said, he then saw a village icon appear at the edge of his vision. Which probably meant he could create another village.

[ Evaluation: Your troops managed to defeat the enemy, but the troops did not largely outnumber you nor were they powerful. ]

[ The people spread word of your feats. ]

[ Acquired: Gacha Pull + 1 ]

"Use the pull." He ordered, and he saw the classic chest which opened up and showed a picture of Nick. He read the card and found the use.

[ Expert Core Expansion - Nick ]

The card automatically turned to light. Nick who was managing the troops suddenly felt power surge through his body, and his dried up expert part of his core was flooded with aura. Making him an expert once again.

He could feel tears go down his cheek, and he knew already the reason he could become an expert. It was Author. If someone goes back in the progress, chances are, they will never be able to progress once again.

Even if they spent a thousand years the chances of them making it into the next stage would already be a miracle not to mention to the next tier. So he was thankful to Author for giving him his power back.

Author had already left the village, his speed was too fast for any of them to make out. He managed to travel kilometers within a step. Making it to a small beach a few kilometers away from his first village.

The reason for going to the beach is to create another village. And it would be a sea themed one. Where salt is made.

He do didn't see the transparent buildings but he knew he could place a village there.

"System, create new village." He said, he then saw a few notifications appeared before him.

[ Checking location. ]

[ Checking resistance. ]

[ Checking geography. ]

[ Success ]

He then saw a dozen or so building fall from the heavens and land on the beach along with some board walls for the ones that go over the sea. And with the new village he got a new type of people. A giant wheel appeared before him. The wheel spun at great speeds but he also made out some of the kingdoms he could get.

It spun until it slowed down on the Kingdom, Messapatona. A sea oriented kingdom. They had a very powerful naval fleet, said to be invincible on water.

And before him, twenty Messapationans appeared before him. They had chocolate colored skin and wore standard clothing. White shirt, blue sleeveless coat over it, grey shorts, they had slippers and thick beards.

"What are your orders my lord?" They all said in sync.

"To prepare this village, to expand and grow. I have another village who will help sponsor this village." He said.

"Yes! They all yelled in sync.